December 2016

Why do I have certain behaviors?  Why do I repeat behaviors when I  was determined not to do so?  What is  inside of me that can put me into lockstep with certain types of people that don’t enhance me, but around whom I feel so comfortable?

People who have had multiple marriages often admit that they pick the same kind of partner repetitively.  On the outside they don’t appear to be the same, but ultimately the relationship results in the same negative outcome….it was doomed from the start.

My father was bi-polar and  alcoholic.  This combination results in colorful behaviors, to say the least – certainly, as a product of this environment, my childhood was wrought with spontaneous emotional outbursts,  unpredictable moods and activities – kind of like living in a 3-ring circus!  I learned to take what came and I don’t recall taking much too personally.  I do recall not wanting to be at home any more than I had to be…and learned early on how to make my own fun and have very happy times outside the home with friends and/or just self-made activities that I fully enjoyed.

Because of my childhood environment, I have a comfort zone around people that encompasses bizarre behavior as acceptable.  It’s not easy for me to recognize boundaries and push away,  because I’m in ‘familiar territory’.  As I write, of course, this explains initially how I chose several different men (and certainly two out of three of my husbands).

Currently, I am wrestling with my addictive behavior as it pertains to eating.  I only got in touch with this when I was able to see that I, indeed, have an addiction to food.  For my purposes,  “addiction” is my inability  to follow my own directive  “NO” consistently, even when I really don’t want to eat something!  Said another way, I want to lose a few pounds and intellectually I know to do so is to not ingest certain amounts and types of foods that I know will sabotage my efforts. Feeling powerless, I got the idea to look as far backward as I could and try to determine how I was raised and how I raised my sons,  in relationship to food.

I remember when my mother baked for Christmas, my sister and I were given the ‘broken’ rosettes or  cookies, and the perfect ones were saved for company.  My feelings attached to this were that I loved the taste but always felt rather deprived….like I might not get more, or be able to enjoy that taste quite like that again.  I always wanted more.  When my sons were young, I baked donuts every weekend, until they got so sick of them they told me to stop!  I loved (and to this day still do) donuts, and always wanted to have them around for all of us to enjoy.  I almost force-fed them.  I think what I was doing was satisfying myself with the feeling that there would always be enough of what I liked.  I wasn’t being deprived!

I also recall when I was around 13 and attending Catechism classes, I took the bus and there was a bakery right across from the bus stop.  I would buy a couple of pastries going, and pick up a couple raised donuts on my way back home…again, getting ‘my fill’ – from when (in retrospect) I felt deprived of the ‘never-to-have-again-taste of my early childhood.  I think I’m on to something here.   I’ve been cooking for myself for 60 years or so, and it has never occurred to me that anything I make or buy that tastes wonderful  can always be repeated at my will.  I’ve never stood in a bread line and I’ve never gone hungry.  So why I chose to associate the deprivation piece to this experience I can’t say, but for my explanation.

Obviously certain past behaviors – whether choosing men or feeling deprived of certain foods, have a definite relationship to my upbringing and my perceptions as a youngster, and how I’ve patterned behaviors and a mindset.

On this New Years Eve, when I enjoy my ritual “encounter with my life” I’m going to begin to seriously ‘take on’ my past with an entirely new perspective.  I’ll be looking at myself and my choices and emotional weaving of the patterns that I’m probably still upholding without recognizing the repetition.  I’ve never held myself hostage to my past and I’ve done excellent personal growth work toward so much fulfillment as I enjoy the privilege of living.  And now, I’m going to open up another window of my life and I know I will find answers that will provide me greater peace and enlightenment on my journey.

Of course, I am curious and excited as I look toward this New Year 2017.  I’m about to take a deliberate fork on my  ‘Forever Path’  which I know will come full circle.


I get up in the morning, and the first thing I think is something like, “What am I going to do today?”  Simple enough – I live alone, so if the fire gets started, I’m the one to light it, right?

Thoughts”…..I’m poking  deeper  now.  Does the Universe put thoughts in my head first?  Or, do I start that ball rolling?  Chicken?  Egg?   I’m going to pick ME!  I’m thinking my day is literally up for grabs.  I hear the news on  TV- no staying power so far. While sitting at my computer,  my eyes make a cursory  turn of the room.  I’m perking –  two cups of coffee helps!  Well, now, I’m feeling happy, enthusiastic for my day – whether I’ve planned anything so far or not.  I’m a very early riser, and it’s still pitch dark outside.  So?  Nothin’ yet!

Let’s change format.  What do I want to do today?  Ah, now, this puts some ‘snap’ into it!

I wonder how children begin to learn how to motivate themselves? Parents spend a lot of time and money planning activities for them. Schools offer countless choices of sports to join.  After hours, parents fill  ‘spare’ time and weekends with movies, bowling, theme parks, shopping…and the list goes on.   Shuttling kids between activities must be exhausting…the more kids, the more exhaustive for everyone?     When does anyone get a break?

Back to me!  I have just given precious thought-power/energy to a subject that doesn’t affect me in the slightest way!   LOOKING OUTSIDE MYSELF….Apparently,  because I am not successful in planning my day thus far,  I have allowed my thoughts a life of their own!

Thought-power.  I just spent precious time and energy exerting  power of my mind and in so doing, I actually delayed structuring  my day!    How much time do I waste in senseless or wistful thoughts looking outside myself?   There are minimum 16 hours every day that I am privileged to spend using my creative brain toward constructive, joy-producing thoughts for myself or others around me.


Conclusion:  I have nothing to do with kids’ self-motivation,  their activities nor how their day is structured or how frazzled parents may become in doing it!  I  have everything to do with  keeping my thoughts out of others’ affairs!

The shoe fits!  Twinge of Truth.  Blessed Be.

I don’t often remember my dreams; however,  last night I was awakened many times and fully understood that I was having a dream which was none other than an affirmation of what I have been working on for the past few days.

In early July, 2016, I received my Gohonzon in Buddhism.  Faith, Practice and Study – and  more simply stated, make myself happy, others happy, and work toward peace in the world.

What is choosing happiness for myself?  Will buying my favorite box of donuts (to which I admittedly am addicted) make me happy?  No, clearly it wouldn’t.  Not the kind of ‘happy’ I am seeking.  Would dusting my entertainment center make me happy?  Yes, it did – I did feel happier seeing the glass-topped shelves glistening as I rid them of  dust.  Yesterday, I felt an exciting tingle of inner happiness when I purchased two small gifts for the daughter of a friend, knowing I am going to present them to her next week when we all get together for some fun and lunch.  The girl’s birthday  and Christmas will be remembered.  I never had a daughter, and I don’t have any children close by whom I can enjoy watching receive joy from my action.  Yes, I felt my happiness and joy generating inside me.   I bought an orchid plant for my very dear friend and felt excitement  and I was happy.   The orchid is a specific species that has significance in her life.  It makes me happy to be able to give her joy  and I know we both will be happy when I give her the gift tomorrow.

I wasn’t planning on putting up too many, if any, Christmas decorations this year – in fact, I haven’t done much for several years.  Yet, yesterday, I thought  would it make me happy if I had some decorations up for the holidays?  Yes, it will make me happy, and I will do this and make myself happy.

In my dream, I was removing chain link fencing, section by section, and neatly placing the panels in a pile.  I was totally aware that this was symbolic of my taking down the barriers between me and my own happiness and I was doing this in an orderly fashion.  I knew I had to have some areas of my yard (my Self) encircled with a much less rigid  material – I didn’t need a steel fortress, more like a  mesh that could contain my plants (my choices for my Self) as I continued to enjoy the privilege of living my life.  I instinctively knew that the feelings I’ve described herein are the proof of the kind  of happiness I’ve already felt for myself and others in these past days.  They were so deep and satisfying and fulfilling.  These happiness feelings resonated to my Soul Self.  I felt my heart ‘understand’ what this living is all about with peace and contentment – and it all revolves  around the choices I make for my own happiness.  I also felt the excitement that welled up inside me as I brought down the rigid fencing (my rigid thinking) and felt the accomplishment of  my enlightenment about what happiness truly is as I neatly stacked those panels.   Clearly, happiness is not choosing the insatiable instant gratifications that I tried in the past, like alcohol, diet pills, donuts and other pastries, cigarettes, affairs with men, marrying men, placing myself in uncomfortable social positions trying to salve my emotional barrenness  with situations that, sadly, didn’t reach my silent suffering.  Nothing had given me self-satisfaction or permanent happiness and joy, nor any healing from the inside,  while I have been living my life.

 I am aware, that whenever I work on projects, or whenever else I am inspired to do something I call ‘fun’, these are exactly the times I am making myself happy and I  receive  self-satisfaction.  This  is my way  of honoring  mySelf while I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life.

As the dream continued, the song “Alleluia” kept playing softly in the background.  Yes,  I’ve had a marvelous awakening.   Needless to say, before I make any choices/decisions that have to do with the happiness of my heart, my quality of time with mySelf or others … whatever action I am undertaking …  henceforth,  I am going to specifically ask myself, “Kaye, will this make you happy?”  I know now, the feelings  I must have, before I can honestly say “Yes, this will make me happy” !  It’s the deep down knowledge that I’ve always carried within  that will dictate my actions.    From now on I can slowly excavate a new place I have never before attempted to reveal.  I am going to ‘gift myself’ all the happiness  while  living my life that I have not known was within  my grasp until now.

Does it make me happy to try to explain this to others?  Yes it does.  All we have to do is ask ourSelf the sincere question, “Will this make me happy?”  And, only choose our actions when our sincere answer is,  “Yes, this will make me happy.”

This is permanent healing, not a band-aid fix. This is an inside job and it only has to make sense to me.   BLESSED BE.


It is very early in the morning and I couldn’t get my writer’s hat on fast enough!  (Feels like ‘the days of the journal’!)

I had thoughts in my mind this morning the minute I awoke.   I have been writing and talking about getting to know myself, excavating and digging deeper and deeper as I uncover and discard that which doesn’t suit me anymore, and certainly doesn’t prove to be my truth anymore.  I am feeling so good.  I continue enjoying the privilege of living and then it came to me:  I JUST MIGHT BE CONTENT!  What a lovely word, “Content”.  Webster defines it thus:  “1.  happy enough with what one has or is; not desiring something more or different; satisfied. …”.  It feels mighty good to be content.  I don’t feel like I’ve ‘arrived’…no, not even close to this…more, I feel like I can now look around, absolutely love myself and how I have been learning about mySELF and I want to continue on this path of living with confidence and ease and grace.  Of course, I will continue to fulfill myself in whatever way makes me happy while I try to make others happy as well.

Because we never ‘arrive’, one may misunderstand the “Yet?” piece.  If one hasn’t done this or that “yet”, one may feel that they are not fulfilled, or haven’t measured up to what others do.   It’s no good to compare myself to another.    It is good to strike my own balance and be my own ‘self-starter’.  Pick what I want to do, whether it be a project or a thing on my ‘things to do list’, and be self-satisfied with my effort.

I have found myself ‘reporting’ almost daily to my friends – explaining what I’m going to do, how I’m feeling, what I think is coming next, how I want to change this or that…. It’s like a tally  I am keeping  and it feels almost like I’m being force-fed some need to update my life or give a progress report or something.  It just occurred to me that no one is asking me how I am or what I am up to…..I’m the one generating my status.   What’s up with this anyway?   This is a different kind of a rat on a wheel I think.  It feels like  I’m in a group therapy session almost every day!

I don’t have any “Yet?” in my head.  My life has purpose each day I open my eyes…a new day…the operative word is “new”.

For everyone who has taken on the  ‘ideal of wanting to become someone ‘:      If I want to be a public speaker, for instance, I don’t stop all the other engines in my living and work…. I can’t afford to.   If I stop paying attention to my other responsibilities in my life as I believe them to be, I’d end up lost, I think.  The very idea that I could drop everything [and everyone?] to pursue my own ‘ideal life and persona’ would be self-destructive to me.  Why?  Because I have been a work in progress since I came onto this planet – I have always been striving and doing whatever ‘suits my fancy’, whether it be employment choices, marriage choices, house choices, friend choices……and the list of ‘choices’ goes on and on. Most of us have heard the adage, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.”   I have to have a few balls in the air so if I happen to drop one, there are still a couple more I can work with.  My identity is not what I do.  My identity is who am!  

So, I am a woman of years, who continues to work with my life and I am grateful I have discovered new ways to enhance how I go about doing this.  For one, I have become more conscious of what my responsibilities are to my SELF:   I am responsible to maintain my well-being, and what this means to me is that I want to have peace in my surroundings, and these surrounds include my inner circle of family and friends.  I am responsible to keep an equilibrium of thought and this encompasses my spectrum of personal desire (the level of the fire in my belly, the  quality of time spent with whomever and whatever),  my actual abilities as I know them, and above all,  my self-confidence and my faith in myself and the Universe, of which I believe I am a part.    I am the only one responsible to achieve what I want to achieve for myself.  If change is necessary, I am the only one who can make those changes in myself.

I am not obsessed with living my life….I am grateful for the opportunity to do whatever I put my mind to.   And, while I’m putting my mind to the privilege of living my life, I will  keep blogging and doing videos and whatever else that makes me happy….

What is a RUT?  Webster says:  “1.  a groove, furrow, or track, especially one made in the ground by passage of wheeled vehicles.  2.  a fixed, routine procedure or course of action, thought, etc….”.

I am  satisfied with what I have and who I am while I’m continuing to BE.  What “Is” is the “Yet?” every single day I am alive!  Blessed Be.