April 2017

Years ago, one of my bosses said to me,  “Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!”    I was so cocky in that time of my life, I didn’t bother to ask him directly what he meant, but for years I wrestled with that off-the-cuff remark.

I wonder why schools don’t offer subjective curriculum on living life. Would it make a difference if we had classes in kindergarten focusing on human similarities and importance of family?    How about classes on feelings… how to work with them… why we have them?  When should a child learn they really do come first and  how do they learn to love themselves when they are not being shown love?  Knowledge on finance is one thing, but when and how does one learn that money is really just a means of exchange, and integrity, honesty, self-satisfaction, peace, contentment,faith, love and gratitude are the MEASURES of abundance in life.

Parents and teachers can’t have all of these answers – they have their own problems!   A downhill spiraling ripple effect exists, and what I observe is yet another target for change at depth is being ignored.   I must hold myself accountable and insist others around me do the same.

I learned so late that I was my best friend and my opinion about myself was the only valid one.    Peer pressure couldn’t exist if we trusted our own decision-making, strength and commitment to being the best we can be,  following our own personal dictates.   Life’s learning lessons are more  a privilege  we receive when we are alert and serious about the choices we are making as we mature.

I started a much more serious spiritual journey in 2011, after my eldest son took his life.   I saw his image on my kitchen wall  two days after he passed, and when I finally got over the startle, my introspective nature surfaced with purpose and  I began weaving some of the loose ends of my ‘Forever Path’ tapestry.  Clearly, beginning this blog in 2015, is evidence of how my Higher Self has led me in my journey toward my truth.

In these senior years, I am learning  living life is so much easier as I continue to explore and excavate just exactly  how important am I to ME?    My peace and liberty depends upon these answers.  I’ve had to get much more serious about how I think about everything that has to do with living!

Each day I awaken presents the OUTCOME of my choices.  As I zero-in on who I am and WHAT I AM BECOMING, I know that sincere, honest and undivided attention to where I’m headed is required.    




I think most people mean well – me included – when they see another needing help of some kind.  Love has a lot to do with it!

It’s up for grabs whether or not I hand out a buck or two to the person on the corner with a sign, and when I drop coins or bills in the Red Kettle.  I  can be very arbitrary when a stranger comes up to me in a parking lot and asks  for spare change.  I remember one time a woman told me she was so broke she didn’t have toilet paper.  I opened up my trunk and promptly handed her two rolls out of what I had just purchased.    I got a dirty look!

But, when a close friend or family member comes forward and asks for help, or I observe they could use a leg up in some way, I am more apt to listen and offer something to ease their plight for the short term anyway, unless they’ve worn out their welcome, so to speak.

The question is, when such help is extended for periods of time, can a well meaning and loving intent turn into an action of enabling?  I’m wrestling with just this subject and there are many facets to it.  Love is most definitely in my heart.  Pain and sorrow are there.  Anger is  there.  Trying to do the right thing is there.  A powerless feeling  is there.  Determination in trying to do the best for all concerned is there.  Love is most definitely in my heart.

Sometimes unintentional hurt on both sides cannot be helped.

I’m known to speak my mind and I don’t have much difficulty articulating my needs.  I know what’s in my heart…I know there must be change…I know I will be the initiator.    It does not hurt me when I make my feelings known. Love is most definitely in my heart.

I’ve just recounted the periphery of my own “series of events” which I have often defined as what I believe “life is all about”.  I am able to rest with myself that Good will come of my actions.   My core beliefs have been tested before in my lifetime.   Overcoming challenges in life is a given.

This has been a time of my life that has required me to be faithful to my core beliefs and  the very truths I have spoken in my videos.  This has been a time I have most earnestly tried to do the right thing for everyone concerned.  This has been a time that I have faced the faith I have in myself and the Universe  in  FULL TRUST that I would be guided toward the GOOD OF MYSELF, AND ALL AROUND ME.

This is no Cliffhanger.