September 2018

I can’t speak for others, but as much as I’d like to be able to claim, “……Frankly, My Dear, I Don’t Give A Damn!”, I’d be lying if I said this was true!  I don’t want to be affected by others’  less than complimentary  or dismissive actions toward me but, admittedly, I have allowed myself to be affected.

I live  in the ‘in-life’ and  online worlds, and either way, as much as I strive to do my best, and hope others see it…and as much as I continue to gain self-confidence and self-worth and value, and self-fulfillment, knowing full well that all of my strength of self comes from WITHIN.…I accept I will always be fighting the Good Fight of Faith, so to speak, toward  FEELING  the TRUTHIt is ONLY MY approval and respect and acceptance and complete love of myself that counts!

I am in the process of dissecting a dynamic within myself where I CHOOSE and PICK certain people whose attention or opinions ABOUT ME MATTER MORE THAN PRESUMABLY MY OWN!  I know this is quite a public admission!

Here she goes again, writing out loud…she’s  getting to the nitty-gritty now and we’re so very proud of her!  No question, she has been hearing us, and she is letting us show her that nothing will ever be [as she has expressed in the past] her “Kodiak Bear”!  We admire how she keeps clearing her Forever Pathway of Life.                          ~Gaya

Fact:  Everyone whom I know is a human being.  Everyone is endowed with the same feelings.  Everyone has achieved so much in their lifetime and they are capable of achieving much more if they’d care to.  Everyone has frailties and fears which they never express to others.  Everyone is Blessed by virtue of their Creation.    Everyone hits their finger with the hammer.  Everyone cries alone sometimes and doesn’t share their grief.  Everyone wants to be accepted for who they are – Sometimes they are and sometimes they are not.  Everyone has been insulted and scorned in public at one time or another. Everyone feels they are not good enough from time-to-time and they try to hide it.  Everyone has risen from the ashes of their lives again and again.

EVERYONE deserves No More  honor or respect or love FROM Me than I GIVE TO MYSELF!

All the more reason to take a fresh look in the mirror and give myself a warm welcome into a renewed enjoyment of the privilege of living my life, and begin to honor myself  MORE FULLY.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


I love my introspection, my considerations and my resilience!  I love my tenacity, my good intentions, my ability to objectively  criticize myself without bringing me to my knees of low self-worth.  I love it when finally I don’t have my first knee-jerk reaction of defensiveness; that I can listen, evaluate, and give myself time to assess a situation.  It’s the Peace in it that allows me to move ahead, with a much clearer head! 

Isn’t it interesting that she is now able to write out loud , as she has already been thinking out loud?  It is good she is feeling so comfortable with herself knowing she is opening the gates of Connection to her Source even wider.          ~Gaya

The first descriptive word I used above is Introspection.  I am finding when I have no anxiety or rush to anything,  I am able to just ‘sit with something’ while I figure out the wrinkle I want to iron out.  The ‘answers’ reveal themselves for Consideration.  

In the past, and  up to relatively recently,  I always created an urgency to get to the bottom of something…seeking closure.  It was like I forced myself to wrap it up ..get it out of my thoughts…and move on.   My marriages and divorces are good examples here.  In retrospect, I think this is what created even more chaos in my life! Nothing is so urgent, except if  a person needs to get to the hospital for immediate medical care!

I am much easier on myself these days (and years). I like the feeling of moseying along, picking up on my own innuendos  – taking to heart what presents and how I am triggered by it.  Still, there’s no need for urgency, just an indicator that I know I want to make a change, or  tweak something I’m doing with my Life.  I think life is simple if I keep it simple.  It is as simple as that! 

It is good to take on new experiences just for the sake of that experience.  The only commitment necessary is to honor the intention of taking on that experience.  EGO can destroy good intention.

The expression, “Take your good old-fashioned time” makes better sense to me now more than ever before.  What’s the rush to most things…there’s no fire!

I am always finding My Way Along My Forever Path. 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



And  so it happens…I am led to open up my blog and begin!  I am already led and I am following.

Awareness is so interesting.  It is a feeling, it is a knowing, and it is such an ‘insider thing’.  It is not something I can easily share with anyone because it relies upon intimacy, and laying myself out so vulnerable.  It is sharing a piece of me that is so deep within, I can hardly give it definition, but it is worth this try.

Years ago, I coined a phrase:  Everything is as Unimportant as it is Important.  Now and then this comes into my thinking…like today…and the truth of it rings much louder.  It is almost deafening.

As I continue to learn how to live in the NOW,  I am getting better at dropping off  ‘stuff’ which has absolutely no place in the NOW.   I’m becoming more keen about where I want to be emotionally, i.e.,  Happy with Myself, Joyful about my Life.   The essence of my Character is looming very relevant.  I don’t have to prove anything to myself or anyone else anymore.  Now is the time for me to mine the gold that is ME beneath the layers and masks while I continue to peel away.

I have come to love the word Release!  There is a feeling of  Willingness that accompanies it…as in releasing a bird to flight, letting go of the string to a balloon, sending a child off on their own, riding a two-wheeler for the first time.

Finally, I think I can jump off the high-wire of life that has held me back from really enjoying the simplest of things while enjoying the privilege of living my life.  

Speaking only for myself, of course, being a hip-shooter is pretty exciting… I switched up life whenever I thought I was bored, or needed some action!   I realize now that it is  the other side of the same coin of being ‘on stage’... I wasn’t good enough, unless I ‘performed for an audience’…I couldn’t just be myself!  I don’t care how I came to be this way, but I do care that this is NOT WHO I AM! 

This current observation isn’t a night-and-day  “ah ha” moment for me. It is, however, an affirmation that I have been on the right track for quite a while now, and  my onion peeling has been totally worthwhile and will continue to be so.

Getting back to the Awareness of it all….Life is becoming pretty darned comfortable.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

 We are never away.  You have come with us, as we have come with you.       ~Gaya