Our Essence

When I need a screwdriver, do I need a phyllips or flathead? Considering a project, do I need gloves, a scraper, a saw, some sandpaper?  I ask myself these questions each time I begin a project.. In other words, I go to my tool box or my shed and pick up the exact tools I need for the job.

Living life to my best ability, I have other tools, and they’re intuitive.  I began trusting my intuition about 20 years ago. It’s a process to be sure, and when I made that conscious decision I had only one caveat, if I thought I was supposed to get on a plane and go somewhere, I WOULDN’T! Living intuitively takes practice along with mindfulness and lots of FAITH.

Living in the NOW is spontaneous.  It’s a responsive process to that which LIFE presents to me.  I make no things-to-do lists. I mark appointments on a calendar and do a grocery list. Eckhart Tolle says he provides tools through his books and speaking.  I get it!  My books and other information from my spiriiual mentors are all tools, and I’m free to pick and choose exactly which tool I need for my LIFE PROJECTS! Sitting in the silence begins the solution.

Living my life is not about panicking or fearful thinking.  It’s about trusting self with the realization that my intuition is God speaking directly to me.  I’m speaking to myself! The trick is the LISTENING! There is no urgency to living.  There is thoughtfulness and joy and intention  and personal willingness to jump in with both feet! Ram Dass refers to the GAME.  Games are fun, and tricky and require strategy and they can be won.  In life, my game is not a competitive one. I open doorways and windows for me to see opportunity and warnings.  I recognize blessings and gratitude.  I provide my own soft pillows to fall upon.  I trust my intuition and it is serious business.

There is no need to worry when I trust my intuition because I know I am coming from my heart and as I’ve said many times, I don’t believe anything can go awry when I come from my heart. There is no place for ego.  It is a silent affirmation from me to me that I’m trying my very best in all situations to get the job done!

I have found more peace in my lifetime these days than ever before.  Granted, there was more hurry and scurry when I was younger and more activity in mainstream; however, there was more ego and less awareness and consideration back then as well.  I guess it is a Game of Life I’m in, and admittedly, it hasn’t been boring.  But there’s big truth in recommendations to stop and smell the roses, and sit in the silence and ponder how magnificent creation is.  Everything really is as important as it is unimportant. It’s about my own focal point. There is so much to realize.  It could never be forced on me.  I have been offered countless directions over the years, but it was the choices I made which led me here and NOW.

I love the Serenity Prayer:  “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, oourage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I think it’s the acceptance that is my  greatest challenge.  Of course, when LIFE provides me pleasure, it’s easy to accept it.  It’s when I am challenged with outcome which I don’t want that it’s difficult to accept.

I think serenity and courage and wisdom  are intuitive, and then acceptance reveals itself.

Ease and Grace and Safety come with Peace.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.

Life can appear as a whirlwind sometimes…and if I let my thoughts pick up and attach and define, I do myself a true disservice.

I’ve been able to observe change, my ego’s attempts to disrupt me even more, and my ability to hold the course of desired peace in my heart.

I am filled with relief, and gratitude, and pleasant surprise, self-awareness, and astounding presence. I believe I have taken a step upward in learning, i.e., upward in the vertical(spiritual) dimension, as against a traditional effort in the horizontal (human) dimension. I have made a conscious decision to hand over the reins and allow my Deep I to lead me. For those readers who are followers of Eckhart Tolle, you will understand what I mean here.

My understanding and spiritual progress is within me and that’s where it belongs.  There doesn’t have to be testament to the intricacies of my process.

It would seem I have created a conundrum or a contradiction; however, I’m merely trying to exemplify what a satisfying experience it is to hold inside myself the ‘meat and potatoes’ of my spiritual progress as I’m writing this blog, yet I want others to also know that it is occurring. I want to give others hope if they have been searching for relief in their own lives and have yet to receive it that it does come and at precisely the right time…CONTINUE IN FAITH.

Now more than ever I intend to keep my own counsel with the understanding that to explode all to the outside does in fact have a diluting effect to a point.  I’m feeling my strength impacting me within and it’s accompanied with a silent understandng that ego must stand down.

I hope this blog can be helpful.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

There are some things which are beyond definition

and explanation.  This may be one such time.     Gaya



These days I’m choosing to sit in stillness more…and I’m trying to accomplish something for doing it:  I want to  place myself  in a state of consciousness.  In doing this, I’m silently communicating with who I am in this silence.

This is an unguided experience so I can’t be concerned if I’m doing it ‘right!’  It’s an action by me with me.

I don’t think Living is just all about doing an overt action or speaking out loud. I’m learning that it has a great deal to do with the silence involved because in silence there is perfect calm along with wakefulness and deliberate intention too.

Meditation is similar to this, but it isn’t the same somehow. With meditation I begin with trying to sit in the silence and quiet my mind.  When I go to this place of finding consciousness, I am hearing sound (I ring a chime), and then deliberately follow the sound until I do not hear it anymore.  I guess I can liken it to ‘white noise’ when I have TV on in the background.  Eventually, I am working around the house and don’t even hear it anymore unless I deliberately go stand in front of the TV and put my attention to it.

This is another concept about deliberate effort while living. I am realizing that I have been ‘living by the basics’…the rules and definitions that have been taught to me…the Human side of me. I’m finding out that there is so much more  about my existence and it doesn’t have a thing to do with neighbors or friends, or what I’m eating or wearing or where I’m planning to go or what I’m planning to do when I get there!

My little dog, Porter, shows me how this is done too.  He’s very active and wants my attention especially early morning when we get up.  He sort of pesters.  Then, after a while, he simply lays down by my feet and goes into his own silence.  He’s undisturbed while I’m working at the computer.  He remains in his own silence and consciousness and he isn’t concerned about me or himself at all until I get up from my chair.

So, what do I conclude in sharing this with you?  The stillness in my life brings me in touch with ME, my real beingness…and this concept is totally removed from ME, Kaye A. Peters. I don’t have an identity when I do this…I am part of all life which isn’t speaking to itself, it just exists..it just IS.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

You find your Peace and Understanding in your own good time.   ~Gaya


I’ve been realizing these days that I am the only one who can give myself peace of mind.  This said, I don’t spend much time mulling things in my mind which wastes my time…if I observe myself doing it. I try to be more centered on thoughts that fill me up with enthusiasm for life and doing things which project my optimism moment by moment.  I really do spend a great deal of time expressing my gratitude for so many things.

I wrote a poster not long ago which defined “Commitment” as no other option.  Gosh, believing this makes life even simpler, albeit more serious as well.  To me it’s satisfying that I can propose options to myself to most everything when it comes to choices.  Subsequently, I already know  that I will like the outcome because of the intentional actions I take.

I can take  mystery out of my life on a daily basis, and welcome what presents to me which is the joy of living in the NOW. And, when I am then faced with more choices, I can review what I will and won’t commit to, and what I will allow occupancy in my day for the entertainment and pleasantry for as long as I wish.

We all know worry does nothing but upset us.  We also know that acceptance is a key to streamlining our days and relaxing in the flow of the action.  I also keep reminding myself that it is I who dictates where I will stand…I am not a tree, I can move around any which way to get my footing and reposition myself.  Like I said in one of my books, I believe if I made my bed I have to sleep in it; however, I can move it around any way I want in this process.  Nothing is so ultimate except death….and perhaps regret,

I have a friend staying with me for 6 weeks.  We both made a commitment to make it work. We don’t know each other very well,  so we are customizing our positions with pure consideration for each other.  This isn’t always easy, but we continue to remind ourselves that we committed to the arrangement for our individual reasons.  I’m glorifying my position in this, because I  have begun to realize what it takes to commit to something/someone and how important my word and actions are.  They are absolute!!  I am proud of myself and also, I am learning such vital lessons yet to learn this late in my life about how to make the best of everything.  I have been given a great personal life  opportunity by fulfilling this commitment. I realize how instrumental I am about everything in my daily life and how it affects me and others.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Gratitude is a Connection to Everything.   ~Gaya





That’s what I said early yesterday morning! Can’t remember the last time I heard an owl, that’s for sure.  It brings me pause…undoubtedly there have been myriad things in my lifetime that were so important at the time that simply slipped away because I didn’t capture them.  We’re told “Stop and smell the roses” (or the coffee). Then, there’s this poignant one:  “You’ll never miss your mother ’til she’s gone.”

I’m reminded that everything is notably important at the time!

When I am in the state of conscious gratitude I can list some things that come to my mind.  BUT, as I write this morning,  clearly there is much more specificity to life.  There is an urgency each moment and that’s what living in the NOW is all about.  It’s all these fleeting moments that have made up my life.  I am an artist, after all!  And my amazing life portrait is captured by my eyes only! The thrills are never gone.  The colors never fade. I am the beholder! All of life is special!  As long as I cherish my life, I’ll have no regrets.

I recall a live stream I did many years ago where I used the phrase ‘exalt yourself’.’  We ought honor and exalt ourselves and our existence.  We have such ability to always be the prize in our own lives.  It is an invaluable treasure we discover when we silently realize synchronicity in our lives; when we begin to grasp the broader scope of our Beingness; when life takes on this specialized opportunity of awareness.

I am at the tip of my own iceberg. I realize now there have been so many iceberg tips! Eureka! There’s always something new coming to me.  How on earth can I ever be bored and without wonder? What an appropriate time of year to express JOY TO THE WORLD! … JOY TO MY WORLD!

Listen in the silence, and see in the darkness, no need to question, all is right NOW.  ~ Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.



I’ve said for years, “Life is a Two-Way Street.”  But lately, I’m discovering that this may not be!

I’ve said if my friends don’t stay in contact with me on a regular basis, why should I always be the one to initiate  contact? BECAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD!  BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KNOW I CARE ABOUT THEM! I think these are actions of being considerate, showing interest and kindness.  It has nothing to do with ‘having skin in the game’, but it has all to do with showing up in life…after all, whatever is part of my life, mind and spirit, is my responsibility, and no one else’s.  It’s part of me tending my life’s garden.

It’s my ego which tells me, ‘even Steven’…if I called last time, you call next time.  You show me how much you care for me!  REALLY?  Is this how it goes?  I think what I do in this life and how I tend my garden is more about how much I put into it…how much I make myself known, with no thought to any return.  It’s like any other altruistic act…one ought not be looking for recompense when one does something selflessSelfless actions are full of self!

It’s not up to me to analyze the whys and wherefores of another’s behavior; however, it is every bit my responsibility to know why I do something.  Life is about feeling good about what I’m up to, there’s no tit for tat.  There’s no rhyme or reason to it either.  Life is spontaneous in the moment, in the NOW.  Whatever approaches us and confronts us is what we deal with to the best of our ability.  Mindfulness is very important because it suggests we have the ability to think before we act.

We’re told to stop and smell the roses.  These days I’m telling myself stop and pick a colorful bouquet!  This wonderment…the kaleidoscope of life…offers itself whenever an opportunity to make a kind and helpful gesture comes before us. When I take the time to make something more beautiful, even when it comes down to dusting off a table or polishing some brass or silver.  I, too, provide the fragrance and taste to life by virtue of my attitude and energy which I exude at any given time.  Am I  jolly and optimistic and friendly, or am I  grouchy, soar-voiced and disengaging?  IT’S ALL UP TO ME!   It’s very important that I’m concerned about how I present myself, not what someone else presents to me.  THAT’S ON THEM!

Knowing myself is so very important.  The more autonomous and confident I am, the more freeing my life is.  I owe nothing to no one.  I am free to give of myself at my own will, in the quantity of my own choosing for my own sake.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well.  Always be safe and stay well.  May you feel happy, may you feel healthy, may you feel safe, and may you feel at ease.

You give yourself endless Peace, Joy and Happiness by virtue of what you 

think of yourself and what you can give to others.   Gaya

Thank you Human Brain for leading me to unpredictable places of introspection and learning and growth and expansion of my conscious awareness!

I’m working with Gratitude.  I am grateful for everything good in my life, and this means everything in my life!  Did you notice that I have not conditionally stated I am not grateful for the bad in my life?  Why, because as I’m ‘seeing’ things there really isn’t any bad in my life if I have learned from the experience, which has ultimately meant something good in my life because I am a better person for it!

I see my Spirit Brain as a stream of intelligence  which doesn’t extrapolate from human experience.  It accepts the flow of activity and there is no separation.  It is the Human Brain which makes the distinction of separation.  It is the Human Brain which labels, differentiates, compares and competes for the illusive separation.  It is the Human Brain which concludes there is unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction, and disruption in the human condition.  The Spirit Brain streams “…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream”!

Presently there are three individuals in my life which my Human Brain categorizes as ‘difficult to be around’.  Yet, in meditation this morning, I recognized that we are composed of the same stardust.  My Spirit Brain takes no issue…The Intelligence doesn’t qualify or quantify.  The Intelligence just IS and has no problem with anything.

I’m on the ledge of new understanding. A big and very heavy veil is beginning to lift. My Human Brain is trying very hard to lower the Ego to the point that “Everything is as Unimportant as it is Important”…a phrase I coined years ago.  It’s like nudging myself to walk into a room filled with everyone and everything else and just blending in.  No different than adding water to an already half-filled glass.

Enjoy the Privilege of Living Life and Enjoy the Journey as we enter 2021.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Well.

Continue to stretch and raise the bar of understanding.

You always know where you are leading yourself.   ~Gaya

Today in meditation, I spent more time – longer than ever before – as I wandered around in my mind, situating myself with the IT…The answers I keep trying to find.

I have this mind which governs the day-to-day  choices I make as a human being, and these human choices create the activities and experiences and emotions and solutions and resolutions I have in response to it all. I realized in my silence that there is so much repetition, so much recurrence of the same old same old…like I never seem to get through IT, or get IT done! Furthermore, I also realized that because I know how long I have spent on IT, I can reasonably conclude that I have done all I have  to do, I don’t need to concern myself with IT anymore, and I can trust that God, Universe, Source Energy, Creator concur!

I’m letting go of the lead rope!  IT can handle ITSELF!

I am a Spiritual Being.  At Essence I am totally whole and innocent. When I became, I had properties which I implemented at will. I implanted  into the human consciousness.  The Spirit is in the human journey of experience.  The human being creates its reality.  I’ve been aware for some time of the ‘split’, i.e., my spirit beingness and my humanness, but until today in meditation, I had never realized the two plateaus could be observed simultaneously.  I observed what Kaye has been up to, what her consciousness has been concentrating on, right along with what Spirit was sensing:  This is my time to understand the relationship between the two minds, if you will.

My Spirit wants to keep on going.  It doesn’t want to be waylaid for any length of time on an experiential event…it wants to continue to learn and advance consciousness through experience. which has to do with the human choices.  The human mind thinks it is optimum…that it’s all-powerful, that it’s IT.  But, it is not!  The Spirit is IT!

I am consciously allowing my Spirit Mind to lead me through this concept.  I want to continue on….I feel fulfilled and finally, I think  I am better resonating and integrating all of the words I have  ever said and written – in my books, my posters, my posts, these blogs, my comments.  There is more to just believing something…one has to fully integrate and resonate and then very consciously live it…this is what being Mindful is all about I guess… Understanding more and more.  It is the PEACE OF GOD.

Make no mistake, this is no ‘arrival’; however, it is a huge understanding as I see it. I am peeking into my two minds:  My Spiritual Mind and my Human Mind.  The Ego has no place in the Spiritual Mind. The Spiritual Mind is loving and non-judgmental, encompassing whatever the human mind chooses.  The Spiritual Mind has Patience and Understanding, and offers Intuition and Wisdom to the human mind.  I am choosing to link my human mind with my Spiritual Mind to expand my conscious awareness and exalt my  human experience.

Blessed Be to All.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

The present unfolds into the known, and then the past. Cherish the Newness of Life.  ~Gaya


I’ve been known to say, “Have joyful thoughts”, “Think thoughts of happiness”, “It is your happiness and joy that you search for”…or the like. These phrases sound so glib to me now.

It was early evening yesterday when I was thinking…that thing we do unceasingly every waking hour.  This time I was consciously communicating with myself.  My thoughts weren’t random, reactionary thoughts…they were orderly and I knew I was trying hard to come to some kind of a conscious conclusion.

I agreed that at this seasoned time of my life I am well able to reason how I go about releasing and letting go of troublesome thoughts and how difficult this process can be.  I agreed that initial  Gratitude for everything I have  is a good place to start.  But then, as I looked around the room I realized there was a deeper meaning I was searching for, and it was the simplest thought of all:  What I really want is to feel good.  I want to feel good from the moment I get up in the morning.  I want to feel good in spite of what’s going on around me.  The song, “Whistle While You Work”  from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came to mind.  Such a light and happy song it is, and as Snow White began to clean up the cottage, all of the dwarfs began to help as they all sang.

One thought led to another and I felt inside me how  Attitude  together with Gratitude are prerequisite Then I thought, it is I who creates these thoughts…these feelings…it is all about me and what I choose to feel about everything.   I recalled how daydreaming was the way I had created so many wonderful feelings…I was always feeling good when I was ‘planning out’ a dream or goal, or just plain imagining a scenario which made me feel so fantastic, so powerful.

We think we know how to bring ourselves away from unpleasantness.  Usually, we resort to complaining about it. Venting maybe feels like we’re getting it out of our system, but really, it’s only letting it resonate deeper within us through our continuous attention to it.  Or, we go to the refrigerator, or go shopping, or take a drink, or whatever else we can think of to override how bad we are really feeling.

IT’S MY CONSCIOUSNESS which will do it all for me with ease, if I let it. It is  my mind over  the matter…my deliberate conscious choice to take the bull by the horns and make the committed decision to bring myself down the path of feeling good no matter what is happening, no matter what my pain.  It is the true release and  deliberate letting go of the thought process which EGO lays on me!  It is the EGO which supplies all the reasoning why I must do and feel the way I do so I can always come out on top, I must always be right… be the best!  It’s the EGO which has to win!  But, I am not my EGO!!

I’m trying not to make this subject complicated.  I am trying to get in touch with my own innocence.   I’m trying to recognize my essence. I’m refusing to be tainted by outside influence which has nothing to do with me unless I allow it to penetrate my thinking.  I’m trying to see the peace and calm amidst a storm which I don’t have to acknowledge.  I am an individual and also part of the collective.  It is my individuality which carries my consciousness and personal well being.  It is truly what I want to believe is the best way for me to go that will support my own peace and calm as I settle inside myself.  Public opinion doesn’t count when it comes to my inner peace and calm.  It’s like the feelings of jealousy and envy which are not innate  to every human being.  These feelings are self-created.  Same goes for dissatisfaction with life and circumstances.

I’m giving myself the challenge to feel good about myself and what I am doing with each day that I have been gifted to live.  I’m going to listen for the good, the positive and uplifting.  I’m going to do what makes me happy and what makes me feel good.  Joy and Happiness spring from those inner feelings of Goodness and Contentment.  Spontaneous random acts of kindness toward myself and others is pure love in action. I have five God-given senses and my conscience to seek out the good in everything and I will trust my Intuitive Wisdom.

Blessed Be.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Life is to be enjoyed, not feared.  It is a smooth stream of experience

when choices are made which feel good from within your heart.   ~Gaya



My stance is that I am a spiritual being living in a human condition; I am inextricably connected to and unconditionally supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy…take your pick. I believe I chose this continuous journey on my Forever Path, for one reason only, and that is to experience as much as possible which expands my awareness and awakens me to who I am at Essence.

Using my Free Will, I make choices that are peculiar only to me.  My response/reaction to what happens as a result of my experiences is exactly the world I continuously choose to create for my awakening.

I have a consciousness…it is what I call my Soul Self, my Higher Self, my Spirit Self.  It is the Inner Being which sustains me, nudges me, supports me, guides me…it is my Essence.

I think it is my duty to my human Self to take this Life seriously and to enjoy it to the fullest, and as I’ve learned through my many years, it is my thoughts, my attention and intention which exemplify just how seriously I am taking my Life.

I know when I am ‘in the swim of things’…I can enjoy a peaceful calm in an entire day or two…sometimes I can mistake this for tiredness, or boredom, or ‘no action’…but in thinking upon this, I believe it is PEACE.  In retrospect, Life has held such a fast-paced beat to it…a rush, a having-to-keep-up feeling, a don’t-forget-this thought, a do-I-have-enough reminder, etc.

All of a sudden I find myself musing about how things appear to be today.  I find myself wanting to connect to something far bigger than what time of the day is it, or what day is it?  I’m being drawn to a pleasantness in Life.  My attitude has more acceptance, more cum se cum sa, more que sera sera, more ob la di, ob la da.

It is my self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, self-worth, my countenance which matters…and it matters only to me!  How I view the world and life in it, has to do with knowing what really matters.  This Forever Path I am on keeps nudging me forward.

All is in perfect timing.  My Ego would try to scramble my thoughts, but when I observe them, I can bring myself back to the Peace of God which passeth all understanding.  I am of that which created me…this is the POWER OF MY PEACE.

Everything matters only to me.

Personal solace is consciousness.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  Stay Well, Be Safe.