It’s all a matter of perspective!   I have three decorations up this year…no tree…yet there’s a hint ‘Tis The Season to Be Jolly!  I’m not playing Christmas music yet, and don’t know if I will.

A couple of weeks ago I celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with my son.  It was the traditional couple of days of prepping and cooking and at the end of the day I was whipped!  It was worth it, but at this time of my life (82+), I’m planning to downsize in this department too.

I have found as I age there’s a lot of modifying that goes on.  Call it accommodating.  It’s smart, for the body’s sake and keeps me mindful that some of the traditional ways I’ve done things for years can be approached differently…accomplishing the same thing, albeit slower.

I’m giving myself a jar-opener for Christmas!  I also bought a long-sleeved cashmere sweater and gold-plated small hoop earrings.  The ones I have are 8 years old and really dull.  I still have my cashmere sweaters which I toted here from Minnesota thirty years ago…have always worn them with jeans.  Love ‘the look’.   These things will make me happy.  People see me on my live streams and may notice I pretty much wear the same thing over and over again.  That has been ‘my way’ through the years…”Waste not, want not” was something my mother said fairly often in my upbringing.  Not a bad mantra.  I have never gone without in my lifetime, and for that I’ve always been grateful.

I’m happy each year I have enough to pass forward.  My donations focus on children and animals.  I know every amount counts up, and I’m grateful I am doing my part.

I haven’t gone to the stores much this month.  From Black Friday after Thanksgiving onward, parking lots are outrageous, people are streaming everywhere, and the whole energy is Buy, Buy, Buy.  When I see people walking out of the stores with carts brimming, somehow I relate to gluttonous eating.  Such overkill in one seasonal fell-swoop to celebrate and please others.  It’s like ‘drop what’s gone on all year’ and put on a “Happy Face” for the gala.

I do admire those who decorate their homes and outside yards for others to enjoy.   I do believe these people thoroughly enjoy the season and entertaining others with their creativity.  It’s a very sincere way of giving I think…for the hard work it takes to pull it off.

I spent so many years overspending at Christmastime when my sons were young.  Talk about a brainwash that it’s a ‘must’ to have way too many presents under the tree for children.  I recall one year my one son played with the vacuum cleaner all Christmas morning for a long time…he was around 2.  He liked his presents, but it’s whatever catches the fancy that gets the attention at the time.

I’ve said before, ‘Age is No Free Pass to Wisdom,’ but I will say, it’s a blessing to lift the burden of the ‘have-tos’ and ‘musts’ and finally do exactly what makes me happy…and fits my budget too.




We thrill to your full heart, Kaye.     ~Gaya