True Forgiveness and Understanding

People say, “Wake up!”, or “They just haven’t awakened”, or “They haven’t seen the light”, or whatever.  In a way, isn’t this a demeaning, dismissing way of viewing others, if one thinks ‘they have‘!  To me this rather sounds like “I’m here, you’re there, I outrank you, but you’ll get there someday, but until that time, I’m of a higher echelon group, a bit more elevated, I’ve ‘attained’, but I can ‘help you if you listen to me’, but I love you just the same.”  I guess when one can say these things, and write words around them, one believes them.

I’ve spent nearly four years publicly excavating myself to authenticity right to this moment.  In looking back, this was actually the beginning of my  intentional living and practicing my spirituality as I have been working with it.

I have had a constant thread intention of wanting to rid myself of as much Karmic Debt as I can before I take a hike!  So, what exactly does this mean to me?  When I have these ‘itchy, gut triggers’ which spontaneously erupt, I figure this is a sign to ‘get at it’.  BUT, BIGGER THAN THIS is the constant rub I have with certain loved ones  which doesn’t go away.  I know we’re together for a reason – more than the ‘family/friendship thing’ – and for a couple of years I’ve been pretty clear that there’s some healing to be done!  Frankly, I don’t want to have to get into this stuff in another life if I can help it!

I learned a while back I’m the one who has to see things differently, I’m the one who has to get things to be as I want them to be right in front of me, and I’m the only one who has to keep switching up the lenses until I see what is actually there, not what I think is actually there!  What this turns out to be is the Art of Loving as I’ve come to feel it.  I’m not here to be teaching others – except by example, of course, but I am here to teach myself.   This loving is all-inclusive, beginning with me, then reaching out to all around me.  The responsibility is always on me first, loving myself first, so I already have within myself that intention of creating the peace and understanding and compassion and kindness and thoughtfulness toward another. When I am able to extend myself like this, I have struck the chords within me that prove to be enlightening and I get personal awareness of my successful achievement of having  found my goal of understanding what I’ve needed to learn.  Nothing can be achieved without self-honesty.  There’s no proving anything to myself; there is the opening up of my real self to Me and then there is what I will call pure understanding and light.  It is an amazing experience and I’ve just spent a full week in this Grace of Life.

When one understands the soul-connection one has with the Whole of Everything, it is the heart-consciousness meld experiencing the joy and happiness and fulfillment of all the heart’s wishes which are nothing but the extreme love of Self and the extension of that love to all others.   ~Gaya

What I have just written has come from a very deep place within me.  It’s from the Soul Knowledge Treasure, perhaps.  It’s a beautiful pearl which I have found in my World Oyster. 

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.





It came to me this morning that I’ve used the word “fair” often in my lifetime.   I don’t recall saying it so much as a child, but I certainly do remember how sincerely earnest I was with being fair to my sons…I didn’t want to short-change either one of them.    I also recall I used to ask them, rhetorically, “Do you think this is fair?”, or “Am I being fair?”, or something like that.  I know I drove it home too, because all too often I’d hear “That’s Not Fair!”  And, of course, I was quick to point out,  “Who said life was fair?”….and this was rhetorical to me!

I think others can identify when they grow up and maybe didn’t like some particular behavior of their parent(s),  they vowed they’d never do ‘that’ when they became parents!  In my own way, I think this “Fair” recollection was my way of bringing up how I felt I was treated as a youngster and may not have identified it so consciously, but brought it forward in my own parenting intent.

In one of my books I wrote about ‘chips’ people wear on their shoulders.  I’m coming in touch with what may be a very large chip on my own shoulder regarding what I perceived as lack of fair treatment in my childhood, and it may be the integral piece to the ‘why do I sound so angry?’ a lot of the time when I get passionate about things.

So, I asked myself, “Kaye, do you think you have been treated fairly much of the time in your lifetime?”   I spoke my mind from a very early age, but when under  parental rule, it was ineffectual.  In my adulthood, I carried my own torch.  I was quick to answer, in the workplace I was treated fairly. I was comfortable standing my own ground when I felt it was necessary.  I believe in my schooldays I was treated fairly. I don’t recall ever feeling unjustly punished or being bullied.  But, when it came to looking at all the other times in my life, there is no question…by virtue of how I can pick out INSTANCE EASILY…that I felt misjudged, manipulated when I couldn’t stand up for myself properly, relegated (as in being put below ‘company’ when they came to stay at our home), defined as a certain ‘type’ of child by innuendo, or mimicked and belittled at times.   This isn’t fair treatment by standard.  When I query myself about my adulthood, considering the choices I’ve made – good and not-so-good – I think I brought a lot upon myself and even encouraged  it as a form of daring to those who witnessed it…’will you still like me if….’!  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know how a person with low self-worth behaves!

Thankfully and to my utmost joy, there are many fair-minded people who have recognized my ‘do-over’ and through time and consistency, I have been able to come to respectable terms with myself.

TO MAKE THIS STORY SHORTER:  I’m a big girl now, I know what I deserve, I try to make it a point to clarify my feelings when I get the gut-wrench warning, and above all, I know how I treat myself and how I must be treated...So, Little and Big Kaye  acknowledge that it is paramount I make absolutely certain  – and this is in my control – that I am treated fairly.

For sure, Life is not Fair, by virtue of the fluidity of it and the countless interference from Nurture and Nature.  But today, the day before Memorial Day, I am rolling out the red carpet for me.  In honorable memory of everything before today, I salute myself for my resilience and strength and unwavering Faith.  Concurrently, I salute myself in my own parade of appointment to MY LIFE, the treasure trove of experiences and learning lessons which, again, have enabled me to push deeper to my authenticity and declare my Freedom.  I hold no one and nothing hostage that will impede me from celebrating my glorious greatness as a Created Being.   I have settled the heretofore unsettled scales of my own  personal injustices.  I now declare, “I’m Good To Go…AS-IS!”   This is a fair-minded statement!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



Today I find myself absolutely tenacious when it comes to the subject of ‘SELF VALUE’.  You’ll note I have deliberately exchanged the words here – from ‘worth’ to ‘value’.  I already have done a video for The Royal Society about this very subject, and I’m still able to write about it in this blog.  WHAT DOES THIS SAY?  It says I have made a breakthrough, of sorts, in this very personal area of my life that has reluctantly  invited new information so I could ‘up my price’, so to speak!

I can’t get much of a handle on why I haven’t made more progress with this than I have in my 80+ years.  Oh well, thank my lucky stars that there’s always room for one more awareness to pack into my ‘soul space’, which will, of course, give me more peace and joy as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life…(and now I’ll add, as Kaye A. Peters [during this life]).

How is this going to enhance my beingness?  I already feel I have a somewhat different countenance – it feels like more security within ME; that I am providing my own security.  I feel as though my feet are anchored more securely to the ground…I’m more surefooted.  Coincidentally, I don’t feel the need to explain anything.  I don’t feel I have any act(s) to follow.  I AM who I AM at whatever time someone gets ME…with no conditions.

HINT:  I have determined that the word ‘worth’ held definition in my mind connected to opinions from outside input….what am I worth to others?  When I substitute the word ‘value’, I ask myself what is my value?  Just like when I used to place a value on items within my home.  I put the value on me!  These puzzle pieces are almost magnetizing themselves together as I see the picture so much more clearly.

WOW!  If I present myself unconditionally, IS THIS SAYING THAT I ACCEPT MYSELF FOR EXACTLY WHO I AM AND THERE ARE NO IFs, ANDs, OR BUTs ANYMORE?  …..not quite so fast, Katie girl!   When I have this claim to fame, that’s pretty close to my ‘destination’…I’ll pass, and accept I have made great strides toward releasing myself into my forgiving arms…..


Blessed Be All.

It was a hot July 22nd, 1965, in Arizona….the day I was born a Mother… and again, on August 6th, 1966, … infamous days in my lifetime,  right up to this  Mother’s Day, May 14th, 2017.

I know I didn’t grasp what it meant to be a mother all those years ago…and I’m pretty sure I didn’t give much subjective thought to this role as I related to my responsibilities.   I tried to do ‘the right thing’  and no question I loved both of my sons to the depths of my heart and Soul.

I KNOW FOR CERTAIN what unconditional love feels like!   I can remember as if it were yesterday,  my EXACT FEELINGS when the tiny bodies were placed on my chest, and my heart actually swooned with a surge of protectiveness and awe and wonderment as never before.  This feeling went throughout my whole body, and it belonged only to me because these tiny moving life-beings had lived within me for 9 months, and came through me to present to the world and live on their own because I already existed for their passageway. 

I was directed  – the boys had good health care, dental care, foot care, home care ( a good roof over their heads); however, they had a mother who had her own agenda about what she wanted to do and how and  when she wanted to do it!

As years passed, the phrase “I did the best I could with the knowledge I had” became a convenient, yet true, statement – especially if I was qualifying some of my ‘missteps’.

The boys grew into men.  I remain their mother with good intention, and, thankfully, with much more  knowledge of what motherhood really does mean to me today.   Like any lesson I ever had to learn – this has come the hard way, i.e., many ‘series of events’ which again and again required my decision to keep-on-keeping-on!   In spite of all else, a mother does keep going when the going gets tough!

Birth designates motherhood, and death does not take that away.  Although my eldest son is gone, I am still the mother of two sons!  Souls are withstanding, hearts soften, and I have actually succumbed to a much broader  interpretation of the existence of My Self and My Soul…My Higher Self.  As I was chanting my Buddhist prayers this morning, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, I came to tears, and at that moment in time I knew I was atoning for all the mothers I have been and all the mothers I have had since I became. 

This declaration is personal only to me, and acknowledges a huge awareness within.  I am totally free OF THE PETTINESS OF THOUGHT which I have held my dear departed mother hostage to from the day my birth created her, my mother!

Blessed are we… all Mothers – to be cherished and treasured just because of our creation alone…no deeds counted.  I believe we’ve all meant well – through all generations… centuries upon centuries…and we all carried with us our baggage and rules that determined our choices and decisions.  I believe we play out our Karma in this life and from those lives past.

No more false imprisonment of all [my]mothers past…those mothers I have been or those who have been mine!  I HAVE A COUNTENANCE OF PEACE…THERE WAS NEVER ANYTHING TO FORGIVE, ONLY UNDERSTAND.