I’ve said for years, “Life is a Two-Way Street.”  But lately, I’m discovering that this may not be!

I’ve said if my friends don’t stay in contact with me on a regular basis, why should I always be the one to initiate  contact? BECAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD!  BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KNOW I CARE ABOUT THEM! I think these are actions of being considerate, showing interest and kindness.  It has nothing to do with ‘having skin in the game’, but it has all to do with showing up in life…after all, whatever is part of my life, mind and spirit, is my responsibility, and no one else’s.  It’s part of me tending my life’s garden.

It’s my ego which tells me, ‘even Steven’…if I called last time, you call next time.  You show me how much you care for me!  REALLY?  Is this how it goes?  I think what I do in this life and how I tend my garden is more about how much I put into it…how much I make myself known, with no thought to any return.  It’s like any other altruistic act…one ought not be looking for recompense when one does something selflessSelfless actions are full of self!

It’s not up to me to analyze the whys and wherefores of another’s behavior; however, it is every bit my responsibility to know why I do something.  Life is about feeling good about what I’m up to, there’s no tit for tat.  There’s no rhyme or reason to it either.  Life is spontaneous in the moment, in the NOW.  Whatever approaches us and confronts us is what we deal with to the best of our ability.  Mindfulness is very important because it suggests we have the ability to think before we act.

We’re told to stop and smell the roses.  These days I’m telling myself stop and pick a colorful bouquet!  This wonderment…the kaleidoscope of life…offers itself whenever an opportunity to make a kind and helpful gesture comes before us. When I take the time to make something more beautiful, even when it comes down to dusting off a table or polishing some brass or silver.  I, too, provide the fragrance and taste to life by virtue of my attitude and energy which I exude at any given time.  Am I  jolly and optimistic and friendly, or am I  grouchy, soar-voiced and disengaging?  IT’S ALL UP TO ME!   It’s very important that I’m concerned about how I present myself, not what someone else presents to me.  THAT’S ON THEM!

Knowing myself is so very important.  The more autonomous and confident I am, the more freeing my life is.  I owe nothing to no one.  I am free to give of myself at my own will, in the quantity of my own choosing for my own sake.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well.  Always be safe and stay well.  May you feel happy, may you feel healthy, may you feel safe, and may you feel at ease.

You give yourself endless Peace, Joy and Happiness by virtue of what you 

think of yourself and what you can give to others.   Gaya