April 2020

I’m not going to wait to see what the ‘New Normal’ is going to be!  I’ve been configuring my ‘new normal’ for the past few years as I keep changing myself ‘UP’ and ‘FORWARD’ the best way I know how…and this continues to be with a lot of outside help!

Doesn’t it seem curious that Covid-19 had to present itself, before the world society as a whole had to go into crises mode and begin to take LIFE seriously?

Before this pandemic, we were caught up in the fires in Australia, and the drug pandemic and terrorism and school shootings, to say nothing of our own personal life tantrums, everyday lives, births and deaths which are always ongoing.

Years ago, I was told by a boss  he didn’t think I took life seriously.  This remained a quandary in my mind for years…I really didn’t know what he had meant.  I gave him tribute  in my first book:  “To the late ‘Odie’, who said to me, ‘Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!’.  I carried his words with me without full grasp for more than 30 years.  This wise man spoke to my future enlightenment and made his mark upon my Soul.  His message holds a remarkable place within me and he deserves this special tribute. I know he is aware.”

What is it about the human nature that is so peculiar to each of us when it comes to what ‘reaches’ us?  I know it isn’t the same for everyone.  It seems we have a stubbornness, or a bullish attitude, or some kind of inner stance that necessitates a ‘leg sweep’, bringing us to our own ‘bottom hit’, before something miraculous is able to happen…before we finally grab hold of a perceived threat and get serious within ourselves.  WHAT A SHAME IT HAS TO COME TO THAT!

It’s like we offer up continuous dares to God, Source Energy,the Universe, the Creator, as if our lives were  our own whimsical success story no matter what we did or didn’t do!

Fact!  I have to take even better care of myself.  I have to be even more aware of my surroundings.  I have to realize how imminently connected I am physically with everything and everyone around me at all times.  I have to think more outside the box when it comes to my personal safety.  I have to realize that unseen catastrophes can be averted when I am more mindful living in the NOW.

What I am suggesting to myself is that I need to live more carefully, less carelessly, with less assumption that things are the same more than they are different or changing. The World Is Changing All The Time.   I may not be able to keep up with all of the advances in science and technology and medicine, but I am able to continuously take better care of myself within the societal landscape of my own life.

A neighborhood acquaintance came to my door yesterday…apparently, in total disregard of our current ‘stay home if you don’t have to go out’ ground rules.  I was astonished.  It seemed he came for a social visit.  I immediately asked him to step back and keep his distance…I had no plans to invite him in.  People do strange things!

We’ve been told when we’re behind the wheel of a car, to be a defensive driver.  I think the time has come that we have to become a ‘defensive liver!’  We have to beware and stand ready to take action against thoughtless behaviors of others.  Socially, it seems we are inclined to give leeway to another, giving one the benefit of the doubt, but I think these days are now over.  Instead of being our brother’s/sister’s keeper, we have to be more mindful to make sure our brother/sister is more responsible, by virtue of our own responsibility to self.  We have to always be thinking in the name of the common good.  We cannot be permitting or allowing, in the face of worrying about hurting another’s feelings.  Time has come that we’ve been rapped on the head…or, I’ll say, I feel the rap on my own head…I’ve got to stand up in a different way for my welfare, my safety, my peace and my calm.  IT’S ABOUT BEING MATTER-OF-FACT ABOUT LIFE.

The Times, They Are A-changin’.  I will be more responsible for my place in this world, in my home, my neighborhood and how I view my life.  Life is indeed serious business…it always has been.  Nothing should be taken for granted.

It is good when one recognizes just how precious everything under creation is.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well and Safe.


‘Now is the time for all good men [women] to come to the aid of their country.’  Does this look familiar to some of you?  It is the sentence we used in typing class.  Why I thought of it this morning, I don’t know…but isn’t it appropriate?

If I’m going to come to the aid of my country, I have to come to my own aid first.  This means back to basics when I think this way.

I turned 83 this past week and I must say, it feels good.  I’ve been on this earth quite a long while.  So much has happened. And, these days, we are experiencing something very new…IT’S A FIRST FOR ME IN ALL MY YEARS.  In all my time, I guess it’s the right time for me to experience this pandemic virus, Covid 19.

Every time is the right time for each one of us.  We all have our own perception of things, we have our own reality, we think peculiarly to ourselves.

TIME. I have as much as I need to do what has to be done.  There is always just enough of it to complete each moment I am alive.   It’s always available to me…like an never-emptying vessel. I have it when I’m sleeping and when I am awake.  I can use it however I wish, to do with as I choose.   I can choose to repeat, or change, or waste it.  I can spend time, I can never save it.  Yet, it’s always at my fingertips.

Time is like a magic wand.  Wherever I place my attention and intention, I make choices and take actions and create my world…all in the time I have.  At the end of the day it’s about ME and how I’ve utilized MY time.  At the end of the day, it’s about what I’VE been up to!

As of this moment, I have a new respect and concept of TIME.  I value it more. It is truly an overlooked treasure. As long as I am breathing, I am ‘in the Grace of Time’.  I am the magician in my life.  I can take time to do anything.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  All Be Well.

Closer she comes to more clarity and understanding of what is important to her.  ~Gaya