Life’s Impressions

Do things really change?   I did change my surroundings, got a new little dog, am meeting new people, have different activities, etc., but inside all seems to be the same.  Days go by, I still have problems to solve, attitudes to moderate, I’m always the optimistic thinker, have my spiritual practice and I continue to postulate my existence and purpose and what is required by me to gain equanimity and harmony while living as a human being on this planet.

I love it that I still marvel at life!  I still become aware of the synchronicities and what I see as miracles.  I’m aware of the support I receive from the Universe and Gaya (my non-physical friends).   I’m following my intuition even more, and I like my reliance on this silent leader. I’m enjoying that I take action on the spur-of-the-moment to make myself happy.

I’m strenuously working around my home outside these days, and it amazes me that I have the stamina, albeit not for more than two hours at a time.  I thrill to my physical strength and Will to do what I am doing.  I’ve developed a connection to this house and the land around it.  It’s like I want to continue to  fulfill my dream, exhibiting my thankfulness by showing it how much I love being here.  As I polish my surroundings I am polishing myself.  It’s my gratitude for it all that is expressing itself, I think.

I try not to take anything for granted…I’m more aware of my blessings and living under Grace, and I’m also more agreeable to acceptance of the not-so-pleasant happenings in the knowledge that life has always been like this and it always works itself out, one way or another.

I am reminded of the song, “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know.”

Life is Good. Thank You, God. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, God.

You are recognized, supported and loved beyond measure.  ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Today in meditation, I spent more time – longer than ever before – as I wandered around in my mind, situating myself with the IT…The answers I keep trying to find.

I have this mind which governs the day-to-day  choices I make as a human being, and these human choices create the activities and experiences and emotions and solutions and resolutions I have in response to it all. I realized in my silence that there is so much repetition, so much recurrence of the same old same old…like I never seem to get through IT, or get IT done! Furthermore, I also realized that because I know how long I have spent on IT, I can reasonably conclude that I have done all I have  to do, I don’t need to concern myself with IT anymore, and I can trust that God, Universe, Source Energy, Creator concur!

I’m letting go of the lead rope!  IT can handle ITSELF!

I am a Spiritual Being.  At Essence I am totally whole and innocent. When I became, I had properties which I implemented at will. I implanted  into the human consciousness.  The Spirit is in the human journey of experience.  The human being creates its reality.  I’ve been aware for some time of the ‘split’, i.e., my spirit beingness and my humanness, but until today in meditation, I had never realized the two plateaus could be observed simultaneously.  I observed what Kaye has been up to, what her consciousness has been concentrating on, right along with what Spirit was sensing:  This is my time to understand the relationship between the two minds, if you will.

My Spirit wants to keep on going.  It doesn’t want to be waylaid for any length of time on an experiential event…it wants to continue to learn and advance consciousness through experience. which has to do with the human choices.  The human mind thinks it is optimum…that it’s all-powerful, that it’s IT.  But, it is not!  The Spirit is IT!

I am consciously allowing my Spirit Mind to lead me through this concept.  I want to continue on….I feel fulfilled and finally, I think  I am better resonating and integrating all of the words I have  ever said and written – in my books, my posters, my posts, these blogs, my comments.  There is more to just believing something…one has to fully integrate and resonate and then very consciously live it…this is what being Mindful is all about I guess… Understanding more and more.  It is the PEACE OF GOD.

Make no mistake, this is no ‘arrival’; however, it is a huge understanding as I see it. I am peeking into my two minds:  My Spiritual Mind and my Human Mind.  The Ego has no place in the Spiritual Mind. The Spiritual Mind is loving and non-judgmental, encompassing whatever the human mind chooses.  The Spiritual Mind has Patience and Understanding, and offers Intuition and Wisdom to the human mind.  I am choosing to link my human mind with my Spiritual Mind to expand my conscious awareness and exalt my  human experience.

Blessed Be to All.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

The present unfolds into the known, and then the past. Cherish the Newness of Life.  ~Gaya


It’s interesting… this journey we’re on!  I was speaking to a longtime friend yesterday, and we both exclaimed it was hard to believe we were at the ages we are. ..she 74, I 83.

In my younger years, NEVER did I spend much time thinking on how old I would live to be, or for that matter, what goals did I have in terms of who I wanted to become, what I wanted to do, what path did I need to follow to reach my dreams and goals.

It seems to make more sense now to think about what have I learned?  How do I assess my life and the choices I have made?  Do I really  have any regrets?  Do I wish I could go back in time and have a ‘redo’?

I know I’m grateful that I have followed my journey with a continuous Faith in a Power Greater Than Me.   I know I am thankful that I never gave up on myself…no matter what was happening, no matter what choices I made.  In so doing, I gained a true trust of Self and my resiliency.

I have to work things out myself to clarity and understanding; I’ve come to accept that each effort I make toward this is admirable. I feel the spiritual connection, my Higher Self, my Soul Self, my Intuitive Consciousness.  It’s not about erasing or lamenting the past.  It’s about valuing it for what it has meant to me in my growth and conscious awareness.  What I may have thought were stumbling blocks were actually building blocks!  It’s about thanking God for the many people and events in my life which appeared at just the right moment.

I can pick that one book that started me on a course of independent learning and has served me well right up to now, AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen.  Then there was RISKING, by David Viscott, MD., the book that instilled in me courage to step out on the ledge after tallying the risk.  I learned it wasn’t that scary to try something I had never done before.  I also found out it wasn’t about failing or succeeding, but more about having the experience of attempting and living it in the intention.

Right up to this day, I continuously work on issues and triggers and bothersome, even painful,  circumstances with the same Faith that I will make it better…I will have more understanding and clarity…I will have more resolution.  That’s my optimism.

So, I hold on to what has continued to work, and I try very hard to let go of that which can bog me down and restrict me. It’s important to know that I have a commitment to  enjoying the privilege of living life the best way I know how and enjoying the whole process.  This is the growth and understanding and clarity I keep finding, and the Grace which follows when I reflect on just how great life has been.

We are the strength within you, we are your resiliency, your dreams,

your tenacity,  your curiosity, your love and appreciation for

your life and all it continuously offers.   ~  Gaya




When I’m in a crowded place, like a grocery store, I have no attachment to any of the people milling around.  We’re all there for the same purpose, and we’re directing ourselves to the various aisles where we pick up what we need and move along until we check out.  If I can’t find something, I might ask a fellow shopper. That contact is short and purposeful.  In any case, I haven’t relied upon anyone. There are services offered like carryout, and I use them if needed.

I find it interesting, however, when I think upon ‘friendship’…how and why it begins; how it maintains and flourishes; how the connection can form into an attachment, and then, without notice the friend(s) create an agenda.   And the friendship silently shifts from one of enjoying each other’s company and mutual interests, to one of expectation favoring personal gain. Unknowingly and, perhaps, unwittingly, a person generously begins to present themselves in a ‘helpful’ manner…this could be monetarily, doing favors, just plain helpfulness, but in so doing, that person is also deepening reliance between the two of them.The recipient perceives nothing unusual other than the friendship strengthening.

Then, something happens:  The recipient does something unexpected – nothing mean or devious – but the generous friend takes it very personally, and an eruption occurs.  Apparently, the generous friend had become reliant upon the other friend for something that hadn’t been openly stated.  This is a scenario which occurred with me.

There are business relationships and friend relationships and acquaintances.  I happen to think when someone becomes ‘disappointed’ in someone else, they’ve perhaps relied too heavily upon that person.  My friendships are in my inner circle.  They are few and treasured.  Everything that is exchanged between us is from the heart, with no expectation whatsoever.   There is an open exchange of ideas, dreams and everyday drama.  There is a continuous give-and-take between us, and no one feels they owe another anything in light of the friendship.

We are responsible for our feelings and our own actions.  We are not responsible for the feelings of others. One can be easily manipulated if one does not understand and believe this.  I think true friendships are formed between hearts, and much is willing to be overlooked in the name of that friendship.

Each time we examine ourselves we deliberately expand our conscious awareness. 

This is a fearless and selfless act toward greater authenticity.   ~  Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe.




I’m not going to wait to see what the ‘New Normal’ is going to be!  I’ve been configuring my ‘new normal’ for the past few years as I keep changing myself ‘UP’ and ‘FORWARD’ the best way I know how…and this continues to be with a lot of outside help!

Doesn’t it seem curious that Covid-19 had to present itself, before the world society as a whole had to go into crises mode and begin to take LIFE seriously?

Before this pandemic, we were caught up in the fires in Australia, and the drug pandemic and terrorism and school shootings, to say nothing of our own personal life tantrums, everyday lives, births and deaths which are always ongoing.

Years ago, I was told by a boss  he didn’t think I took life seriously.  This remained a quandary in my mind for years…I really didn’t know what he had meant.  I gave him tribute  in my first book:  “To the late ‘Odie’, who said to me, ‘Kaye, I don’t think you take yourself seriously!’.  I carried his words with me without full grasp for more than 30 years.  This wise man spoke to my future enlightenment and made his mark upon my Soul.  His message holds a remarkable place within me and he deserves this special tribute. I know he is aware.”

What is it about the human nature that is so peculiar to each of us when it comes to what ‘reaches’ us?  I know it isn’t the same for everyone.  It seems we have a stubbornness, or a bullish attitude, or some kind of inner stance that necessitates a ‘leg sweep’, bringing us to our own ‘bottom hit’, before something miraculous is able to happen…before we finally grab hold of a perceived threat and get serious within ourselves.  WHAT A SHAME IT HAS TO COME TO THAT!

It’s like we offer up continuous dares to God, Source Energy,the Universe, the Creator, as if our lives were  our own whimsical success story no matter what we did or didn’t do!

Fact!  I have to take even better care of myself.  I have to be even more aware of my surroundings.  I have to realize how imminently connected I am physically with everything and everyone around me at all times.  I have to think more outside the box when it comes to my personal safety.  I have to realize that unseen catastrophes can be averted when I am more mindful living in the NOW.

What I am suggesting to myself is that I need to live more carefully, less carelessly, with less assumption that things are the same more than they are different or changing. The World Is Changing All The Time.   I may not be able to keep up with all of the advances in science and technology and medicine, but I am able to continuously take better care of myself within the societal landscape of my own life.

A neighborhood acquaintance came to my door yesterday…apparently, in total disregard of our current ‘stay home if you don’t have to go out’ ground rules.  I was astonished.  It seemed he came for a social visit.  I immediately asked him to step back and keep his distance…I had no plans to invite him in.  People do strange things!

We’ve been told when we’re behind the wheel of a car, to be a defensive driver.  I think the time has come that we have to become a ‘defensive liver!’  We have to beware and stand ready to take action against thoughtless behaviors of others.  Socially, it seems we are inclined to give leeway to another, giving one the benefit of the doubt, but I think these days are now over.  Instead of being our brother’s/sister’s keeper, we have to be more mindful to make sure our brother/sister is more responsible, by virtue of our own responsibility to self.  We have to always be thinking in the name of the common good.  We cannot be permitting or allowing, in the face of worrying about hurting another’s feelings.  Time has come that we’ve been rapped on the head…or, I’ll say, I feel the rap on my own head…I’ve got to stand up in a different way for my welfare, my safety, my peace and my calm.  IT’S ABOUT BEING MATTER-OF-FACT ABOUT LIFE.

The Times, They Are A-changin’.  I will be more responsible for my place in this world, in my home, my neighborhood and how I view my life.  Life is indeed serious business…it always has been.  Nothing should be taken for granted.

It is good when one recognizes just how precious everything under creation is.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Well and Safe.


‘Now is the time for all good men [women] to come to the aid of their country.’  Does this look familiar to some of you?  It is the sentence we used in typing class.  Why I thought of it this morning, I don’t know…but isn’t it appropriate?

If I’m going to come to the aid of my country, I have to come to my own aid first.  This means back to basics when I think this way.

I turned 83 this past week and I must say, it feels good.  I’ve been on this earth quite a long while.  So much has happened. And, these days, we are experiencing something very new…IT’S A FIRST FOR ME IN ALL MY YEARS.  In all my time, I guess it’s the right time for me to experience this pandemic virus, Covid 19.

Every time is the right time for each one of us.  We all have our own perception of things, we have our own reality, we think peculiarly to ourselves.

TIME. I have as much as I need to do what has to be done.  There is always just enough of it to complete each moment I am alive.   It’s always available to me…like an never-emptying vessel. I have it when I’m sleeping and when I am awake.  I can use it however I wish, to do with as I choose.   I can choose to repeat, or change, or waste it.  I can spend time, I can never save it.  Yet, it’s always at my fingertips.

Time is like a magic wand.  Wherever I place my attention and intention, I make choices and take actions and create my world…all in the time I have.  At the end of the day it’s about ME and how I’ve utilized MY time.  At the end of the day, it’s about what I’VE been up to!

As of this moment, I have a new respect and concept of TIME.  I value it more. It is truly an overlooked treasure. As long as I am breathing, I am ‘in the Grace of Time’.  I am the magician in my life.  I can take time to do anything.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  All Be Well.

Closer she comes to more clarity and understanding of what is important to her.  ~Gaya



Variety is the spice of life!  Trying something new!  Hearing a suggestion and mulling it over for a while and VOILA’….new ideas come into the brain and all of a sudden another picture is formed.  I LIKE IT!

That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Clicking our feet in the air!  Resounding with vigor and intention, “YES!”

I can tweak my life any which way I wish.  I can turn a word or phrase into a painting…it depends upon the descriptive words I use.

I will bring new life into my blog.  After all, everything I write about is about me and what I am doing to continue to fulfill my authenticity.

I invite you to come along with me as I share in yet another way.  If you wish to subscribe to, scroll down to the bottom of the Ease of Living page and complete the form and you will receive emails whenever a blog is published.

I am now observing myself in a much different mode.  This feels interesting and new and exciting.  I am thrilling myself.

We share in this new adventure…we’ve been waiting…it has been

stirring and whirling and bubbling to the surface awaiting Creation.

Leave no stone unturned…it is all in your good timing.   ~ Gaya


I am mindful this morning that I have so many feelings inside of me, and if I don’t stop and sift through them, I’m missing the opportunity to express myself about them…either to myself, or to the world at large.  I think Self Expression rates high with Self-Esteem because to feel good about expressing myself out loud to others, I feel I have self confidence that my feelings are important to declare.

My feelings aren’t only about myself, either.  This is why I like to give credit where credit is due to others.  When I observe outstanding qualities in others, or their appearance, their demeanor which I find to be so exemplary, I’m almost forced inside to say something outwardly so others can feel my admiration.

It comes to mind  how I feel about what I’m observing has all to do with my inward perception and my outward expression of compassion and kindness.  When I’m able to express positive words and actions about another to someone else, I am extending positive energy to the ethos of humankind.

These kinds of feelings point out to me that I am loving myself well too.  The feelings that are inside for another generate from the feelings I have for myself…a softness, an awareness, and general state of well being for me and others.   The world is as harsh as it feels to me…and as welcoming too.  When I am comfortable as I wend my days, I’m comfortable with myself, so I will be comfortable with what is around me too.  I am also reminded that I have a generous heart when I think like this.  That I am thinking outside myself, and it isn’t about me!

From within, Kaye is realizing the ripple effect of what she receives from her connection with Source, and automatically perpetuates this connection with what is around her.  She is feeling the magnanimity of it all.     ~Gaya




It just goes to show, I don’t know everything!  It took my endearing and well meaning Deep Friend and Messenger to suggest I might mention my books here in the blog.   In fact, it was also her objective viewpoint when she suggested displaying the books all together.  Initially, as she was talking, I was very resistant.  I couldn’t see a place for mentioning my books here, nor had I even considered that I could be more original whenever I do my minimal marketing.  (I’d say  my ‘minimal thinking’ is why I didn’t think of these things myself!)  I have come to the trilogy and,I believe, the final ‘book-publishing-time of my life!’   There continue to be so many ‘times’ of our lives.

I’ve stood on my authentic premise that I wrote these books for myself first. It was so much fun, and so self-fulfilling through the publishing stages while I worked with my esteemed book formatter and cover designer, along with individuals from the very beginning who today, almost 3 years later, are still close to my heart and, though  relatively newfound friends in my latter years,  their pulse in my life runs very deep and strong within me.

Amazing how the Universe has never-ending supply of exactly what we need when we need it.  How can one ever stay with a frame of mind that life is ho hum, boring, unfulfilling and ever so unforgiving, if they actually do listen to their heart’s desires, or all of the wonderful dreams they play in their mind?  We are the conductor and we stop our own music!

It all started for me with this blog! I write about my personal transformation which surfaced when I was 78.   I offered my first book, Unbridled Commentary…Without Flinch (From a Woman of  Years in the “Middle” of Her Life) permanently free on Amazon Kindle.   This book initiated my life dialog of conclusions that surfaced from nothing less than the ‘onion peelings’ I’ve been doing through these years in my blog here at

When I start up a blog, it is my getaway within my head where I begin to iron out some of my rough spots, give myself credit for what I know I have come through, and always try to hold myself in a humble state. Without the Grace of the Universe, of which I am a part and connect to,  I would not be able to refer to these exciting times which are exactly why these years are referred to as “GOLDEN”!  As far as I’m concerned, I am sure of this!

I’ve opened my mind a wee bit more in the hope you readers have gotten to know me a bit better.  Life is a cornucopia of bounteous joyful new experiences – one after the other.  My books relate how our minds develop our lives.  I am proof that there is no bogey man, or Kodiak Bear (to which I’ve referred often in my books and here in the blog).  What there is when we face our Self-Truths are balloons after balloons of unfounded fears that we begin to pop, and set ourselves free from our own personal bondage.

Come Ahead.  You hold the easel, the canvas, and you provide the color.  Together, we create your dreams.     ~Gaya        

Life is for the living…So Let’s Live and Laugh at it All!  Blessed Be and to All Be Blessed.



Not this year, 2019, nor any other year in the near future, will I “arrive!”  Actually, I’ve always believed this and never think of my life along these lines; however, I have had hopes I learned some lessons ‘FOR GOOD’, if this makes any sense.

Now, after having to backtrack my tracks, and rethink again my actions and reactions, I’ve begun to believe that because things and people and circumstances are always changing moment- to-moment, it’s all I can do to keep up, and keep my head on straight, as I try to do the right thing at any given moment in the NOW of anything and everything!  This is a mouthful and a brainful too!!

As old as I am, nearing 82, it is never “Too soon old, too late smart”, as the saying goes.  Guess there’s no real reason to always try to figure out stuff. Living in the NOW for nearly a year, I take everything as it comes for the ‘start up’ of each of my days, but now I’m finding out I don’t take the ‘end up’ of my days so well when I have some troubling experience pop up!  It is still the NOW, but why is it so difficult for me to navigate this? What a conundrum!

As much as I love to look around every corner for the surprise of life, I think I’ve forgotten I also need to accept the surprises  that occur, which may stem from familiar ground, but that ground hasn’t been remaining the same and, therefore, circumstances and people and things have been changing as well!  True enough, nothing is carved in stone, no matter what!

What have I learned?  Don’t come to a conclusion about anything.  Always be ready for anything. What IS NOW is ONLY NOW.   Everything presented to me is NEW IN THE NOW NO MATTER WHAT! 

I don’t think I have to go back to my drawing board, but I fully intend to broaden my scope of thought about MORE (which may suggest futuristic thinking), from NOW on.

Happy New Day Everyone.  I do believe I gained my one step back, and added another one ahead.

Let’s hear it for giving ourselves some ‘wiggle room’.

Kaye finds it difficult to drop the reins of her life and accept fully ‘what Is’.  Of course, this stems from early childhood when it was near impossible to control her circumstances.   Every day she comes closer to us with full Faith and Trust that ALL is perfectly fine.  There is never a reason for her to be concerned.   She knows she is part and parcel of  ALL.             ~Gaya  

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.