I’ve been realizing these days that I am the only one who can give myself peace of mind.  This said, I don’t spend much time mulling things in my mind which wastes my time…if I observe myself doing it. I try to be more centered on thoughts that fill me up with enthusiasm for life and doing things which project my optimism moment by moment.  I really do spend a great deal of time expressing my gratitude for so many things.

I wrote a poster not long ago which defined “Commitment” as no other option.  Gosh, believing this makes life even simpler, albeit more serious as well.  To me it’s satisfying that I can propose options to myself to most everything when it comes to choices.  Subsequently, I already know  that I will like the outcome because of the intentional actions I take.

I can take  mystery out of my life on a daily basis, and welcome what presents to me which is the joy of living in the NOW. And, when I am then faced with more choices, I can review what I will and won’t commit to, and what I will allow occupancy in my day for the entertainment and pleasantry for as long as I wish.

We all know worry does nothing but upset us.  We also know that acceptance is a key to streamlining our days and relaxing in the flow of the action.  I also keep reminding myself that it is I who dictates where I will stand…I am not a tree, I can move around any which way to get my footing and reposition myself.  Like I said in one of my books, I believe if I made my bed I have to sleep in it; however, I can move it around any way I want in this process.  Nothing is so ultimate except death….and perhaps regret,

I have a friend staying with me for 6 weeks.  We both made a commitment to make it work. We don’t know each other very well,  so we are customizing our positions with pure consideration for each other.  This isn’t always easy, but we continue to remind ourselves that we committed to the arrangement for our individual reasons.  I’m glorifying my position in this, because I  have begun to realize what it takes to commit to something/someone and how important my word and actions are.  They are absolute!!  I am proud of myself and also, I am learning such vital lessons yet to learn this late in my life about how to make the best of everything.  I have been given a great personal life  opportunity by fulfilling this commitment. I realize how instrumental I am about everything in my daily life and how it affects me and others.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Gratitude is a Connection to Everything.   ~Gaya