Life is so fluid, and I keep moving along with it, whether I like it or not.  One thing’s for sure though – my thoughts have to stay current with my days!  This is a mouthful, folks!

When I decide something, it becomes a moot point.  My thoughts bring me to my choices and actions right away. Then, off I go to the races to other thoughts that are determining my Forever Unending Pathway.  Concurrently, I am experiencing contrast – some by my own doing, and some through Life’s presentations.  I try to thoughtfully respond, but all too often I react instead.

I think I keep way too much in my head after I have made a decision about something.    It may be because it’s familiar territory, and it’s easier to chew over the same cud rather than begin again and again, but the fact is, life is a continuous stream of  new experiences.

It is my responsibility to keep up with the fast-paced stream, and I also have to keep myself current with what my attention and intention is.  It’s as simple as that!   I want to know where I want to be in all of the activity.  I pretty much stay out of the fray anyway.  I go where I am interested in going.  I won’t be dragged along by others anywhere.

I guess what I’m pointing out to myself is that this NOW I’m trying to live never has a past or a future, only NOW, and this is just enough for me to handle.

As I’ve gotten older, I can look back to ‘simpler’ times, but why?  Those who came after me never knew of them, they’re living what they know NOW.  And to look back and lament is a warped way of complaining as I see it.

Come to think of it, as I grew up and lived my life, things were moving fast too, and I was learning new things all the time.  I never sat with my experiences and asked Life to slow down.  I mostly thought of the ways to resolve and solve what needed attention.

So, I guess the long and the short of this message is an affirmation that I always have been at the helm of my ship, directing my course, whether I was aware of it or not.  Fast pace or slow, I’m always responsible for my actions and words, and what I create

I am a powerful spiritual being, aligned with God, Source, Universe, Creator.

No one is alone…lest in their thoughts.  Breathe in the healing energy,

and breathe out that which no longer serves you.    It is good to  honor

your inextricable connection to God.   ~Gaya