When I need a screwdriver, do I need a phyllips or flathead? Considering a project, do I need gloves, a scraper, a saw, some sandpaper?  I ask myself these questions each time I begin a project.. In other words, I go to my tool box or my shed and pick up the exact tools I need for the job.

Living life to my best ability, I have other tools, and they’re intuitive.  I began trusting my intuition about 20 years ago. It’s a process to be sure, and when I made that conscious decision I had only one caveat, if I thought I was supposed to get on a plane and go somewhere, I WOULDN’T! Living intuitively takes practice along with mindfulness and lots of FAITH.

Living in the NOW is spontaneous.  It’s a responsive process to that which LIFE presents to me.  I make no things-to-do lists. I mark appointments on a calendar and do a grocery list. Eckhart Tolle says he provides tools through his books and speaking.  I get it!  My books and other information from my spiriiual mentors are all tools, and I’m free to pick and choose exactly which tool I need for my LIFE PROJECTS! Sitting in the silence begins the solution.

Living my life is not about panicking or fearful thinking.  It’s about trusting self with the realization that my intuition is God speaking directly to me.  I’m speaking to myself! The trick is the LISTENING! There is no urgency to living.  There is thoughtfulness and joy and intention  and personal willingness to jump in with both feet! Ram Dass refers to the GAME.  Games are fun, and tricky and require strategy and they can be won.  In life, my game is not a competitive one. I open doorways and windows for me to see opportunity and warnings.  I recognize blessings and gratitude.  I provide my own soft pillows to fall upon.  I trust my intuition and it is serious business.

There is no need to worry when I trust my intuition because I know I am coming from my heart and as I’ve said many times, I don’t believe anything can go awry when I come from my heart. There is no place for ego.  It is a silent affirmation from me to me that I’m trying my very best in all situations to get the job done!

I have found more peace in my lifetime these days than ever before.  Granted, there was more hurry and scurry when I was younger and more activity in mainstream; however, there was more ego and less awareness and consideration back then as well.  I guess it is a Game of Life I’m in, and admittedly, it hasn’t been boring.  But there’s big truth in recommendations to stop and smell the roses, and sit in the silence and ponder how magnificent creation is.  Everything really is as important as it is unimportant. It’s about my own focal point. There is so much to realize.  It could never be forced on me.  I have been offered countless directions over the years, but it was the choices I made which led me here and NOW.

I love the Serenity Prayer:  “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, oourage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I think it’s the acceptance that is my  greatest challenge.  Of course, when LIFE provides me pleasure, it’s easy to accept it.  It’s when I am challenged with outcome which I don’t want that it’s difficult to accept.

I think serenity and courage and wisdom  are intuitive, and then acceptance reveals itself.

Ease and Grace and Safety come with Peace.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.