We’ve all heard ‘Never say Never’, right?  And too, we’ve all heard ‘Always follow your Dreams’! Well, I’ve done that, and at 84 years old, I am embarking on what I’ll call another journey…one that I’ve dreamed of since I was five years old.  I’ve written about it in this blog from time-to-time as well:  Finding my ‘ranchy thing’.

At 5:15 A.M. Tuesday, August 31st, I drove 341 miles to a smaller town (approx. 25,000 population) in New Mexico, met with my realtor, viewed 6 houses, made an offer on one, came back to Phoenix the next morning, put my house up for sale, sold it that following weekend, and since then have been performing my due diligence bringing this matter together.  Plans are I will be moving to New Mexico on October 28th.  Everything has gone very smoothly…no push and shove.

I found my “DreamCatcher Ranch”!

It seemed like this two-acre spot has been waiting for me.  When I viewed the property online, it felt like it was meant to be mine, and when I saw it that day and walked into the house it felt like home.  The trip certainly was worth it. 

These past many years I have lived a full life, had some wonderful experiences, came through some difficult times too,  and I’ve always held the special place in my heart and mind for the ‘ranchy place’.  I put the dream on hold more than once, and one time actually said, “I’m done looking!”  That was my brain speaking but not my heart.  Recently, when I revved up my motor again, it was quite unexpected, but there was a newfound energy with it.  All of a sudden the pieces began to fit together, and as I wrote above, the events unfolded and I’m here writing about it a short 3+ weeks later!

Interestingly, when I embarked on the move to Phoenix for the final time 30 years ago, my eldest son made the trip with me.  I was so excited to finally get here.  Now, I’ll be riding with my other son with the same excitement to an adjoining Southwestern state…  an expansion of my horizon.  My life is coming full circle, as I see it.  This move isn’t completing me, it is fulfilling me.  It feels so comfortable and I am ready for it.

I hope this message is inspiring to others.  Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Experiences are meant to be had through the choices we make for ourselves. Dreams are meant to be fulfilled.

Miracles do happen! I am so grateful for every moment, every NOW.

You had this in you all the time, Kaye.  When you speak of property,

you say, ‘Location, Location, Location’…when you speak of

manifesting your dreams, we say, “Timing, Timing, Timing”.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.