May 2018

It came to me this morning that I’ve used the word “fair” often in my lifetime.   I don’t recall saying it so much as a child, but I certainly do remember how sincerely earnest I was with being fair to my sons…I didn’t want to short-change either one of them.    I also recall I used to ask them, rhetorically, “Do you think this is fair?”, or “Am I being fair?”, or something like that.  I know I drove it home too, because all too often I’d hear “That’s Not Fair!”  And, of course, I was quick to point out,  “Who said life was fair?”….and this was rhetorical to me!

I think others can identify when they grow up and maybe didn’t like some particular behavior of their parent(s),  they vowed they’d never do ‘that’ when they became parents!  In my own way, I think this “Fair” recollection was my way of bringing up how I felt I was treated as a youngster and may not have identified it so consciously, but brought it forward in my own parenting intent.

In one of my books I wrote about ‘chips’ people wear on their shoulders.  I’m coming in touch with what may be a very large chip on my own shoulder regarding what I perceived as lack of fair treatment in my childhood, and it may be the integral piece to the ‘why do I sound so angry?’ a lot of the time when I get passionate about things.

So, I asked myself, “Kaye, do you think you have been treated fairly much of the time in your lifetime?”   I spoke my mind from a very early age, but when under  parental rule, it was ineffectual.  In my adulthood, I carried my own torch.  I was quick to answer, in the workplace I was treated fairly. I was comfortable standing my own ground when I felt it was necessary.  I believe in my schooldays I was treated fairly. I don’t recall ever feeling unjustly punished or being bullied.  But, when it came to looking at all the other times in my life, there is no question…by virtue of how I can pick out INSTANCE EASILY…that I felt misjudged, manipulated when I couldn’t stand up for myself properly, relegated (as in being put below ‘company’ when they came to stay at our home), defined as a certain ‘type’ of child by innuendo, or mimicked and belittled at times.   This isn’t fair treatment by standard.  When I query myself about my adulthood, considering the choices I’ve made – good and not-so-good – I think I brought a lot upon myself and even encouraged  it as a form of daring to those who witnessed it…’will you still like me if….’!  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know how a person with low self-worth behaves!

Thankfully and to my utmost joy, there are many fair-minded people who have recognized my ‘do-over’ and through time and consistency, I have been able to come to respectable terms with myself.

TO MAKE THIS STORY SHORTER:  I’m a big girl now, I know what I deserve, I try to make it a point to clarify my feelings when I get the gut-wrench warning, and above all, I know how I treat myself and how I must be treated...So, Little and Big Kaye  acknowledge that it is paramount I make absolutely certain  – and this is in my control – that I am treated fairly.

For sure, Life is not Fair, by virtue of the fluidity of it and the countless interference from Nurture and Nature.  But today, the day before Memorial Day, I am rolling out the red carpet for me.  In honorable memory of everything before today, I salute myself for my resilience and strength and unwavering Faith.  Concurrently, I salute myself in my own parade of appointment to MY LIFE, the treasure trove of experiences and learning lessons which, again, have enabled me to push deeper to my authenticity and declare my Freedom.  I hold no one and nothing hostage that will impede me from celebrating my glorious greatness as a Created Being.   I have settled the heretofore unsettled scales of my own  personal injustices.  I now declare, “I’m Good To Go…AS-IS!”   This is a fair-minded statement!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!”  Who said that, anyway?  Lots more people than me!  Some say ‘do’ and some say ‘don’t’!  I know I’ve said it many times in my lifetime!  I TAKE IT ALL BACK TODAY!

This morning a new perspective opened me up.  I’m a basket…that is, the body I’m trekking around everyday…utilizing my hands, my feet and legs, all senses,  and above all, my thinking.…ah, yes, my thinking...trying to make sense of what I’m up to and why I’m up to it!

Many have heard me state, “Life is a series of events”.  I must add on a bit now, “Life is also a series of experiences”.  I  think I view the ‘events’ as being presented to me, and the ‘experiences’ as more my-choice-based.  As I’ve meandered this lifetime I’ve made a whole lot of choices which fostered many experiences…the quality of which don’t matter for now.  What does matter is that as long as I’m meandering, these ‘eggsperiences’ keep filling up my life basket!  They can’t go anywhere else!

This is beginning to become a bit trickier to explain.  All of life experiences have provided me with all of the lessons of my life.  It doesn’t matter if they were outcomes of the series of events in my life or by the choices I made.  HERE IT COMES:  IT DOES MATTER THAT I CONCENTRATE ON PUTTING AS MANY EGGSPERIENCES INTO MY LIFE BASKET AS I CAN,  SO MY LIFE IS AS FULL AND COMPLETE AS I AM CAPABLE OF MAKING IT!

I can’t be  small-minded when I consider this last statement.  In other words, I don’t want to be obsessive or compulsive to any one experience, lifestyle, or credo, which might put me into any kind of imbalance to my nature/nurture self.  Take my FAITH, for instance.  When I consider this, I put my faith in myself and my Source.  I rely on this faith as I come into each day of the NOW.  Each day I silently make a  pact with the unknown series of events that will unfold.  This is a mighty large egg of life I place in my basket.  BUT, as I work with these events, I want to make sure I am deliberately putting into my basket eggsperiences of another sort:  the quality and quantity of my choices that serve as an enhancement to my growth and awareness, and enlightenment. While I am nurturing myself with these deliberate eggsperiences, it is not unlike feather-lining my life basket to continue to make me whole….like taking a risk (nothing harmful in any way to me) to feel a certain joy;  extending myself in a different way to someone, in order to fortify a bond in our relationship; listening to new theories on subjects that sound interesting and even mutual to my own understanding; expanding a generosity of thought toward my musings of my purpose in this meandering through life.  With new understanding, development and growth comes shedding old ways of doing some things so there is always room for new information and quality/quantity eggsperiences.

I must always keep a watchful eye on my Life Basket.  It’s deliciously exciting when I recognize I have peeked around another corner of eye-opening, mind-opening  understanding of why I keep on keeping on.

I want my Life Basket chock full of Eggsperiences to savor and nuture the privilege of living my life. You might call me a Life Zealot!


Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Yesterday was a “low Energy” day.  Yes, I can have days like that!  I got up feeling dragged out.  My body wanted to lay down again and sleep and for a fact, after I took care of a favor for my friend, I came back home and did just that.  I slept on the couch the whole afternoon.  I grazed around in the kitchen…never made a meal…did a putzy-purgy  thing in my recipe-hoarder file, tossing what I know I’ll never cook and went to bed at an almost unheard of 9:20!

This morning, I awoke with energy and positivity and glad to be that!  I definitely had feelings  I had let go of the helm.  I hadn’t walked in a while,  a plant was still waiting since Mother’s Day to be put into a pot outside, meditation had been put on a shelf too.  I took a cursory look ‘inside’ and reminded myself I had listened to several lengthy tapes from the Hay House Summit I am currently participating in, and I have been keeping up with my coursework every morning which is proving to be so enlightening to me too.  In a way, I felt like I had been cramming for a very important test.

Where are those horns on that bull anyway?  I want to grab them!  No question, my poster for today said it quite clearly:  “I Make My Day.”   I knew I had to cancel a plan I had made and redirect myself.  That done,  I meditated, showered and went off on my hoof.

Thank God I can always count on Source Energy.  It’s always there to do my bidding.  “Here’s where I want to go, so let’s get going!”    It felt like I was reaching out my hand fully expecting cooperation.  Yes, I had specifics in mind for today, and accomplished them in what seemed like record time.  There was no big plan in place, just a series of following-through thoughts which ultimately got a plant potted, delivered tomatoes to my friend, and ran a grocery errand where I found more than exactly what I needed!  I came back home and headed directly to my desk to do my coursework for the day.  I wasn’t half into my morning!

Life really is much more simple than I make it.  How many times haven’t I heard – and I do believe it –  everything I want is ready and waiting for me to join my energy with Source Energy and spring the law of attraction into action.  I think I muster the gusto…ignite my sparks….pull out the stops, and feel the thrill I’m up to.   Full Steam Ahead!

I had another brightened moment too when I realized that along with sitting on the sidelines of my life, I may have dropped the reins to my plans of who I try to be and want to be as a citizen of my small world.  Thankfully, I got a glimpse that when I sidestep directing my life, I also seem to weaken my own resolve in other ways.  Sort of like when offices instituted ‘casual Fridays’ years ago, it was soon noticed that employees slacked on the job too.

Come to know, it’s good to have the straight-talk conversations with Self from time to time.  I DON’T EVER WANT TO BE TOO BUSY FOR MY SELF-CARE AND UNDERSTANDING.  Who’s my Best Friend after all?  ME!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



PATIENCE!  I’ve never kept it a secret that patience and compassion and tactfulness are three grand qualities of human nature that I’ve found difficulty in developing in mySelf in this lifetime.  Every single day there’s something that I’m working with to try to improve the quality of my living, and without a doubt, when any change is required,  patience must preempt my effort!  

“Where’s the fire?”  “What’s the rush?”  “Who’s pushing me?”  Alert!  Alert!  I’m the taskmaster here!  I ignited this fire!  

I love the way I think!  I love it that I have this small voice inside me that doesn’t rest.  I love when I’m inspired to write something – or, in the case of doing a live broadcast on my Facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, when I’m inspired to say something – the words come from deep inside me and in no way are they frivolous.  That  ‘something inside me’  must be made more visible or audible so I can take a look at it, turn it every which way, upside down, inside out, because I know there’s meaning to it and I want to learn that meaning and this will give me another modicum of peace and gratitude as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life.

Everything is as unimportant as it is important.  I coined this phrase years ago, and suddenly, it resurrected itself in my mind with gusto!  As I’ve said too, “Life is a series of events”…this is the wagging tail of the first statement.  I’ve always  thought I have taken ‘life in stride’ pretty much;  however, in retrospect , I have put exclamation points on many of those events!  WHY?   I think it is because until now, I haven’t inserted PATIENCE  which permits ‘easy as you go’ posturing as  I work with whatever it is that WANTS TO LIGHT ME UP!

I have always liked the term ‘mosey’.  To me it suggests being relaxed, it won’t be pushed, it’s inquisitive and it ponders, and it takes its good old-fashioned time to figure things out….it pokes around, it takes a ‘peek-see’.

I went to sleep last night and asked “All That Be” , my guides, my angels, Source, Creator, Higher Self,  to “Please give me some answers to that which is on my mind”.  I RECEIVED.

So, P.S., I will be expecting myself to be More Patient with Me, and My Expectations of ME, and with My Life, as it presents to Me.  I’ll be moseying along for now.

Blessed Be, and to All Be Blessed.