PATIENCE! I’ve never kept it a secret that patience and compassion and tactfulness are three grand qualities of human nature that I’ve found difficulty in developing in mySelf in this lifetime. Every single day there’s something that I’m working with to try to improve the quality of my living, and without a doubt, when any change is required, patience must preempt my effort!
“Where’s the fire?” “What’s the rush?” “Who’s pushing me?” Alert! Alert! I’m the taskmaster here! I ignited this fire!
I love the way I think! I love it that I have this small voice inside me that doesn’t rest. I love when I’m inspired to write something – or, in the case of doing a live broadcast on my Facebook page, Just Sayin’ Kaye A. Peters, when I’m inspired to say something – the words come from deep inside me and in no way are they frivolous. That ‘something inside me’ must be made more visible or audible so I can take a look at it, turn it every which way, upside down, inside out, because I know there’s meaning to it and I want to learn that meaning and this will give me another modicum of peace and gratitude as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life.
Everything is as unimportant as it is important. I coined this phrase years ago, and suddenly, it resurrected itself in my mind with gusto! As I’ve said too, “Life is a series of events”…this is the wagging tail of the first statement. I’ve always thought I have taken ‘life in stride’ pretty much; however, in retrospect , I have put exclamation points on many of those events! WHY? I think it is because until now, I haven’t inserted PATIENCE which permits ‘easy as you go’ posturing as I work with whatever it is that WANTS TO LIGHT ME UP!
I have always liked the term ‘mosey’. To me it suggests being relaxed, it won’t be pushed, it’s inquisitive and it ponders, and it takes its good old-fashioned time to figure things out….it pokes around, it takes a ‘peek-see’.
I went to sleep last night and asked “All That Be” , my guides, my angels, Source, Creator, Higher Self, to “Please give me some answers to that which is on my mind”. I RECEIVED.
So, P.S., I will be expecting myself to be More Patient with Me, and My Expectations of ME, and with My Life, as it presents to Me. I’ll be moseying along for now.
Blessed Be, and to All Be Blessed.
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