September 2019


Why is it so difficult to believe ourselves?  When speaking to others, lots of times a person will say, “honestly” or “to be honest”, in their sentences…as if they think they aren’t being believed.  Maybe a person is so used to saying lots of things that are more an illusion or even a delusion, than an actual fact.  Maybe people are so used to saying anything they want to say at any given time when they’re trying to make  their point….and they’re more interested in making that point and furthermore, being right, that they aren’t even clocking the actual words they are saying!  And just maybe, that’s why they can’t even take their own counsel when it comes to living their lives, and doing what they think they ought to do, instead of asking for someone else’s opinion…or bringing along a gang with them for reinforcement!

This business of life requires self-confidence and self-trust.  We gain this ability by trying new things, taking risks, dipping our feet into new waters…dreaming, taking our own hints when it comes to how we really do know ourselves.  Yes, we know ourselves the best!  We always have!  If we weren’t so consumed about what others were thinking about us, and if we weren’t so misled to believe that their opinions really mattered, and if we didn’t put more stock into what another person said, and instead put more stock into what we say and think about ourselves and what we want to be up to,  WE’D BE HAVING THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ALL OF THE TIME AS WE ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING OUR LIVES!

Most of us have already figured out if we made a mistake, we can redo it.  Yes, even those who paid a high price for some decisions have made stupendous comebacks, socially or physically, because they knew if they placed their attention to something and added an intention to it, and they felt sincere about what they were trying to accomplish, they knew they could try againNO MATTER WHAT ANYONE  SAID ABOUT ANYTHING!  You see, BIG NEWS is,  all we need to do is champion ourselves, trust ourselves and be confident that our honest opinion about ourSelf,  Bar None, is and always will be more accurate than that of anyone else.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Your capability is inextricable from us.  ~Gaya

I have been immersing myself  in teachings of wisdom for quite some time.  When I resonate with new information which I solicit,  I expand.  I integrate it and my spiritual world opens up.  I observe more options for thinking which, in turn, allow me to make choices which open up my awareness.  Essentially, this is what I have been up to since I became.

Although I am only conscious to this current life I’m living, my Inner Being is aware of all of the choices I have made since I was whatever I was at the very beginning.

I know I am the formulator and the regulator and the moderator and the terminator of the goings on in my life.  This is Power. I know I am the one who presents myself to others in the way I want to be presented.  I know that I am making all the choices necessary to fulfill myself.  I know I have all the time in the world to do what I came to this Universe to do.  I know that my intuition is my Inner Being giving me direction and guidance.  I know I am connected to what created me.  I know I am connected to all others as well.  I know that I am working with Universal Principles.  I know that there is a non-physical presence which I call Gaya, which supports everything that I think and do.  I know that Gaya holds my dreams in readiness for me to manifest.  I know that my whole Inner Being must be in tune with Gaya in order to manifest my dreams.  I know I am contented with my life or I would change it.  I know I am  a continuous stream of energy which I propel forward as I experience life as I wish to experience it.  I know I gravitate to like-minded beings,  and they to me, in pursuit of joy and happiness. I know when I am feeling at Peace in my day I am in tune, and when I am not at Peace, I have made choices which disallowed my Peace.  I know I can correct my life compass at will by thought, word and deed.

I am my own affirmation by my own words.  When I feel the synchronicity in my life I am at Peace.

And you also know that there is still so much more

to know and this is why you continue making choices.    ~Gaya