November 2019

No mirrors and no one around me?  A ‘writing out loud’ moment.

If I was on a desert island I wouldn’t have others’ opinions to deal with, I wouldn’t be comparing myself to anyone else, and I wouldn’t make disheartening self-judgments.  I’d be living a trial-and-error existence, one of survival and experience and experimenting, always improving and moving forward.  I’d be creative and enduring.

If I was on a desert island I’d probably feel moments of dissatisfaction with my progress, but on the other hand I’d have moments of peak joy of accomplishment too.  I’d be having ‘inside moments’.   I’d recognize my efforts.  I’d be creative and enduring.

If I was on a desert island I’d be a spontaneous human being and there’d be no one standing in the wings ready to rain on my parade.  I’d make decisions about my life using my own rationale.   I’d rely upon my own standard as to the how and why I was making my decisions.  My intuition would be a reliable guide and I’d listen.  Instincts would alert me because there wouldn’t be the chatter of anyone else in my ears trying to control me.  I’d be creative and enduring.

If I was on a desert island I’d have to be self-reliant and alert.  I’d learn how capable I am in finding solutions for obstacles.  There wouldn’t be the opportunity to blame others, I’d be dealing with myself and nature…the Source of all things, the Creator of what Is and ME.  I’d be creative and enduring.

If I was on a desert island I’d be grateful for the sunshine and all the goodness in my life that provided me food and shelter and clothing and a body to wear the clothing, eat the food and enjoy my shelter.  I’d be grateful for the peace I could enjoy.  I’d be grateful for the hands I had to take care of myself, for my eyes which see the beauty of the world, for my taste buds as I prepared and ate my food.  I’d be creative and enduring.

If I was on a desert island I’d be my own entertainment, I’d sing my songs and dance and give thanks.  There’d be no thought about what I looked like, but rather, how I felt.  I would be asking my heart, not anyone else, what do you want from me today?  I wouldn’t need a mirror, I’d be creative and enduring.

Of course, I’m not on a desert island, but I’m brought to myself when I think like this and I’m reminded that essentially, it’s always between me and my Gaya, Source, Creator, Universe.  And, there is great comfort in my faith that I am unconditionally supported no matter what I do... there are always lessons to learn, yes, but I am no less worthy or important no matter what’s going on each day.  I’m reminded that it is I who create my reality.  It is exactly how I think things are that appears in front of me.  I am reminded that my conscious awareness is a state of beingness which I create.

In this fast moving world,  I can visit my desert island whenever I wish.  I am creative and enduring.

When you feel our connection, you feel the blanket of unconditional love and support.

Draw us closer into your heart and know we are with you.    ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.




I am constantly being bombarded with information through my own thoughts, interjections from other human beings, intuitive sense, things I see, hear, touch, taste and feel.  Not a wonder then what a jumble can reside inside of me which can manifest itself in myriad ways.  Running around like a chicken with its head cut off comes to mind, or the exact opposite  which is feeling the need to do nothing.

Meditation is now a part of my daily life, and I am learning so much about inner connection…the silent part which gives me cohesion to my Inner Being,  my Soul Self.   I’m learning that my heart needs me.  My physical, spiritual and emotional heart needs me to support it.  For several years now I have been digging deep into myself to my authenticity.  It is a mental process which involves being brutally self-honest and for me, it has often felt like I was being so tough and unloving to myself as I unearthed details I had so neatly packed away never intended to be revisited.    Once the excavation is completed, there is a totally exposed heart, and this requires getting to the heart of the matter.

In a podcast I heard not too long ago,  I was instructed to shut my eyes and ask, ‘what does my heart need from me today?’  My eyes immediately flooded with tears. I felt a much deeper connection with my heart and Self.  It was like my heart is the conduit between my Soul Self, my Essence, my Inner Being, and Me.   A real heart-to-heart experience with myself.   I eagerly await doing this every morning, but I also do it any time during the day as a natural personal inquiry to myself to keep me steady and on track.  My heart is the interpreter. When I listen to my heart, new doors open and there is expanded awareness.  In an indescribable moment, it’s like an instant understanding and I want to supply the best way I know how what my heart is asking of me.  It is all for my total well-being.

Keep listening to your heart, Kaye. Answers unfold

and experience provides expansion.   ~Gaya