November 2020

I’ve been known to say, “Have joyful thoughts”, “Think thoughts of happiness”, “It is your happiness and joy that you search for”…or the like. These phrases sound so glib to me now.

It was early evening yesterday when I was thinking…that thing we do unceasingly every waking hour.  This time I was consciously communicating with myself.  My thoughts weren’t random, reactionary thoughts…they were orderly and I knew I was trying hard to come to some kind of a conscious conclusion.

I agreed that at this seasoned time of my life I am well able to reason how I go about releasing and letting go of troublesome thoughts and how difficult this process can be.  I agreed that initial  Gratitude for everything I have  is a good place to start.  But then, as I looked around the room I realized there was a deeper meaning I was searching for, and it was the simplest thought of all:  What I really want is to feel good.  I want to feel good from the moment I get up in the morning.  I want to feel good in spite of what’s going on around me.  The song, “Whistle While You Work”  from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came to mind.  Such a light and happy song it is, and as Snow White began to clean up the cottage, all of the dwarfs began to help as they all sang.

One thought led to another and I felt inside me how  Attitude  together with Gratitude are prerequisite Then I thought, it is I who creates these thoughts…these feelings…it is all about me and what I choose to feel about everything.   I recalled how daydreaming was the way I had created so many wonderful feelings…I was always feeling good when I was ‘planning out’ a dream or goal, or just plain imagining a scenario which made me feel so fantastic, so powerful.

We think we know how to bring ourselves away from unpleasantness.  Usually, we resort to complaining about it. Venting maybe feels like we’re getting it out of our system, but really, it’s only letting it resonate deeper within us through our continuous attention to it.  Or, we go to the refrigerator, or go shopping, or take a drink, or whatever else we can think of to override how bad we are really feeling.

IT’S MY CONSCIOUSNESS which will do it all for me with ease, if I let it. It is  my mind over  the matter…my deliberate conscious choice to take the bull by the horns and make the committed decision to bring myself down the path of feeling good no matter what is happening, no matter what my pain.  It is the true release and  deliberate letting go of the thought process which EGO lays on me!  It is the EGO which supplies all the reasoning why I must do and feel the way I do so I can always come out on top, I must always be right… be the best!  It’s the EGO which has to win!  But, I am not my EGO!!

I’m trying not to make this subject complicated.  I am trying to get in touch with my own innocence.   I’m trying to recognize my essence. I’m refusing to be tainted by outside influence which has nothing to do with me unless I allow it to penetrate my thinking.  I’m trying to see the peace and calm amidst a storm which I don’t have to acknowledge.  I am an individual and also part of the collective.  It is my individuality which carries my consciousness and personal well being.  It is truly what I want to believe is the best way for me to go that will support my own peace and calm as I settle inside myself.  Public opinion doesn’t count when it comes to my inner peace and calm.  It’s like the feelings of jealousy and envy which are not innate  to every human being.  These feelings are self-created.  Same goes for dissatisfaction with life and circumstances.

I’m giving myself the challenge to feel good about myself and what I am doing with each day that I have been gifted to live.  I’m going to listen for the good, the positive and uplifting.  I’m going to do what makes me happy and what makes me feel good.  Joy and Happiness spring from those inner feelings of Goodness and Contentment.  Spontaneous random acts of kindness toward myself and others is pure love in action. I have five God-given senses and my conscience to seek out the good in everything and I will trust my Intuitive Wisdom.

Blessed Be.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Life is to be enjoyed, not feared.  It is a smooth stream of experience

when choices are made which feel good from within your heart.   ~Gaya



It’s interesting… this journey we’re on!  I was speaking to a longtime friend yesterday, and we both exclaimed it was hard to believe we were at the ages we are. ..she 74, I 83.

In my younger years, NEVER did I spend much time thinking on how old I would live to be, or for that matter, what goals did I have in terms of who I wanted to become, what I wanted to do, what path did I need to follow to reach my dreams and goals.

It seems to make more sense now to think about what have I learned?  How do I assess my life and the choices I have made?  Do I really  have any regrets?  Do I wish I could go back in time and have a ‘redo’?

I know I’m grateful that I have followed my journey with a continuous Faith in a Power Greater Than Me.   I know I am thankful that I never gave up on myself…no matter what was happening, no matter what choices I made.  In so doing, I gained a true trust of Self and my resiliency.

I have to work things out myself to clarity and understanding; I’ve come to accept that each effort I make toward this is admirable. I feel the spiritual connection, my Higher Self, my Soul Self, my Intuitive Consciousness.  It’s not about erasing or lamenting the past.  It’s about valuing it for what it has meant to me in my growth and conscious awareness.  What I may have thought were stumbling blocks were actually building blocks!  It’s about thanking God for the many people and events in my life which appeared at just the right moment.

I can pick that one book that started me on a course of independent learning and has served me well right up to now, AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen.  Then there was RISKING, by David Viscott, MD., the book that instilled in me courage to step out on the ledge after tallying the risk.  I learned it wasn’t that scary to try something I had never done before.  I also found out it wasn’t about failing or succeeding, but more about having the experience of attempting and living it in the intention.

Right up to this day, I continuously work on issues and triggers and bothersome, even painful,  circumstances with the same Faith that I will make it better…I will have more understanding and clarity…I will have more resolution.  That’s my optimism.

So, I hold on to what has continued to work, and I try very hard to let go of that which can bog me down and restrict me. It’s important to know that I have a commitment to  enjoying the privilege of living life the best way I know how and enjoying the whole process.  This is the growth and understanding and clarity I keep finding, and the Grace which follows when I reflect on just how great life has been.

We are the strength within you, we are your resiliency, your dreams,

your tenacity,  your curiosity, your love and appreciation for

your life and all it continuously offers.   ~  Gaya