November 2023

Life can appear as a whirlwind sometimes…and if I let my thoughts pick up and attach and define, I do myself a true disservice.

I’ve been able to observe change, my ego’s attempts to disrupt me even more, and my ability to hold the course of desired peace in my heart.

I am filled with relief, and gratitude, and pleasant surprise, self-awareness, and astounding presence. I believe I have taken a step upward in learning, i.e., upward in the vertical(spiritual) dimension, as against a traditional effort in the horizontal (human) dimension. I have made a conscious decision to hand over the reins and allow my Deep I to lead me. For those readers who are followers of Eckhart Tolle, you will understand what I mean here.

My understanding and spiritual progress is within me and that’s where it belongs.  There doesn’t have to be testament to the intricacies of my process.

It would seem I have created a conundrum or a contradiction; however, I’m merely trying to exemplify what a satisfying experience it is to hold inside myself the ‘meat and potatoes’ of my spiritual progress as I’m writing this blog, yet I want others to also know that it is occurring. I want to give others hope if they have been searching for relief in their own lives and have yet to receive it that it does come and at precisely the right time…CONTINUE IN FAITH.

Now more than ever I intend to keep my own counsel with the understanding that to explode all to the outside does in fact have a diluting effect to a point.  I’m feeling my strength impacting me within and it’s accompanied with a silent understandng that ego must stand down.

I hope this blog can be helpful.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

There are some things which are beyond definition

and explanation.  This may be one such time.     Gaya



Awareness!  This is a biggie!  As i imagine (accept), I am 86, and almost every day I’m finding I have to modify or adjust something so that I can accomplish what I want to accomplish.  I become frustrated, but why?  After all, since I was born I’ve been changing things to get things done, i.e., learning how to crawl, then to walk, then to run, then to jump and then to leap into my greatness!

I’m leaping into my greatest greatness of all these days! It’s amazing when I see it this way, as I accommodate myself while I’m keep on keeping on.

There simply isn’t any room for complaining, no matter what!  Instead, there’s all the room in the universe to figure out how to solve a problem, or make something better than it is, if that’s what I need. It takes imagination and guts and grit to address my issues to myself and try to make some changes. Even if it’s just a matter of changing how I look at things…seeing things another way.  The main thing is not to be discouraged or consider that I’m coming to a brick wall.

Every experience I’ve had in my life has been new to me the first time.   And it has always been up to me to figure out how to handle it.  How else did I get to LEAP INTO MY GREATNESS!!

As I age, it’s not about thinking I’m a victim of age, or time. It’s about how grateful I really am that I’m alive and enjoying Life as it is being given to me.  Just the fact that I do ENJOY my existence so very much is exhilarating to me.  Gratitude is the building block to Joy and Happiness.

I have some kind of varmit in my back yard now.  It’s probably either a mole or gopher.  In any case, I have to figure out what to do.  I don’t particulary like the mounds of dirt all around!  I’ve Googled the problem and there certainly are solutions. I’m already grateful that my little pooch Porter pees on the piles of dirt!  According to information, this in itself deters these varmits from wanting to be around!  I consider this a blessing, and Mother Nature’s way of possibly saving the lives of the diggers!

I will always be presented with something that requires my attention…this is Life!  If everything was good all the time, I’d  never be inclined to learn a thing about anything! Life always presents a challenge of some kind and that’s good. It keeps me alert and interested in what’s going on.


Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Life is a series of  self-realizations….Gaya