This is my final blog.

What I thought was an eruption of allergies turned into the beginning of a new adventure:  An X-ray brought on a CT scan which brought on a a brain scan and PET scan and the revelation of a diagnosis of small cell carcinoma in my right lung.  Yes, folks, I have lung cancer.

Since July 1st I have been introduced to a new world…one of extreme care and compassion, every person I’ve come in contact with has the halo of ‘let me do whatever I can to make you feel comfortable’ as we tread this walkway together.

I haven’t lost a night’s sleep over this…early on I was affirmed that my spiritual practice was perfect for me!  I can’t explain how this all happens, but I can assure all that I do have the ‘peace which passeth all understanding.’

Since I moved to my ranchy thing almost three years to the day, I have moved under Grace. I’ve felt it.  It has been smooth sailing.  I’ve accomplished that which I needed to do around this place so that now, when I am short of breath and tired, I can sit and stare (my name for meditation) and feel accomplished in so many different ways.  I am satisfied.

My prognosis is give or take 6 months; however, I know me too…a strong woman.  Strong of heart and mind, willing to go the extra mile with zest and gusto, holding onto the golden thread of this new life adventure with anticipation of the unknown.

I have no sadness or regret inside of me.  I have tons of gratitude for my entire life and the experiences which shaped the outcome.  This time now is full of learning lessons…a big one is patience! Another is Acceptance of Help from others. I am keenly aware that I am able to make this entire experience wonderful…yes, wonderful.  Those in my inner circle are supportive and understanding of these feelings.  I am indeed walking my talk.  I am so grateful for the awareness I have and the appreciation I have for the way I think.  My whole life has been leading up to this time.

I have no attachment  This is the ultimate Freedom.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Full circle… learning some of the unknown…

where there is Acceptancer, there is Peace.   Gaya.