Energy Connection

Today in meditation, I spent more time – longer than ever before – as I wandered around in my mind, situating myself with the IT…The answers I keep trying to find.

I have this mind which governs the day-to-day  choices I make as a human being, and these human choices create the activities and experiences and emotions and solutions and resolutions I have in response to it all. I realized in my silence that there is so much repetition, so much recurrence of the same old same old…like I never seem to get through IT, or get IT done! Furthermore, I also realized that because I know how long I have spent on IT, I can reasonably conclude that I have done all I have  to do, I don’t need to concern myself with IT anymore, and I can trust that God, Universe, Source Energy, Creator concur!

I’m letting go of the lead rope!  IT can handle ITSELF!

I am a Spiritual Being.  At Essence I am totally whole and innocent. When I became, I had properties which I implemented at will. I implanted  into the human consciousness.  The Spirit is in the human journey of experience.  The human being creates its reality.  I’ve been aware for some time of the ‘split’, i.e., my spirit beingness and my humanness, but until today in meditation, I had never realized the two plateaus could be observed simultaneously.  I observed what Kaye has been up to, what her consciousness has been concentrating on, right along with what Spirit was sensing:  This is my time to understand the relationship between the two minds, if you will.

My Spirit wants to keep on going.  It doesn’t want to be waylaid for any length of time on an experiential event…it wants to continue to learn and advance consciousness through experience. which has to do with the human choices.  The human mind thinks it is optimum…that it’s all-powerful, that it’s IT.  But, it is not!  The Spirit is IT!

I am consciously allowing my Spirit Mind to lead me through this concept.  I want to continue on….I feel fulfilled and finally, I think  I am better resonating and integrating all of the words I have  ever said and written – in my books, my posters, my posts, these blogs, my comments.  There is more to just believing something…one has to fully integrate and resonate and then very consciously live it…this is what being Mindful is all about I guess… Understanding more and more.  It is the PEACE OF GOD.

Make no mistake, this is no ‘arrival’; however, it is a huge understanding as I see it. I am peeking into my two minds:  My Spiritual Mind and my Human Mind.  The Ego has no place in the Spiritual Mind. The Spiritual Mind is loving and non-judgmental, encompassing whatever the human mind chooses.  The Spiritual Mind has Patience and Understanding, and offers Intuition and Wisdom to the human mind.  I am choosing to link my human mind with my Spiritual Mind to expand my conscious awareness and exalt my  human experience.

Blessed Be to All.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

The present unfolds into the known, and then the past. Cherish the Newness of Life.  ~Gaya


It never fails, I have to go ‘through something’ in order to see the light!  I know all the words, I’ve written plenty of posters, all of which I unequivocally believe…in fact, I consider them all inspired works, right down to this blog and my books too.

It’s my Spiritual Practice that keeps me in line.  It’s my fundamental ideas about who I think I am, how serious I am about my life and how I’m living it, and about life in general; how intent am I with my actions, and striving, along with thriving, in my own life.

One thing I know, I don’t do anything alone.  When I’m in problem, I call upon the basics:  I am inextricably connected to, and unconditionally loved and supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy, take your pick.  I trust myself and hold strong to my Faith in That Power Greater Than Myself, from which I was created.  I absolutely know that if I let it and if I ask for help, and if I can have the patience to wait for the answer – which will come when in good timing – all will work out fine.  It is always after the fact that I find this out!

This blog is an affirmation to the above testimony.  For more than a few days I have been working with a friend of mine online with a problem about subscribing to this blog.  I went to my originating sources…wrote all kinds of emails, explained my problem.  I got on their live chats and had long discussions, and kept enlisting my friend along the way to ‘try this or that’ to see if I was making headway.  Nothing seemed to be working, but we both kept on it.  Lo and behold, yesterday, we had the breakthrough.  We both knew it was through our mutual perseverance that we finally were able to solve this problem.

Relationships are no different, and I’ve just been through a pretty trying time along these lines as well.  Thankfully, I have resilience, and personal reliance that says I have confidence that if I keep on trying, keep on looking for the answers, keep on meditating about it, and keep on feeling all the gratitude for how much I am trying – knowing I mean well and am working with love – I will receive expanded awareness to get me beyond what I am considering a problem.  I will receive the guidance to know what I can do to the benefit of all involved.  Today I received this information too.

This is what I refer to when I say, “Let the Winds of Heaven Blow Between Us” and “Let the Dust Settle”. Everything does work itself out as long as I don’t quit.  Everything I do has to do with how important it is to me.  I acknowledge my attention and intention and the continuous choices I am willing to make to see the world I want to see:  Peace and Calm, and expanded conscious awareness comes when I put my heart into something, and then  solution and resolution can be achieved.

All Be Well and Stay Safe.

We are within you and not separate. Your wishes are the command.    ~ Gaya


Life is so fluid, and I keep moving along with it, whether I like it or not.  One thing’s for sure though – my thoughts have to stay current with my days!  This is a mouthful, folks!

When I decide something, it becomes a moot point.  My thoughts bring me to my choices and actions right away. Then, off I go to the races to other thoughts that are determining my Forever Unending Pathway.  Concurrently, I am experiencing contrast – some by my own doing, and some through Life’s presentations.  I try to thoughtfully respond, but all too often I react instead.

I think I keep way too much in my head after I have made a decision about something.    It may be because it’s familiar territory, and it’s easier to chew over the same cud rather than begin again and again, but the fact is, life is a continuous stream of  new experiences.

It is my responsibility to keep up with the fast-paced stream, and I also have to keep myself current with what my attention and intention is.  It’s as simple as that!   I want to know where I want to be in all of the activity.  I pretty much stay out of the fray anyway.  I go where I am interested in going.  I won’t be dragged along by others anywhere.

I guess what I’m pointing out to myself is that this NOW I’m trying to live never has a past or a future, only NOW, and this is just enough for me to handle.

As I’ve gotten older, I can look back to ‘simpler’ times, but why?  Those who came after me never knew of them, they’re living what they know NOW.  And to look back and lament is a warped way of complaining as I see it.

Come to think of it, as I grew up and lived my life, things were moving fast too, and I was learning new things all the time.  I never sat with my experiences and asked Life to slow down.  I mostly thought of the ways to resolve and solve what needed attention.

So, I guess the long and the short of this message is an affirmation that I always have been at the helm of my ship, directing my course, whether I was aware of it or not.  Fast pace or slow, I’m always responsible for my actions and words, and what I create

I am a powerful spiritual being, aligned with God, Source, Universe, Creator.

No one is alone…lest in their thoughts.  Breathe in the healing energy,

and breathe out that which no longer serves you.    It is good to  honor

your inextricable connection to God.   ~Gaya




I am a Wonder of the World.  We all are!

I’ve stated that I think it is good to take our own inventory.  Somehow, this suggests looking at our flaws and frailties so we can get in touch with how we judge others so harshly, which has no place in love.

I come to think now that taking my own inventory ought to be in a loving and kindly way.  Pulling out my goodness and my divinity.  Holding my head up high and proclaiming how special I Am.  Reminding myself that I’ve spent these 82+ years polishing myself up, learning so many lessons, softening my heart, and marveling in the revelation that I am a  spiritual being living in a human existence inextricably connected to, and  unconditionally loved and supported by, God, Source, Universe, Creator, since I became.

I realize I am more than a body and personality and I am stretching my limits and expanding my understanding of Higher Consciousness and Intuitive Wisdom toward more awareness and enlightenment.

I continue to rip off masks of self-deception, and thrill to newfound freedom of spirit.  It’s becoming so much easier to admit “I’ve been wrong”, “I’m trying to understand you”, “I’m listening and I’m interested in what you have to say”, “I care about you”, and above all, “I’ll take that risk!”  in Faith, to enlighten my path.

There are many times my intuition nudges me and I might not be alert enough to follow the needle on my life compass. I can no longer ignore the interconnection of everything.  Why?  Because it starts with me, and how I think; where I place my attention and intention.  I am not separate and apart from anything.  I float in the same stream with the wafting leaf.  I hear and see, as All hear and see me.  We speak the same language:  I AM HERE TOO. WE ARE ALL HERE TOGETHER. WE KNOW THINGS. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PRESENCE. LET US RESPECT EACH OTHER.

Life is a trial-and-error, live-and-learn proposition. Nothing goes unnoticed by Everything that IS.

Blessed Be… To All Be Blessed.  From My Heart to Your Heart.

Kaye continues to tell her story…we enjoy her expression and resolve, as does she.    ~Gaya

I AM more than a body and a personality!  I AM a spiritual being living in a human condition, inextricably connected to, and loved and supported unconditionally by, God, Universe, Source, Creator, since I became.

It has been in this 82nd year of my life that I’ve come to know and believe with understanding the above statement….and Oh, What a Mind-Blowing Comfort It Is!

“Living” in the spiritual sense, is not personal at all.  My Essence, the Soul, the Higher Consciousness, my Higher Self,  my Intuitive Wisdom, is IT!  There is no judgment..there is “the interactive passage of energy between us”, the descriptive definition I first gave to this blog,, almost five years ago…but I didn’t fully understand this when I did it!

“Living” in the human sense, however, is very personal I have thoughts, my attention and intention, which become choices and actions which create my world. This is my personal power and my Higher Self is in constant communication with me, offering information and  awareness and enlightenment to the degree which I can understand it.

My heart is in direct communication with my Essence and these huge forces of nature have continuously supported my human existence toward one end:  To realize my true self.

I realize now that life is  serious personal business.  It is absolutely important that I concentrate on my human connection to my spiritual essence so I can relieve myself of all worry, anger and fear.  There is a Divine Mind in the spiritual plane which I can choose to think about.  This Divine Mind is part of me, and it is up to me to become a part of IT.

How do I go about bringing myself closer to that which created me?  I think it begins with Gratitude and  an acknowledgment of the myriad Blessings which come from a bottomless urn. This way of thinking is a state of being…it comes directly from my heart.  It feels holy.  As I continue to practice this, trying to make the connection, I get glimpses of how superficial and limiting the human existence really is.  All the labels and judgments and programming of  the mind are so inhibiting and restrictive, so fraudulent and withholding.

I become a small-minded person, and I am so far away from my spiritual essence, when I put such emphasis on the worldly things.  Take “Love” for instance.  It is an overview,  not a performance. I see it as an understanding of  ‘live and let live’ joined with the compassion of “How can I help you?”.

I am committing to devoting just one hour a week toward thinking on connecting with the Divine Mind.  Through a Wayne Dyer course I have been introduced to new reading and this will further my attention and intention to this end.  The Impersonal Self,  and The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East (6 vols.).

My spiritual practice is important to me.  I already am realizing the benefits from my conscious endeavor.  In my mind’s eye, I’m a member of a spiritual team which will continue to infinitely love and support me unconditionally.  This is a Powerful Presence.

Each new Awareness presents a New Beginning.   ~Gaya



I am constantly being bombarded with information through my own thoughts, interjections from other human beings, intuitive sense, things I see, hear, touch, taste and feel.  Not a wonder then what a jumble can reside inside of me which can manifest itself in myriad ways.  Running around like a chicken with its head cut off comes to mind, or the exact opposite  which is feeling the need to do nothing.

Meditation is now a part of my daily life, and I am learning so much about inner connection…the silent part which gives me cohesion to my Inner Being,  my Soul Self.   I’m learning that my heart needs me.  My physical, spiritual and emotional heart needs me to support it.  For several years now I have been digging deep into myself to my authenticity.  It is a mental process which involves being brutally self-honest and for me, it has often felt like I was being so tough and unloving to myself as I unearthed details I had so neatly packed away never intended to be revisited.    Once the excavation is completed, there is a totally exposed heart, and this requires getting to the heart of the matter.

In a podcast I heard not too long ago,  I was instructed to shut my eyes and ask, ‘what does my heart need from me today?’  My eyes immediately flooded with tears. I felt a much deeper connection with my heart and Self.  It was like my heart is the conduit between my Soul Self, my Essence, my Inner Being, and Me.   A real heart-to-heart experience with myself.   I eagerly await doing this every morning, but I also do it any time during the day as a natural personal inquiry to myself to keep me steady and on track.  My heart is the interpreter. When I listen to my heart, new doors open and there is expanded awareness.  In an indescribable moment, it’s like an instant understanding and I want to supply the best way I know how what my heart is asking of me.  It is all for my total well-being.

Keep listening to your heart, Kaye. Answers unfold

and experience provides expansion.   ~Gaya

I’ve mentioned before I’ve taken two Tai Chi courses, and still haven’t been able to practice the art the way I wanted to!  I never saw myself as graceful, and as long as I envisioned myself as clumsy, It ‘was what it was’!  I’ve bookmarked many a UTube on the practice, and still haven’t been able to achieve what I thought was how I was supposed to perform this incredible healing art.

Well, the tide has turned today for me on this subject.  I listened to a video today which covered, among other things, the art of breathing.  Most of my meditation courses deal with this as well, but for some reason, the presentation I was working with today reached that part of me where I felt my own ease and grace and alignment and it hit me like a ton of bricks!  I’ve been trying to do something the way I have observed others doing it, instead of doing it the way it feels TOTALLY COMFORTABLE for me to do it.   I do not need a class for me to move my body the way my body knows it can move and wants to move to achieve that feeling of alignment, being in tune, enjoying my own movement just as I choose it.  It’s no different than dancing like nobody’s watching!

I’ve been brought to another awareness of how easy it is to put oneself in a pressure cooker, or rush toward a finish line which doesn’t exist.  It’s Grace and Glory to wake up a bit more and feel the purity of my life and the privilege of living it.

I quoted years ago, ‘my life is by my own design’ and this means much more to me this day.  Freedom abounds…choices are abundant…joy is the continuous discoveries that we make that fit like a second skin.  Oh what a glorious 360-degree picture.

Now you know what a true sigh of relief feels like..It’s breathing us in

and breathing out, at your own rate…and acknowledging it feels so good.        ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.


Why is it so difficult to believe ourselves?  When speaking to others, lots of times a person will say, “honestly” or “to be honest”, in their sentences…as if they think they aren’t being believed.  Maybe a person is so used to saying lots of things that are more an illusion or even a delusion, than an actual fact.  Maybe people are so used to saying anything they want to say at any given time when they’re trying to make  their point….and they’re more interested in making that point and furthermore, being right, that they aren’t even clocking the actual words they are saying!  And just maybe, that’s why they can’t even take their own counsel when it comes to living their lives, and doing what they think they ought to do, instead of asking for someone else’s opinion…or bringing along a gang with them for reinforcement!

This business of life requires self-confidence and self-trust.  We gain this ability by trying new things, taking risks, dipping our feet into new waters…dreaming, taking our own hints when it comes to how we really do know ourselves.  Yes, we know ourselves the best!  We always have!  If we weren’t so consumed about what others were thinking about us, and if we weren’t so misled to believe that their opinions really mattered, and if we didn’t put more stock into what another person said, and instead put more stock into what we say and think about ourselves and what we want to be up to,  WE’D BE HAVING THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ALL OF THE TIME AS WE ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING OUR LIVES!

Most of us have already figured out if we made a mistake, we can redo it.  Yes, even those who paid a high price for some decisions have made stupendous comebacks, socially or physically, because they knew if they placed their attention to something and added an intention to it, and they felt sincere about what they were trying to accomplish, they knew they could try againNO MATTER WHAT ANYONE  SAID ABOUT ANYTHING!  You see, BIG NEWS is,  all we need to do is champion ourselves, trust ourselves and be confident that our honest opinion about ourSelf,  Bar None, is and always will be more accurate than that of anyone else.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

Your capability is inextricable from us.  ~Gaya

I have been immersing myself  in teachings of wisdom for quite some time.  When I resonate with new information which I solicit,  I expand.  I integrate it and my spiritual world opens up.  I observe more options for thinking which, in turn, allow me to make choices which open up my awareness.  Essentially, this is what I have been up to since I became.

Although I am only conscious to this current life I’m living, my Inner Being is aware of all of the choices I have made since I was whatever I was at the very beginning.

I know I am the formulator and the regulator and the moderator and the terminator of the goings on in my life.  This is Power. I know I am the one who presents myself to others in the way I want to be presented.  I know that I am making all the choices necessary to fulfill myself.  I know I have all the time in the world to do what I came to this Universe to do.  I know that my intuition is my Inner Being giving me direction and guidance.  I know I am connected to what created me.  I know I am connected to all others as well.  I know that I am working with Universal Principles.  I know that there is a non-physical presence which I call Gaya, which supports everything that I think and do.  I know that Gaya holds my dreams in readiness for me to manifest.  I know that my whole Inner Being must be in tune with Gaya in order to manifest my dreams.  I know I am contented with my life or I would change it.  I know I am  a continuous stream of energy which I propel forward as I experience life as I wish to experience it.  I know I gravitate to like-minded beings,  and they to me, in pursuit of joy and happiness. I know when I am feeling at Peace in my day I am in tune, and when I am not at Peace, I have made choices which disallowed my Peace.  I know I can correct my life compass at will by thought, word and deed.

I am my own affirmation by my own words.  When I feel the synchronicity in my life I am at Peace.

And you also know that there is still so much more

to know and this is why you continue making choices.    ~Gaya

LIFE IS A CURRENT!  Whatever appears in our daily lives will stay as long as we are attached to it.  Sometimes we even forget about it, but do not deliberately let go of it, so it wafts around in our mind like a leaf in water following the ‘current’.  It’s never really top dog in our ‘current’ affairs but it’s not gone and rendered useless either UNTIL WE GRAB IT AND DISCARD IT PERMANENTLY!

Living in the NOW means working with what is ‘currently’ going on in the moment.

I had an experience in the past two days which involved my beginning another design of my life.  I was serious and had to get all ducks in a row.  THREE COMPREHENSIVE  PREPARATORY FACT SHEETS!  I was involving a professional person and no way could I expect this person to give me time out of her very busy schedule without my being fully prepared to provide all the information she would require.

I feel so productive right now.  My introduction to this new person in my life proved successful in more than one way.  She will support me and I believe has become a new friend.   With clear attention and intention, I look forward to a mutually beneficial association.

It comes to me that we are always in preparation for life.  It’s not about the mundane stuff we go through every morning after we get up.  It’s about welcoming what presents to us every moment…new people, new information, new dreams and goals, whatever Life presents to us  and to which we respond.  This includes thoughts and ideas which we create for ourselves as we co-create our lives and experiences.

So what is the point I’m trying to make?  I want my life to be orderly and I want to be able to work with what is ‘currently’ in front of me, whether it is presented to me or I have brought it up for consideration.  I don’t want ‘old facts and figures’ around to confuse the ‘current’ picture.  I want my emotions to be up front and calm so I can deal with whatever comes up.  I don’t want long gone events to blur my vision.  I don’t want to be scattered.

I am feeling the pulse to my life and there is an added  cadence as I continue to be mindful how I’m enjoying the privilege of living it.

We are in unison with your wisdom.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.