True Freedom

Peace, Tranquility, Equanimity, Silence, Serenity, Unflappable,  Oneness, Wholeness, Connection.  Beyond… way beyond….the Observer,  disallowing any interference.

These were the sensations I was feeling this morning during my meditation experience.  Amazing…Absolutely Amazing.  Let me tell you folks, it’s worth the wait!  It has been my intention to Practice my Spirituality.  In so doing, meditation has become a part of this practice, and I’d be the first to express it hasn’t been easy!  I’ve enlisted the aid of Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Echart Tolle… all of whom graciously offer their own experience selflessly.  I listen to podcasts on the subject of meditation, I join free seminars. I’m in a 21-day meditation experience with Deepak and Oprah right now.  Thankfully, I believed their promises that I would be the better for the experience…that my life would be enhanced and my awareness would increase…all toward learning the purpose of why I am here in the first place.

As I listened to Deepak’s words this morning, already in my meditation position, eyes closed, hands folded, I readied myself as usual.  When the time came to ‘begin’, I began to resonate with “I am unbounded changeless self”.   I then began to open up to being changeless and whole, and it slowly made sense that whatever was around me all of the time is that of perpetual change, and subject to all kinds of outside interference and as a human being, I respond and react to what comes to me…Yet…I then saw an aquarium in my mind’s eye, and clearly, the water beneath the surface was still…not moving, not changing…even though the surface was choppy and wavy! 

I am totally grateful for this glimmer-awareness of my Essence…my unflappable Spirit.  The power and strength of this Spirit is unmistakable.  It is that which has kept me from drowning in the choppy waters!

Blessed Be my reassurance that beneath whatever upsets or dishevels me is this Spirit of  Wholeness of Being, which cannot be changed…”a bulwark never ceasing.”

Living life is never in vain.  We provide the stairs and railings, and we ascend as One.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



You know what I just love about living in the Now?  No matter what comes up, I can do it!  Yes, this is so!  Think about it, I go through my days without much of a plan, and whatever I end up being involved in I do it!  I don’t take the time to ask if I want to do it, or if I can do it…I just do it.  No wrestling with the ego and no worthless thoughts about describing it or what I am going to do about it….  I JUST DO IT! 

Come to think about it, this is just going with the flow, acknowledging what is, IS, and keeping on keeping on. There is absolutely no work to this way of living at all.  There is no fight to the finish.  There are no deep sighs of despair or boredom.   There is no worry over when I am going to be through and there is absolutely no consideration of what will I do next!

Way to go Sista’!  

This is the perfect day to write this particular blog…The Fourth of July, 2019, our day of Freedom.  I am feeling free and willful and mindful and joyful with these thoughts.

I said to someone this morning when asked what I was going to do today, “….other than my daily stuff, whatever I decide is going to get me a jolt of fun.”  And this blog is just the beginning of my perfect Freedom Choices for today.  It’s early, I’m just getting started.

We love it when Kaye holds her heart in her hands and makes her day!   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.