“I just want some peace!” “Give me some peace!’ “Where can I find some peace?
Certainly I’m not alone in this search! Nobody says life is easy in all its cliche’. I’ve accepted for years that there are peaks and valleys to contend with…we take the good with the bad…we sigh deeply sometimes and await some relief. It comes, and for a time we forget what was before, rather like childbirth…we forget the pain…as we flush with pure unconditional love for our new arrival.
Come to find out in my advancing years, there is a steady course that I’ve been following unwittingly: I learn as I go along, just as I’ve been doing since I became. Peace is what I AM. And, as I’ve been peeling away my onion for these many years, it reveals itself to me in the silence, when I’m willing and then able to release the chaos, the drama, the senseless hullaballoo of daily life and welcome in that ‘peace of God which passeth all understanding.’
It’s mine for the asking and for the taking.
Availing myself of this peace isn’t easy, however. It takes mindfulness and intention to make it a priority within me, It’s a practice which cannot be set aside. It’s a habit which has to be formed within. It is NOW my spiritual practice. I allow myself to get in touch with my Essence the best I can. There’s a space within me which opens up to me. I am learning that I can ‘cut connections’ which no longer serve me. These are emotional connections which have been with me all my existence and I have been using and relying upon them like crutches, except they have been restricting and holding me back from new awareness and growth. It’s a matter of being very conscious of what triggers me. I am finding most triggers are no longer valid. I just have to consciously identify them and literally instruct myself to disengage them. It’s like giving myself an update like we update our computers and phones. As I remove the triggers, that space then allows peace to enter. Out with the old and in with the new!
Our brains aren’t creative, but our Essence is. Necessity is the mother of invention. My Essence is totally aware of what I don’t need in my human existence.
Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed. PEACE TO ALL.
All reveals itself in good time. ~Gaya
Just read this and it made my tummy ache go away and to remember to breathe and stay in the Now! I love you Kaye. Thank you and so grateful and honored to know you.
Thank you, Bev. Sorry, I just got to my comments on the blog. This coming one is the last one I will be writing. You will understand. I love you too,