My interpretation…  my “nod”, if you will…. forms who I am and what I think.

All these many years I have anointed a select few with my ‘respect’ and credited them with enlightening me, correcting my path,  and caring enough for me to bother to  ‘try’ to reach me.   I now know that it is every single event, happy or sad, devastating, painful or joyful, and every single person in my life, that  are responsible for bringing me to  who I am today and whom I will become in the future.  I am a fluid being, growing all the time, learning all the time and loving all the moments of the student/teacher circle of my life.

I now can feel compassion, forgiveness, and am moving toward love, for those who did not have my best interests at heart and I feel sorry that they had to go to such lengths to fulfill their path of learning, and at the same time, I am grateful they were the teachers in my path of learning.  By the same token, I forgive myself for having strode my path at anyone else’s expense and I’m saddened I was at such a low ebb in my life at those times.   I have suffered my own pain as a result of my choices, and I’m more than aware I’ve experienced myriad life’s learnings the hardest of ways!

No question, when I began to trust my own intuits, I entered the world of my Spirituality, my Quest for meaning of my Creator, my Universe, my Being here, my Lessons , my Joys and my Gratitude, as they all relate to me and those I encounter in this world… in this time.

Keeping my own counsel is a huge intention for me because I’m a talker and a writer.  I know this is the right time in my life to present my Blog.  I’m experiencing a wonderful journey of expressing and receiving new learning.  I’m finding out I am who I am  for TODAY.    Life is about change, and I’m experiencing great comfort as I open and explore  unknown horizons.   I now trust my heart and my soul….my all-knowing Essence.

My friend is an artist….she painted a rock for me when she was here.  I see  Sun, Sky, Clouds, Seagulls, and Water.



Enlightenment and Freedom.

Not Your Ordinary Rock!