
Talk About Freedom!  Read this title one more time!  No Restrictions! The Sky’s the Limit!

To think that it is we who put the screech/stop to things!  Everything around us really doesn’t stop.  It keeps on going with or without our participation.  We make decisions that we think will enhance our existence everyday.  We go to the store and buy things that we think will make us happier…things we just can’t do without…things that we must have NOW, or we may never be able to get them again!  And, we ‘NEED’  them so much, because, because, because.

We find our own rabbit holes and on our way we go.

I’m having an Ah Ha moment and I want to share another ring of my Freedom bell.  I’m beginning to understand ‘just being’.  I’m beginning to feel what it’s like just ‘hanging out’ in the ethos of ‘IT’.  These are glimmerings…hints…of the nothingness and the ALL of IT.  It’s the skimming of a new surface of my understanding.

Recently, I was asked how I was and I responded  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and plan to do it for at least 10+ years  and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  LET’S REPHRASE THIS RIGHT NOW!  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  TIME has nothing to do with it!

I don’t have to hang my hat on anything!  I ought not compromise me, my power, my integrity, my honesty, my attention and intention in honoring my Creator, my Source.  What a privilege I have been given to experience this life…  To have a dream or a goal and start taking the steps to bring it to fruition.  What a privilege it is to recognize that life is meant to be joyful and happy and it is I who perceives this joy and happiness.  It is I who recognizes that the little things turn into the big things in my life.   There is no thin line to walk through life…it is an expansive as-far-as-the-eye-can-see vista awaiting me to express myself with ease and simplicity just for myself.  My life is for my self-fulfillment.  My life is for the expansion of ME.

Oh, Sweet Kaye, We Love You So.  Continue to enjoy the ride.   ~Gaya


No question, ‘in the middle of my life’ in my senior years, I am taking a renewed interest in Life and how I’m living mine.  I’m all for making whatever changes which suit my attention and intention.  I want to achieve as much peace and joy in my life as possible.

“Peace” is a big word…and I can see how I instigate myself away from peace when I choose to get involved in another’s experiences.  I know I mean well, but the fact is, just because I think I may have a remedy to be considered, that isn’t to say that it’s workable to another person whose mind isn’t at that same place.  Said another way, maybe I should  listen and offer nothing!  Now that would be a switch!

I think I confuse myself when I think how I define ‘communication’:  The giving and receiving of information between people.  There is more to it than this.  Some people just want to vent.  Maybe they like to be in their quandary.   It’s just something on their mind and sometimes I’m the handy one to receive it.  I think it’s me assuming that because a person wants to say something to me, they’re interested in my response...but they are not!

I recall hearing years ago something like this:  When you’re in a room with a group of people – say 5, as the example – each person is responsible for only 1/5 of the conversation.  I also remember this particular wisdom included that people are very uncomfortable in silence, and what may seem like minutes between talking, is really only a few seconds, and most usually, one of the 5 will begin speaking just to break that silence.  Sit in the silence!

Sometimes when a person makes a less-than-flattering statement about themselves, most usually a listener will jump right in and ‘get them off a hook’.  A person might make a leading comment, such as ” I think I’m way too outspoken, bordering on rude.”  Quick enough the savior will respond, “Oh, no, I don’t think so.  You’re just being honest.”   A manipulation occurred, and there was approval.  The wisdom to this example is to let the would-be manipulator have that last word. Allow people to be responsible for what they say. 

I love looking into myself.  I am giving myself this attention for a reason.  My entire life has been a series of lessons of polishing …allowing me to keep on shining more brightly, making everything worthwhile.  It’s the opportunity to revive some of my greatest moments in gratitude and maintain humility, as I  continue to tweak and make changes that I know enhance me, my character and my authenticity, as I awaken and fill my Soul.

We so enjoy these conversations, Kaye. Look straight into your crystal ball.

You will not lead yourself astray.  We are One and we are Peace and we are Joy.   ~Gaya

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.