Conscious Living

I didn’t think I’d be writing another blog before I moved to New Mexico, but this morning, it came to me:  I’ve been living more consciously these past weeks than I think I ever have in my lifetime!

Since I purchased my new home and sold my current one, everything I’ve been doing has been methodically planned, starting with how I began packing to how this whole move will happen.  My calendar is my ‘assistant’ and it has become my go-to-first-thing every morning!  There are stages to moving, as there are stages to life, and there are patterns which I’ve resurrected from my past moves/packings and I’ve enjoyed creating new, more efficient ways to complete some of these repetitious tasks of yesteryears.

The fact is, I’m so conscious of what and how I am behaving during this time.  I keep schedules, I’m reliable to myself, I keep on keeping on until I reach a plateau of accomplishment.  All of this time is so self-fulfilling, and I’m enjoying the repetitive tests of my mental, physical and emotional agility in this process.  I’m amazed at my personal strength of will and desire to continue to achieve what I am setting out to do as what probably may be the biggest life experience attempt I have very consciously made for myself.

Clearly,  there is direct parallel between this very personal experience and how I want to live my life every day, after the move is completed.  I’m alert, self-directed, purposeful, goal-oriented, self-satisfied and self-fulfilled every day.  I give myself compliments and ‘Atta Girls’ all the time…sometimes audibly!  Yes, my stamina isn’t as long-lived as when I was in my 50’s and 60’s, but my Will to Do  is constant.  I’m never disappointing myself.  I do what I can do and respect my body’s signals to take a rest and resume later.  I am not feeling rushed about anything.  I receive the NOW comfortably as I go.

I have overflowing continuous gratitude for this whole experience – I’m developing more patience because as we all know, things don’t necessarily go wrong, but often they do go differently than we want them to go at times! At the end of each day there are more boxes closed up, piled upon each other, I’ve taken the time to eat and rest and take pleasure in doing one thing at a time.  I don’t scatter my energy nor my intention.

Thirteen days left…and there has been an Ease and Grace which is so assuring.  I acknowledge my blessings and, again, I am so Grateful.

Blessed Be and to all Be Blessed.  Stay Safe and Be Well.

Conscious Living provides myriad rewards.   ~Gaya

Wow!  Here I am in the middle of my life…yes, I say middle!  I’m chronologically newly 79 years old, but I claim the magic of 54 years old, biologically, and I’ll add right now, I may be going downward, if I’m assessing how newborn I really feel about everything!

There is nothing like having a consciousness to every day and how I greet it.   I have become my own accountability partner in what I decide to do, whom I decide to be with, how I think about where I am at any given moment and above all, how  I accept and interpret all the intuitive information that I receive daily, and actually ask for now, when I want to communicate with my Beyond,  my Universe, as I know it to be.  I am continually supported while I’m living my life with privilege and heartfelt observation of it all.

I imagine my words may be mindboggling to some.  No matter.   I know I am providing gateways to others so they can explore this  wonder of the place we really inhabit in this energy field of life……a place I am just learning about myself….as I scratch the surface of everything that is so new to me too.

So far, I know I am supported (as are all others) by a loving Universal Intelligence that brings to me equally proportionate support as I dictate my own intentions to fulfillment of whatever I am focusing upon in my own life.  I must be careful  that I am always coming from my heart and in honesty, without any agenda whatsoever…whether I am working toward my own fulfillment. or that of another.  I also know  I have messages to pass on and these messages will resonate with others as meant to be.  I am not an oracle, nor do I portend, but I have truths to mention and I am extremely humble when I do so.  Nothing I say is scripted…it is candid just as I write this, and I assume it is coming from me as it is meant to be read and interpreted by another.

Humans are not “one size fits all”, yet they try so hard to fit into a mold of life as we know it.  We are as individual as each snowflake or granule of sand on a beach.  Why then, do we not see that we have such unique qualities – all Blessed and Given to us in this lifetime to enjoy, magnify to personal greatness and fulfillment to ourselves and others?  I think on this often now.  In fact, as I read and write this instant, I am amazed at what I have just stated.  And this is now My Truth.

This is an announcement , not an edict or credo.  I will have more as I delight in my own explorations and I will then pass on all of what I  find to be my truths.  We are all Blessed Equally…We do not all receive equally, nor do we walk our paths of enlightenment at the same pace, but we do receive, and we do walk, and we all do get to the finish line in our own good time.  No comparisons, no judgments of progress, just taking our course that fits the  path we’ve already begun.  The Universe  needs only to be awakened and invited to participate with our conscious intention.  It has never left us from the beginning of time….it is us, who have excluded It in our process.  It stands ready to serve in an instant and forever in total love.  It doesn’t understand labels, definitions, right, wrong, nothing that we as humans have described in our rules of living.  It only knows to support in love our intention.   This may be why the phrase “Be careful what you wish for” is so important.  Our loving Universe doesn’t decipher, it only responds in love to our wishes – be they well intended or not.

I am in total gratitude for everything I know. I mean no harm.