
Talk About Freedom!  Read this title one more time!  No Restrictions! The Sky’s the Limit!

To think that it is we who put the screech/stop to things!  Everything around us really doesn’t stop.  It keeps on going with or without our participation.  We make decisions that we think will enhance our existence everyday.  We go to the store and buy things that we think will make us happier…things we just can’t do without…things that we must have NOW, or we may never be able to get them again!  And, we ‘NEED’  them so much, because, because, because.

We find our own rabbit holes and on our way we go.

I’m having an Ah Ha moment and I want to share another ring of my Freedom bell.  I’m beginning to understand ‘just being’.  I’m beginning to feel what it’s like just ‘hanging out’ in the ethos of ‘IT’.  These are glimmerings…hints…of the nothingness and the ALL of IT.  It’s the skimming of a new surface of my understanding.

Recently, I was asked how I was and I responded  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and plan to do it for at least 10+ years  and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  LET’S REPHRASE THIS RIGHT NOW!  “As long as there is no endgame in sight, wherever I am, whatever I do, I’m living my life with gusto and I keep offering myself good experiences that give me joy.”  TIME has nothing to do with it!

I don’t have to hang my hat on anything!  I ought not compromise me, my power, my integrity, my honesty, my attention and intention in honoring my Creator, my Source.  What a privilege I have been given to experience this life…  To have a dream or a goal and start taking the steps to bring it to fruition.  What a privilege it is to recognize that life is meant to be joyful and happy and it is I who perceives this joy and happiness.  It is I who recognizes that the little things turn into the big things in my life.   There is no thin line to walk through life…it is an expansive as-far-as-the-eye-can-see vista awaiting me to express myself with ease and simplicity just for myself.  My life is for my self-fulfillment.  My life is for the expansion of ME.

Oh, Sweet Kaye, We Love You So.  Continue to enjoy the ride.   ~Gaya


I have been immersing myself  in teachings of wisdom for quite some time.  When I resonate with new information which I solicit,  I expand.  I integrate it and my spiritual world opens up.  I observe more options for thinking which, in turn, allow me to make choices which open up my awareness.  Essentially, this is what I have been up to since I became.

Although I am only conscious to this current life I’m living, my Inner Being is aware of all of the choices I have made since I was whatever I was at the very beginning.

I know I am the formulator and the regulator and the moderator and the terminator of the goings on in my life.  This is Power. I know I am the one who presents myself to others in the way I want to be presented.  I know that I am making all the choices necessary to fulfill myself.  I know I have all the time in the world to do what I came to this Universe to do.  I know that my intuition is my Inner Being giving me direction and guidance.  I know I am connected to what created me.  I know I am connected to all others as well.  I know that I am working with Universal Principles.  I know that there is a non-physical presence which I call Gaya, which supports everything that I think and do.  I know that Gaya holds my dreams in readiness for me to manifest.  I know that my whole Inner Being must be in tune with Gaya in order to manifest my dreams.  I know I am contented with my life or I would change it.  I know I am  a continuous stream of energy which I propel forward as I experience life as I wish to experience it.  I know I gravitate to like-minded beings,  and they to me, in pursuit of joy and happiness. I know when I am feeling at Peace in my day I am in tune, and when I am not at Peace, I have made choices which disallowed my Peace.  I know I can correct my life compass at will by thought, word and deed.

I am my own affirmation by my own words.  When I feel the synchronicity in my life I am at Peace.

And you also know that there is still so much more

to know and this is why you continue making choices.    ~Gaya

One way or another, all of my thinking involves CHOICE!  Whatever happens to me requires me to make a decision how I will act or react, what I’ll want or not want… choose to stay or go. Choice is Freedom…Freedom is Power! Power over my life, NOT OVER OTHERS’.  Power over  what I want to accomplish, become, or complete.  I’m not referring to projects I  started and chose to abandon.  More specifically, what components toward my life’s destiny do I want to complete?


There are myriad possibilities and opportunities for me to consider….IT ALL DEPENDS UPON ME…Not who raised me, not who hurt me, not even who loves me…IT DEPENDS UPON HOW MUCH I LOVE MYSELF AND HOW MUCH I LOVE OTHERS.

I feel this  Freedom of powerful choice…  my wings readying for flight….my mind swirling with more Joy and more Gratitude  for the privilege of being alive and wanting to peek around a corner, over the cliff (not so much, I’m afraid of heights, but you get the idea!)…..asking questions, considering more ideas, developing new thinking and continuing to open my mind and heart just because I’m alive and am free to do it just for me!

I feel powerful… I am exuberant. These powerful feelings are  peculiar only unto me and  my happiness.   I am want for words and understanding how an iPhone can overtake the wonderment of life and the privilege to live it.

No need to intellectualize, criticize, or externalize….mine is to prioritize, maximize, minimize, accentuate, eliminate what does or doesn’t fit into my vision for my personal fulfillment and completion toward my destiny.  A part of my journey…the marathon of my life.

No pressure…all excitement and enthusiasm to feel what I feel and do what I’m able to thoroughly enjoy Life’s Bounty!

At the end of the day, I am after all, a woman born of privilege and I’ve never realized it more than right this moment.


My Life, My Choice

My Life, My Choice