In the Presence


I am mindful this morning that I have so many feelings inside of me, and if I don’t stop and sift through them, I’m missing the opportunity to express myself about them…either to myself, or to the world at large.  I think Self Expression rates high with Self-Esteem because to feel good about expressing myself out loud to others, I feel I have self confidence that my feelings are important to declare.

My feelings aren’t only about myself, either.  This is why I like to give credit where credit is due to others.  When I observe outstanding qualities in others, or their appearance, their demeanor which I find to be so exemplary, I’m almost forced inside to say something outwardly so others can feel my admiration.

It comes to mind  how I feel about what I’m observing has all to do with my inward perception and my outward expression of compassion and kindness.  When I’m able to express positive words and actions about another to someone else, I am extending positive energy to the ethos of humankind.

These kinds of feelings point out to me that I am loving myself well too.  The feelings that are inside for another generate from the feelings I have for myself…a softness, an awareness, and general state of well being for me and others.   The world is as harsh as it feels to me…and as welcoming too.  When I am comfortable as I wend my days, I’m comfortable with myself, so I will be comfortable with what is around me too.  I am also reminded that I have a generous heart when I think like this.  That I am thinking outside myself, and it isn’t about me!

From within, Kaye is realizing the ripple effect of what she receives from her connection with Source, and automatically perpetuates this connection with what is around her.  She is feeling the magnanimity of it all.     ~Gaya



This business of keeping up with my spiritual quest is becoming  almost mind-boggling!  I have been going through so much awakening, enlightenment, and  awareness…. I can hardly keep track!

It’s all good, as the saying goes, but in a way, I understand when we refer to “Keeping Up With The Jones’s”!  In my case however, it’s keeping up with so many new and pertinent pieces of information that fit right into my already-established  Forever Life Path.

Growth… it’s all about growth and life fulfillment as I trod the path.

What a wonderful world I am seeing now – yet another lens – my looking-glass of what continues to unfold in front of me, and it beckons me to lap up all the pleasurable experiences I am having along this way.

Things and events, placement of people in my life at the right time, information coming to me the instant I need it, and I am totally aware of this happening to me at that time….tears welling in my eyes as I receive these truths.

My intuition has never been more keen, and I’m trusting the direction I’m going without care.  I know I am going where I am supposed to be going, and I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and I absolutely  know it is to my greatest good and that of all those around me.

I have been observing myself and how I am thinking, and I take this direction through this additional lens: my Self can do only that which I love to do, i.e.,publish my first book, UNBRIDLED COMMENTARY…WITHOUT FLINCH! (From a woman of years in “the middle” of her life.);  continue writing  my second book, The Book of Kaye (I AM); hold my friends close to me and always give them the assurance of their place within my heart and my time/space;  nurture myself from the outside in, and the inside out;  and always heed the signs for me to respond to another with encouragement, at the very least.  I deliberately will not allow any fragmentation of my mind.  I am totally holding focus to my  purpose and intention.  

I try to be in the Presence, in the NOW, and I am sure there will be countless more lenses which will present to me as I follow my way with my emotional companions, Ease and Grace.

Blessed Be All.



Today My Life turned another corner – I finished the book I’ve been writing!  Until this very moment, I had no idea when or how the book would end…just as I had no inkling the day I began writing it, just two and one-half short months ago.

I’ve started and never finished three books in my lifetime.  Obviously, as interested I was in beginning each one, I didn’t have enough impetus to finish any of them.  I knew as soon as I began this fourth attempt, that this would be the one that would come to the proper ending….a completed work and a very self-satisfying accomplishment.

Unbridled Commentary….Without Flinch (From a woman of years in “the middle” of her life).  There is no story line….no timeline…no plot …. random thoughts…my opinions about life as I have surmised  through my 80+ years!   There could be more coming…why not?

I initiated July 4, 2015, with full intention of openly excavating my emotions.  I dove to my oysters and searched for the elusive pearls of my essence…my innocence, my purity, unadulterated love for myself and others.  I have not sidestepped or deliberately ignored or hidden anything.  That’s the point of delving into one’s authenticity in the first place, after all!  What I felt, I have shared openly.  I hoped  readers were observing how liberating this experience was proving to be for me.

As I move forward,  I suspect I will be even bolder  as I continue to uncover more emotional artifacts.     The rewards far outweigh the risks as I continue to free my authentic Self.

My book is suspended for now, awaiting my deliberation how to proceed.  The fulfillment and joy that I received writing it has proven to be quite enough for my Soul.  I’ll try to figure out an outlet so others may choose the opportunity to decide whether or not it can be fulfilling to them and provide joy in their lives.

So, for NOW, in my NOW, this is it!   I have all the faith in that which I trust…MYSELF, my goodness of intent, and my Creator.   Blessed Be All.