
…And a Good Morning it Is!…And a Good Day it Will Be!  When I feel Self-fulfilled, I Feel the Joy and I Feel the Peace!

I’m breaking into the crust of what Self-fulfillment means to me when I Put My Intention to Doing what I Need to Do to Feel It!  It’s all about choice!

I’m meditating now with ritual.  What this means is that I am following through with a commitment to myself which I made after the 21-day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak.  I commented online after one of the sessions that I was going to include meditation in my daily routine…and this was because I was feeling the positive results early on.  I wrote down all of the thoughts for the day, and the mantras so I am following that…and this is providing me guidance.

When I hoofed this morning it came to me that when I have truly felt self-fulfilled in my lifetime (and most of these times were when I completed projects…and, of course, the highlight of the feeling was when I birthed my sons) I didn’t have to go for the same experience again! 

Let’s take the first time I refinished a piece of furniture.  This was years and years ago when I was raising my sons, and had very little extra money, so when I wanted to ‘see something different’ in my home, I couldn’t just go buy something from a store to augment my rooms…I had to think of a way I could do it with what I already had.  I could afford a can of ‘zip-strip’ to take off furniture finish, and either paint or apply color stain for my ‘new look’.  That ‘first time’ was like none other! I worked extraordinarily hard because I had no past experience, and I followed the directions to a ‘T’. Everything was an unknown.  I was certainly in the NOW and didn’t even know it!  When the final coat dried and I sat back and admired my work…I was overcome with pride of accomplishment.  I loved everything about it, and the absolute glow within myself of self-achievement and the self-fulfillment that accompanied my whole idea in the first place was ENOUGH FOR ME.  There wasn’t any compliment I subsequently received  that came close to my knowing what I had done and how wonderful I felt about my tenacious attitude toward the hard work to get the job done and looking so good.

Since that time I’ve completed many similar projects, and of course, felt self-fulfilled. When I start out a project I already know I can do the job and I know I’ll love the result. I’m not needing that feeling again…I’m loving the ‘hobby of it”.

I’m trying new things these days…new approaches, new logic.  This is about my eating habits, folks.  I’m experimenting with just what choice(s) I can make as I go for some ‘thing’ or some ‘way’ of doing something.  I’m extraordinarily aware of  how I’m thinking about it…and the cream is rising to the top, slowly but surely.  I’m realizing how wonderful I really do feel when I make a deliberate choice to do something that I know is to my best interest and good and ‘feelings about myself’.   Case in Point:  Each day that I have been making such deliberate experience choices, I am creating a snowballing effect of the feeling of self-fulfillment.  My thoughts are not about depriving myself…my thoughts are how I’m thriving and about how capable I am looking after myself….I am feeling the power…I am feeling the joy of taking the reins deliberately!




The more self-confident I become, the more authentic and less vulnerable I AM.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

We are already a whole week into January, 2018, and I’m preparing for my friend’s arrival on the first of February.

I have lived in Phoenix, Arizona, for going on 28 years this coming March, and I received guests especially the first 10 years most every Winter, so this isn’t anything new!  However, there is something very new and different that I have perceived with the planning I am doing these days.  I’M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF WHAT I AM UP TO…whether I’m cleaning my refrigerator, or my stove top  – even taking out the strainers on the faucets and my shower-head to remove all the hard water deposits!  I’m tending to my home with love and I’m loving the person who is coming to enjoy her stay here..and I’m feeling the love I have for myself because I am intimately connected to all of this process.

I have been practicing living in the NOW for several months and I think this may just be the reason I mention any of this.  My ‘before picture’ was the planning of a things-to-do list which involved making sure my house was in tip-top shape for my guest, and I was hyped to the degree of excitement with anticipation and outcome woven into everything I was planning – all in advance of the actual event.  It was mostly about me, and how I would look, I’m pretty sure…..I didn’t have the glorious feelings I have now that are inclusive of my guest with a partiality to my own feelings not only toward her and wanting her stay to be as comfortable as I can make it, but it also has to do with how wonderful I am feeling as I “refresh” my home because I want ‘it’ to be an extension of my affection for my personal living space that I am sharing with my house guest and friend.

I have no rhyme or reason as to what I choose to do every day, but I know it is going to be perfect out of my intention.  I know she is looking forward to her visit and we talk most every day not only about that, but also the preparations she is making for a side trip she is planning for herself.  It feels so good to be considering someone else in my life right now – living alone provides more solitary thinking remember – and I know the quality of this comes directly from that which I feel for myself.  There is no ego playing into this.  I have no one to impress, nothing to do other than be myself, the woman we already know.   And, there are some special dishes I want to cook for her (which, of course, I have cleared whether she likes them!)

I am expressing my Freedom and Joy through all of the choices I am making surrounding this event.  And, as much as I am certainly looking forward to it, if for some unknown reason it has to cancel, I know the two of us will just say, “Well, when can we set it up again?”  The whole thing is nothing more or less than one of those “series of events’ I refer to often which present to my privilege of living my life.

There’s a lot to be said for being a dreamer, realist and optimist all rolled up into one.  Makes for an exciting time of it, with the knowledge everything always works out perfectly and in its own good time to my greatest good and that of all those around me, right NOW.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.

I love this picture of myself – some may recognize the area of the country, Sedona, Arizona.  It represents who I am to ME!  I love horses, days of the Old West, and above all, I feel FREE in the Wide Open Spaces!

I’m recognizing a space within me that is trying very hard to emerge…a place where I want to feel more compassion toward others as well as myself.  We all have this wonderful emotion, but for some of us, it lays deep, almost dormant.  Why?  Because the art of survival closed off this place as we worked our way through more difficult times of our lives – Speaking for myself, of course.

All these many years later, I am fully aware I no longer have any need to survive, but instead,  have a NEED to unearth my compassion and love so I can envelope my own Self in this warmth of my soul.  I’m realizing that even though I have forgiven others as well as myself through the years, there are ‘chips’ … residue of certain downed trees of my life… that have remained.  This blanket of chips restricts me from  living out complete inner warmth toward everything within and without and around my whole being.   It is only now that I have been able to get in touch with this part of ME.  It is the place where all of the daintiest, most intimate of my experiences have been kept for safekeeping – until now –  when I am capable and willing to resurrect them so they may take their sacred place in my heart where I may nurture them in the sunlight of my privilege of living my life.  This desire to enlarge my heart space toward compassion is  compelling, and I am deliberately  drawing my awareness to these wonderful feelings.    Clearly, this destiny outweighs all else.

I recently spoke in a video of the place of joy that I discovered within myself, and this is yet another awareness toward fulfilling a joyous aspect of human existence, and I’m touching my essence.  I feel my connection with Self.

I have no axes to grind, I want no chips on my shoulders that weigh me down from the pleasures of my full life.  I am demanding release from my emotional blindness.

My Open Spaces are Wider and I  savor this newly introduced Freedom. Blessed Be.


So, I rise and shine early most mornings, and I’m filled with an excitement for what’s to come this day and every day.   Pretty amazing – this feeling of looking for the corner to peek around.

When I use the word “thrill” in no way do I associate it with a roller coaster ride!   I’m always fulfilling a dream or goal that has been swirling around in my brain.  Case in point, I am now in the throes of trying my best once again – without any push and shove – to fulfill THE dream of 75 years!  Yes, I’m planning to make an offer on a property that will, indeed, become my DreamCatcher Ranch!  The very ‘ranchy thing’ I’ve often referred to in videos and in other blogs.

When the stars are aligned and the Universe brings to us what we’ve been putting ‘out there’, suddenly what I have been picturing in my mind’s eye has appeared!  This is the biggest thing to wrap my head around and now, at nearly 80, I just may be finalizing a huge piece of mySelf, and on the heels of it, I already have the ideas for the projects that will take me onward toward more goals.  There’s a gorgeous Western mountain view toward the sunsets, and early morning sunrises will open my days.  Peace and tranquility, coupled with excitement and curiosity for everything I put in front of me, will hurl me to yet another Forever Path.

I hope  readers will follow my facebook page, Just Sayin’   Kaye A. Peters, where I’ll be updating my progress and experience on this journey and I’ll continue my personal life saga when I make the actual move.  Follow me – I have a young heart and I’m full of adventure and joy….like I’ve said, I always enjoy the THRILL of the chase – and when I’m officially  on this high ride – when the papers are signed, the “For Sale’ sign is in my front yard, and hopefully a ‘SOLD’ sign soon to follow,  I’ll continue chasing my dreams and goals.  One way or another, I love the privilege of living my life –  the thrill in and of itself – always.

I’m coming!….can’t wait to hear the howl of the coyote in the distance and the SILENCE.  Blessed Be to All.  And So It Is, And Will Be.

Those of you who follow my blogs, know I receive intuits while I am in the shower, and when I go walking.  Weather in Phoenix has been “bitterly” cold (an expression from my Minnesota days), and I don’t want to wear gloves in Arizona, so thank God I take daily showers and I’ve been relying on ‘information’ this way for the time being until the temperature raises up more than a bit and I can resume my daily walk again.

I’m pursuing an online course in search of my Sacred Purpose.  The absolute in this is that I be brutally honest with myself, and accept that I’m on this path because I’m ready for it now, and have willfully chosen it.   I am, I do and I have.

Doing something just for me, without any consideration for what others think about it, at the same time knowing I’m loving every minute of it and I know I’m not hurting anyone else nor myself, IS THE MOST FREEING EXPERIENCE.

It has always been difficult for me not to share anything and everything with my friends when I have my WOW moments (hopefully not crossing personal boundaries).  And now, I continue to share  with the public at large vis-à-vis

Now I have the opportunity to spread my bread with butter and everyone knows which side the butter’s on!

Don’t think for a minute that I’m sitting in some ivory tower someplace staring down at the world!   Some of my friends have known me for 50-60 years…. they know exactly where I’ve been in detail, and they know me now… some are my closest of friends, some have backed away, and some friends are new in my life, and the test of time will reveal the strength and meaning in our current experience.

“If you’re gonna’ run with the big dogs, you gotta’ get off the porch”…..”Put your money where your mouth is” …..”If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”  These sayings just rippled off my tongue.  Guess they have good meaning to me.  I like it!

So, readers, on this day not too far from my favorite day of “personal tradition”, my New Year’s Eve ‘rest, as I encounter my life’….holding dear that which I choose to focus upon… magical thinking running it’s reel…..I wish everyone their own Joy, Peace and Clarity.  It’s all so personal to us.


Magical Thinking - Magical World

Magical Thinking – Magical World




I’ve just entered this elevator, and there are no numbered floors.  There’s a button to push and it’s my responsibility to label it.

First Floor, always be kind.  Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes…it could be a smile or a wink… it could be helping a disabled person with a door…it could be just hoping for the best for someone…it could be listening and supporting another’s pathway…it could be the  swelling tears in my eyes realizing that something has seen fit to enlighten me and I’m resonating with it… it could be taking a deep breath of ‘I Love Myself’ and not be so critical of my shortcomings…it could be allowing others to enjoy their lives in their way, without any input from me!…and it is so much more.

I’m learning I don’t know much for sure …. except, I know my Joy and Gratitude for the privilege of living this generous life;  I know this is another beginning for me in my Spiritual Quest.   I know when I feel love,  I know when I give love, and I know when I’m receiving love from someone else. I can only hope I give the same feelings to everyone else whom I love.

I don’t want to carve anything in stone….nor write anything in ink.  And, I don’t want to hold anyone else accountable in that way either.  Life is so fluid, changing second to second, and I’m realizing now it’s all I can do to keep up with this fluidity and motion.  This concept is absolutely freeing to me.  Weights are lifting; there’s a window shining light into  some of my darkened rooms, and I’m straining to see and feel as much as I can.

Although this is  new to me,  it’s not as much  a breakthrough, as it is a plunge-into…..and there’s no going backward.

This is the pathway of .  I  beckoned, and am now accepting,  my own invitation which I stated in my About Me page…..”Let’s Walk this path together and share our Life Rays.”

My intention is to engage with My World…A new step off the cliff of fear and the unknown  into the expanse of stars and endless pure space.   I’m not here to instigate others’ worlds, just navigate and situate my own.    I feel the wind at my back.  This is My Ship, This is My Helm.

Explosion of Life

Explosion of Life

I’ve referred to my three step-granddaughters, and how much I love them.   I don’t know how I’ve gotten along without their presence in my life for the better part of  the last 28 years!

In another lifetime,  I was in a 5 1/2 year relationship with their grandfather.   It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that we kindled ties. They’ve all come to visit…one of them twice… and there are plans for a November visit this year and an April visit in 2016!  These cherished women are my loving and extremely loved extended family… right beside my son!  He knows them, of course,  and makes a point of seeing them when they’re here.

All this time, we have been in each others’ hearts and it feels so comfortable and natural.  As I reflect, I should have known there was a significance to the “Pampered Chef” apron I’ve donned all these many years  and, the tiny hand-painted china jewelry jar that I fondly place on my dresser, and not to forget, a miniature figure of a grey cat which I’ve always imagined to be the perfect inclusion in a terrarium, along with small rabbits and a squirrel!  These treasures have had their place alongside a leather cowboy boot key chain that holds a cigarette lighter given to me by my son so very long ago.

Pieces of My Heart

Pieces of My Heart

‘…God works in mysterious ways…his wonders cease to perform.’   I now  look back on the relationship that disappointed me so, and thank my LUCKIEST OF STARS!  But for that relationship, I don’t believe I would have had the boundaries of  my life’s fulfillment thrown open this wide!

I wasn’t able to see what the Universe had in store for me…but I’m sure…more than ever before… that everything that happens in my lifetime has a purpose and moreover, it works toward my greatest good! 

I’m utterly grateful again that Providence… God… the Universe… took the reins and led me to yet another magnificent Wonder of My World!