
“You’ve been talking with us incessantly for weeks. 

You’ve been thanking us for your joy and happiness.

You’ve been connecting with us at various levels…in your meditation, on your walks, and in your car.

  You know how this works. 

You begin with your attention and follow through with your intention and then your miracles appear…

we align.”    ~Gaya

First I get the title, then I begin.

There’s no getting around it…I must have a clear head, no interference. I’m the one who has to clear the airwaves in my brain and this goes far deeper than sitting down in ‘the position’ readying myself for a meditation.  There is a focus that is required.  I cannot be going about my daily life in a robotic manner…life is new and different every day and it requires me to focus and be mindful of what is presenting to me each day.   I didn’t know I was going to begin today with this blog in this way!

I never know how I am going to begin my day, aside from the routine I go through when I first get out of bed.   It’s a week ago today since my dog, Rosie, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  It doesn’t seem that long at all.  My cat, Tippy, has taken the event in stride, and I’ve been sleeping almost two hours later.  My 3:00 A.M. ‘bark alarm’ is no longer, and admittedly, this is a relief.

Back to the title of this blog!  I feel more expansive this morning.  I feel more free.  I feel more organized.  I feel lighter….more peaceful…more directed too.  I have lots of energy and am looking forward to getting into the shower and out on the hoof.  I have a wonderful feeling of well being.

What a grand feeling to the start of this day!  I am working in unison with Source, my Gaya.   No rushing, no pushing or shoving.

I set my daily stage for what I want.  How fitting, it’s the first day of a new month.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.



Elevator Story, Second Floor, Baby Steps, there’s no going back, and it must come from my heart!

I’m on a journey, that’s for sure, and there’s no sense in running!  I get it…there are good days, really good days, and days bad enough to make me feel like I’ve fallen down the shaft!  Not so though!

This is my story, and if I look back to my history, that’s how I got to where I am right now!  Rocky roads don’t mark failure for  me…they’re Blue Ribbons of Success…as long as I stay on the road!   Feeling, living, thinking, receiving inklings of progress, and sensing those assuring nudges along the way to ‘keep on keeping on’…That’s what this is all about for me!  I love that phrase:  Keep On Keeping On!  I can see the glow coming from the Pot o’Gold!  I continuously drink the half-full glasses of lemonade, and whenever I try to read the clouds, there’s always a stream of silver coming straight for me!

I’m pursuing Life’s Path…diligently trying to find some sense of purpose and order for my life while I’m on this planet.  It’s so exciting, scary, unknown, unfamiliar, unending…so many ‘uns’…will I ever reach some kind of plateau of ‘semi’-consciousness?  Come to think, I may be in the state of ‘consciousness’ right now!  My sense is that there is more!  I’m resonating with new authors who subtly lead me to new vistas…I’m consuming information almost by osmosis sometimes.  New friends have appeared offering their knowledge and perspective.  Puzzle pieces keep fitting into place, and I have some WOW moments of encouragement.

I am so very grateful to be able to summon my courage to write this for anyone who may find it interesting and helpful to their own experience.

I’m searching for real peace:  It’s about authenticity.  The real space I’m meant to inhabit and enjoy; the love I have for myself and others; to quietly be whom I am meant to be and find and serve out my purpose in this world.  It’s a process of hard work and brutal self-honesty, toward continuing enlightenment and fulfillment, with spurts of exhilaration beyond measure that accompany my journey.

I’ve enrolled in Life’s University…My diploma:  New Peace…New Understanding.

My Life Formula continues to prevail:  Intention + Effort =  Success

Birth of Consciousness

Birth of Consciousness