“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!”  Who said that, anyway?  Lots more people than me!  Some say ‘do’ and some say ‘don’t’!  I know I’ve said it many times in my lifetime!  I TAKE IT ALL BACK TODAY!

This morning a new perspective opened me up.  I’m a basket…that is, the body I’m trekking around everyday…utilizing my hands, my feet and legs, all senses,  and above all, my thinking.…ah, yes, my thinking...trying to make sense of what I’m up to and why I’m up to it!

Many have heard me state, “Life is a series of events”.  I must add on a bit now, “Life is also a series of experiences”.  I  think I view the ‘events’ as being presented to me, and the ‘experiences’ as more my-choice-based.  As I’ve meandered this lifetime I’ve made a whole lot of choices which fostered many experiences…the quality of which don’t matter for now.  What does matter is that as long as I’m meandering, these ‘eggsperiences’ keep filling up my life basket!  They can’t go anywhere else!

This is beginning to become a bit trickier to explain.  All of life experiences have provided me with all of the lessons of my life.  It doesn’t matter if they were outcomes of the series of events in my life or by the choices I made.  HERE IT COMES:  IT DOES MATTER THAT I CONCENTRATE ON PUTTING AS MANY EGGSPERIENCES INTO MY LIFE BASKET AS I CAN,  SO MY LIFE IS AS FULL AND COMPLETE AS I AM CAPABLE OF MAKING IT!

I can’t be  small-minded when I consider this last statement.  In other words, I don’t want to be obsessive or compulsive to any one experience, lifestyle, or credo, which might put me into any kind of imbalance to my nature/nurture self.  Take my FAITH, for instance.  When I consider this, I put my faith in myself and my Source.  I rely on this faith as I come into each day of the NOW.  Each day I silently make a  pact with the unknown series of events that will unfold.  This is a mighty large egg of life I place in my basket.  BUT, as I work with these events, I want to make sure I am deliberately putting into my basket eggsperiences of another sort:  the quality and quantity of my choices that serve as an enhancement to my growth and awareness, and enlightenment. While I am nurturing myself with these deliberate eggsperiences, it is not unlike feather-lining my life basket to continue to make me whole….like taking a risk (nothing harmful in any way to me) to feel a certain joy;  extending myself in a different way to someone, in order to fortify a bond in our relationship; listening to new theories on subjects that sound interesting and even mutual to my own understanding; expanding a generosity of thought toward my musings of my purpose in this meandering through life.  With new understanding, development and growth comes shedding old ways of doing some things so there is always room for new information and quality/quantity eggsperiences.

I must always keep a watchful eye on my Life Basket.  It’s deliciously exciting when I recognize I have peeked around another corner of eye-opening, mind-opening  understanding of why I keep on keeping on.

I want my Life Basket chock full of Eggsperiences to savor and nuture the privilege of living my life. You might call me a Life Zealot!


Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.