My stance is that I am a spiritual being living in a human condition; I am inextricably connected to and unconditionally supported by God, Universe, Creator, Source Energy…take your pick. I believe I chose this continuous journey on my Forever Path, for one reason only, and that is to experience as much as possible which expands my awareness and awakens me to who I am at Essence.
Using my Free Will, I make choices that are peculiar only to me. My response/reaction to what happens as a result of my experiences is exactly the world I continuously choose to create for my awakening.
I have a consciousness…it is what I call my Soul Self, my Higher Self, my Spirit Self. It is the Inner Being which sustains me, nudges me, supports me, guides me…it is my Essence.
I think it is my duty to my human Self to take this Life seriously and to enjoy it to the fullest, and as I’ve learned through my many years, it is my thoughts, my attention and intention which exemplify just how seriously I am taking my Life.
I know when I am ‘in the swim of things’…I can enjoy a peaceful calm in an entire day or two…sometimes I can mistake this for tiredness, or boredom, or ‘no action’…but in thinking upon this, I believe it is PEACE. In retrospect, Life has held such a fast-paced beat to it…a rush, a having-to-keep-up feeling, a don’t-forget-this thought, a do-I-have-enough reminder, etc.
All of a sudden I find myself musing about how things appear to be today. I find myself wanting to connect to something far bigger than what time of the day is it, or what day is it? I’m being drawn to a pleasantness in Life. My attitude has more acceptance, more cum se cum sa, more que sera sera, more ob la di, ob la da.
It is my self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction, self-worth, my countenance which matters…and it matters only to me! How I view the world and life in it, has to do with knowing what really matters. This Forever Path I am on keeps nudging me forward.
All is in perfect timing. My Ego would try to scramble my thoughts, but when I observe them, I can bring myself back to the Peace of God which passeth all understanding. I am of that which created me…this is the POWER OF MY PEACE.
Everything matters only to me.
Personal solace is consciousness. ~Gaya
Blessed Be. Stay Well, Be Safe.
And thanks to you I will be able to enjoy days of Peace and not mistake them 4 boredom no action or tiredness thank you
Your welcome!
Love the power of peace.❤
Nice to hear from you Trevor. I’m really enjoying practicing my spirituality these days. I had a baby Gekko in my house for around two weeks. I was ‘training’ him, and he got so tame and would let me actually get within 1/8 of an inch from him. I loved him. Anyway, he went missing for another couple of weeks, and sadly, today I found him newly dead. (He was still soft.) Apparently,he had choked on eating a grasshopper too large for him…I saw the two tentacles still sticking out of his mouth, and I actually tried to pull the thing out, to no avail, thinking I could save my little creature.) I petted him, and laid him to rest in my garbage. I had a moment’s thought on this…”I know he knows now I cared for him”….then the thought came to me, I am caring for myself so tenderly. I expanded my consciousness right then and there. There is absolutely no separation in/of life.
Love this focused, deep, tender perspective
Oh, Bev, how nice to hear from you in this dimension of my life. I’m so grateful for your persistent support and encouragement, as you well know. It would be so nice if we met in person; however, our connection(s) facilitate our closeness in any case. Thanks for responding. Love, Kaye.