July 2015

One might say I was a vocal child!   I wasn’t so sassy; rather, I had the tendency to announce my presence and speak my mind at an early age.  I know I rendered words for mere shock value but this developed later in my life.

All too often I heard“….You and your big mouth!”

Some fifty years later I’m sitting in a dentist’s chair, and  the doctor remarked I had quite a small mouth in which to work.  I reached up,  pushed his hand aside, and exclaimed vehemently, “You’re wrong, I have a big mouth!”.  We talked about this, and clearly, I had the impression that I had an unusually large mouth.  I don’t recall  feeling self conscious about it, but until I learned differently that day,  I really thought I had a big mouth!

I often look back on my childhood and  I can relate to other times I’ve carried  false truths into my adulthood.

One time I was sitting in a beauty salon getting a new hair style, and reminded the stylist to take into account  I had a round face….. No!… I learned I do not have a round face, it is oval- shaped! 

I’m not overweight either, but that’s not what  I see in the mirror.  My truth relies on the scale and my clothes size.   My older sister was petite and undersized for her age.  I knew when my mother sewed clothes for us,  she bought the smaller pattern with my sister’s size in mind, and enlarged it a couple of inches for me!

Youngsters observe and hear and interpret literally.  I don’t believe  any malicious intent occurred; however, now I am much more aware of the power my own words and actions may possess.

Gosh, it’s exciting peeling my onion!

It's Worth It!

It’s Worth It!


…. And thank God for truth tellers!




I don’t suffer from depression, but my mother wrestled with it and during one of these times a well-meaning friend of mine suggested she’d offer  mother a needlepoint…. yet to be started…. and ask her if she’d have time to do it.  The ruse was that my friend had promised to do it for someone else,  couldn’t get to it and was looking for a favor!

If you’re familiar with how depression can debilitate a person,  you’ll appreciate that my mother was listless, disinterested in practically everything.  Life held very little meaning to her and she had no energy or motivation to do much of anything.

Upon hearing  the proposal,  mother had little hope she could honor the request, but  something within  appealed to her pride in her needlepointing skills, as well as her benevolent nature, and she agreed to try.

A month or so later,  mother proudly handed over the finished needlepoint . “I hope you like it” she said……… “It’s lovely…..I couldn’t have done a better job for you! , my friend said smiling, as she placed the handiwork back into my mother’s hands and gave her a big hug.

Here’s to the finished down filled needlepoint pillow all these many years later – a tribute to the will to live, against difficult odds – and a tribute to my friend, whose act of kindness  and understanding toward my mother made a meaningful difference in her life……… and in mine as well!

One stitch at a time

One stitch at a time

Sadly, back then, I lacked neither the understanding and compassion to appreciate the depth of my friend’s actions, nor the miracle of the mind, body and spirit that had occurred.  I’m ever so grateful I understand now.

Yogurt 'n Life

Yogurt ‘n Life

Let’s get this show on the road!  I know how to drink alcohol; Eat!…Eat!… Eat!…;  popped “uppers” when I was in my twenties; and for over 40 years I smoked my brains out!  Proudly, I’ve conquered these addictions –  but  I’m always keeping both eyes open – never to forget my self esteem and self respect are on the line!

On the other hand, about a year ago, one of my  “granddaughters” (a tale to tell later) sent me a yogurt maker.  I make plain whole milk yogurt and Greek yogurt at least twice a week – sometimes more.  There’s nothing like it!  I am a yogurt junkie!!!

I don’t need to kick this healthy habit, but I’d be happy to discuss how  I’ve successfully kicked the others.  Interested?