Yogurt 'n Life

Yogurt ‘n Life

Let’s get this show on the road!  I know how to drink alcohol; Eat!…Eat!… Eat!…;  popped “uppers” when I was in my twenties; and for over 40 years I smoked my brains out!  Proudly, I’ve conquered these addictions –  but  I’m always keeping both eyes open – never to forget my self esteem and self respect are on the line!

On the other hand, about a year ago, one of my  “granddaughters” (a tale to tell later) sent me a yogurt maker.  I make plain whole milk yogurt and Greek yogurt at least twice a week – sometimes more.  There’s nothing like it!  I am a yogurt junkie!!!

I don’t need to kick this healthy habit, but I’d be happy to discuss how  I’ve successfully kicked the others.  Interested?