What on earth?!  I’m imagining  butterflies emerging from the chrysalis flying around me in all different colors – the most prevalent is the Monarch, the King of butterflies; common to many, strong as strong, making its migration every year in concert rhythm to nature’s symphonic overture to a new life.  This butterfly has four stages in its life cycle, and lives four generations in one year.  I am not intending a primer on the life of a butterfly, but I intimately  understand the association with it to starting a new life and freedom.

For years I have associated every significant event as a life within my life.  Considering this,  I have lived many  lives in these almost 80 years of [this] life.

Summarily, in the past 18 months alone I can include another 5 or 6 lives!   I’d be hard-pressed to try to total all of these lives from,  let’s say, 3 or 4  years old – the beginning of my memories –  moving to different houses, attending different schools, growing up and starting college, my many jobs, creating my executive search firm, 3 marriages, two children, 3 divorces,  and so on and so on.  I’m sure it could reach over 60!  Not surprising, then, at this particular time of my life there are butterflies in my mind!  My goodness, what a life cycle I am having!

Ever-new experiences, living my freedom, fulfilling myself in honor to my creator, the Universe, of which I am a part and in which I thrive as a spiritual being in a human condition,  IS my existence……my privilege of living life.

There is no net that can gather me up, nor crush my essence.  There is no word that can quench my words of my own truth.  I will always view my life as perpetual cycles of newness… more growth and more enlightenment.    I will continue to emerge always beautiful and stronger.  The Phoenix rises from the ashes……. the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.

…..One and the Same to Me!!  Blessed Be to All.