Again I have swung open my doors and windows  to continued freedom and I have  walked the walk of the talk that I talk!  THANK YOU UNIVERSE, I AM ALIGNED!

I’ve  often stated when I do a video or make a speech of any kind – on the stage or face to face (it doesn’t matter) – when I spout my opinion as my absolute truth, the Universe will, within 12-48 hours, present a situation in front of me that will force me to the exact test of the words that I spoke….DO I WALK MY TALK?

I’m aware of the dynamic, and I sometimes have to sift through events that have presented and meet the collision and affirm my position right then and there!  Sometimes this is not so easy.

I seriously began excavating my Self with a vengeance toward my authenticity some two and half years ago.  It has become my sweetest pleasure as I lift myself out and cast to the winds pieces of me that have  held me back from joy and happiness and fulfillment as I enjoy the privilege of living my life.

I have emboldened myself to speak out my truths, and I have never taken this act lightly.  Now more than ever I know I have a responsibility to always remain true to my Self, and this carries with it the absolute necessity to make sure I have instilled a checks and balances proviso in my behavior.  I’m conscientious to this, and in fact, the Universe helps me and I am grateful.  I can change my mind, and if I do, I also have to disclose this change, honoring myself and my listeners.

I know that holding myself in my integrity is my absolute strength toward myself.  I answer to no one as I continue to create to my greatness.

I trust one realizes I consider this everyone’s responsibility to Self.  How can anyone lead themselves down the Life Path if they don’t know themselves well enough to make the best possible choices to the greatest possible life experience?

I’m now beginning to put more of my own puzzle pieces together and it occurs to me that each time I was presented a learning lesson, it most probably was the same collision where I was meeting the walkie-talkie challenge all along!  I have only begun to associate it so clearly in my later years because I have taken on the added responsibility of speaking my mind so openly and it follows, of course, that I’d decipher the necessity that my integrity must be held in tact, or, plainly said, I’d be a fraud and hypocrite.

So, taking this whole subject that one step further, all the more reason to search deep toward our authentic self and work with the walkie-talkie challenge as early as possible.  I know it makes for much smoother sailing.  I am living proof of this.

Mirrors are good.  They most definitely are there for us to find our inner Self and finally  become unconditional friends  with the one we ought to have been  honoring all along.

When did I lose sight that I have been Blessed From My Beginning of My Time!

Time for me to Honor This Blessed One forevermore.