Today I find myself absolutely tenacious when it comes to the subject of ‘SELF VALUE’.  You’ll note I have deliberately exchanged the words here – from ‘worth’ to ‘value’.  I already have done a video for The Royal Society about this very subject, and I’m still able to write about it in this blog.  WHAT DOES THIS SAY?  It says I have made a breakthrough, of sorts, in this very personal area of my life that has reluctantly  invited new information so I could ‘up my price’, so to speak!

I can’t get much of a handle on why I haven’t made more progress with this than I have in my 80+ years.  Oh well, thank my lucky stars that there’s always room for one more awareness to pack into my ‘soul space’, which will, of course, give me more peace and joy as I continue to enjoy the privilege of living my life…(and now I’ll add, as Kaye A. Peters [during this life]).

How is this going to enhance my beingness?  I already feel I have a somewhat different countenance – it feels like more security within ME; that I am providing my own security.  I feel as though my feet are anchored more securely to the ground…I’m more surefooted.  Coincidentally, I don’t feel the need to explain anything.  I don’t feel I have any act(s) to follow.  I AM who I AM at whatever time someone gets ME…with no conditions.

HINT:  I have determined that the word ‘worth’ held definition in my mind connected to opinions from outside input….what am I worth to others?  When I substitute the word ‘value’, I ask myself what is my value?  Just like when I used to place a value on items within my home.  I put the value on me!  These puzzle pieces are almost magnetizing themselves together as I see the picture so much more clearly.

WOW!  If I present myself unconditionally, IS THIS SAYING THAT I ACCEPT MYSELF FOR EXACTLY WHO I AM AND THERE ARE NO IFs, ANDs, OR BUTs ANYMORE?  …..not quite so fast, Katie girl!   When I have this claim to fame, that’s pretty close to my ‘destination’…I’ll pass, and accept I have made great strides toward releasing myself into my forgiving arms…..


Blessed Be All.