I got upset today…and before I went overboard…I mean WAY OVERBOARD….I took the time to make myself behave as rationally as possible so I could think through what I was experiencing.  Boy oh Boy, I had to draw upon every awareness I’ve been working with for the past six months.

These past months I’ve been concentrating on living in the NOW; I’ve been working with pain-body and gaining more patience; I’ve been becoming more  aware to mind my own business!   

My stability depends upon honesty to myself first, of course, and to all others.  How I define “honesty’ is how I ‘do it’.  This said, my definition may not be that of others….and this is the important point.  Everyone is different, and they run their own show by their own set of values and definitions of those values.  I’m beginning to think that to try to work with  the pattern of my dysfunction (again, this is my definition), is to make sure I stand tall with how I define myself…laying no blame on anyone or anything else, and never being passive to less than I AM – which I state as my truth of Self.

I’ve come to realize that I have been working on becoming functional…I’ve been deliberately making corrections in the way I think and perceive behaviors of others..and most importantly myself.  I’ve been polishing myself up!  I’ve been enjoying the privilege of ‘setting my record straight’, if you will.

I don’t like sneaky…in fact,  I detest it!  I don’t like innuendo…I don’t like anyone trying to pull the wool over my eyes.  It has always bothered me if I witnessed someone  behaving differently in front of others than they behave in front of me.  That’s about as sneaky as one can get..a virtual display of arrogance and self-assumed privilege, perhaps. I don’t like being manipulated – or let’s say, someone trying to manipulate me…to what end?  To secure or maintain or even try to draw me into what they have chosen to select deceitfully and sneakily, supporting their own dysfunction and moreover, making a silent attempt at my acceptance of it?


I don’t have to react with disapproval or judgment.  I merely recognize and agree with myself  that I am successfully taking  conscious steps toward breaking a dysfunctional cycle in my own lineage…my concern always is  the direction I take on my Forever Path.