I’VE GOT GOOSEBUMPS FROM HEAD TO TOE!  This means ‘get the word out’, one way or another!  First I did a poster about how I can’t seem to stop getting to know myself.! Then I answered a comment on Facebook about how Blessed I felt yesterday when a song from a Tom Jones album (I’ll Never Fall in Love Again, 1967) I had owned many, many years ago appeared…..I listened to it at least 4 times yesterday, three today…I loved it then, I love it NOW!

Music has always been within me…I played piano by ear, sang as a youngster...there’s a story here:  I was about 4, it was Christmas Eve, traditionally our family was at a church service.  Without notice – as the story goes – I left the pew and walked to the head of the church and sang Silent Night, and then returned to the pew.

There’s another story:  My dad took me into one of his customer’s companies (they sold all types of electronics of ‘the day’), and he asked if he would record me singing, which he did…a small ’45’, red disc…I sang Johnny Fedora Met Alice Blue Bonnet!  I used to have this record (sorry to say, not any more)…no matter…that very day, the experience, the record and, of course, me singing the song, is in my heart like yesterday…some 75 or so years ago.

I know I’ve spoken about how much I really do love music…I was about 11 when I was introduced to  Broadway show tunes – Oklahoma, Porgy and Bess, South Pacific, The King and I, to name a few, and my music taste was born.  As years went by I amassed a wonderful record collection of every song I loved.  I had my own little world of music which I turned to regularly to fill my heart.   I was fortunate to have added to this collection when I worked for a radio and TV station here in Phoenix, the first time I attempted to move to Arizona in the early sixties.

As ‘progress’ would have it, vinyl records became obsolete and you know the rest of that  ‘progress report’!  All my many record albums were upright in boxes, moved from home to home, state to state, and about 15 years ago I sold them all to a collector.

The reason I am writing this blog today is that I have finally figured out why I don’t have a radio on all of the time.  I’m positive it’s because I can’t choose any of those songs I loved  the instant I want to hear them!    Instead, I hum them or sing excerpts in my shower or all day long pick and choose whatever comes to my mind, usually with reference to almost any word.  That’s the way songs come into my head…Works for me!  This is one melancholic  mystery of my own experience that has now been solved.

Music has a ‘flavor’ to me…there is a sexuality to it, an energy to it, a culture to it, a heart to it, a rhythm to it, all of which gets into me!  I am someone who dances around my house ‘like nobody is watching’, and I dare say, at 80+,  I don’t miss a  beat!  (The way I see it anyway!)  The sensation is like being drawn to, captured, and carried away into another emotional world.  I’m there…sometime… every single day…enjoying another rhythm and chorus in the symphony  of my life experience.

Blessed Be and to All Be Blessed.