So, it’s February 14, 2018 – Valentine’s Day….HEARTS DAY!

I got to thinking – yet again – just how big are our hearts anyway?  How many pieces can they be split into, and are we asked to do this?  Well, maybe!  We have Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Grandparents’ Day, Birthdays of everyone born,  and not to exclude all of the patriotic days which many give their hearts to as well.

Considering what I have just stated, and considering that I believe I am a Spiritual Being living in a human condition, I also acknowledge that my Higher Self, if you will, is purely Love and Light.  Stay with me here:  If ‘the sermon’ is  Love and Kindness as the comportment of all of us, why then do we have these specially denoted days for those that are apparently supposed to be deserving of even more love than we are told we already have for everyone?

My son is  coming in today on ‘vehicle business’, I’m making a pot roast for us, he won’t be staying.   After eating,  he’ll go back to get his trailer and off on a hunt for the rest of this month.  I love him every waking hour of my life!  I love his deceased brother the same way!  I love myself so much that I continue to try to figure out what I can do to become a better person, mother, friend, neighbor, citizen…I don’t have a “Valentine-person”…a lover, if you will, but I do remember one of the last times I was with a significant other, and coincidentally, this memory has to do with Valentines Day!

My other son and significant other were traveling from Minnesota to Phoenix,  to take care of some business.  It was over the Valentine’s Day time.  I received a darling card from my son, and he signed it “Your son, Rambo!”  (I wish I had saved that card…he knew how much I loved all of the Rambo movies.)  My male companion sent a card too…I don’t recall anything particularly special about it, other than it was a Valentine’s Day card.

I really do believe every day is HEARTS DAY!  I really do believe we should wear our hearts on our sleeve for those we love very specially EVERY DAY…And, birthdays?  Well, I’ll continue to give my son a card celebrating that special day that was in MY life…I have loved him every single day of my life since I became a Mother for the second time….and it is nice to tell him how much I do love him, and how proud I am to be his Mother, and how proud I am of him, my Son.

HEARTS ARE VERY BIG….Can’t we sustain BIG LOVE every day?  Kindness is a huge component of Love not to forget.

Boy would the greeting card companies make out big if we were sending 365 cards a year to everyone who is special to us!  To say nothing of candy companies and jewelry stores and floral shops.

So for all of us who show love to our loved ones….this is yet another thing we can do “Our Way”.  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY ALL!


Blessed Be, and to All, Be Blessed.