Today I am coming face forward to something that I admit to myself I started as a seed thought well over a year ago!

What am I saying?  I’m trying to explain that I am witnessing the dynamic of just how the mind creates what it wants to see…and as long as that initial seed thought is there and germinating, the ‘workings from Source Energy’ are continuing toward the manifestation of this thought.

I can’t explain why I originated that seed thought…and believe me, I am honest with myself that I did, indeed, originate it!  It must be something from another life, is all I think it could be.  After all, when something or someone appears in our life…something or someone I have never known before in this life…there is a ‘lesson’ that is presenting to me.  Yes, a lesson is coming,  and I already know, it is my own integrity and honor and depth of character that is being tested.  I WILL MAKE IT!!!

No, Kaye, this is not from another life.  This is Your Essence bringing an experience to work through yet another lesson which needs to be dealt with, once and for all.  It is You, Kaye,  who has the propensity  either to ‘fall short’…or, as you say, “I will make it!!!”  You are acting out your own movie within the movie of this life and as We see, You are working through it successfully.   ~   Gaya

What a wonderment this blog has turned out to be for me!  I am the one who sits on my own shoulder monitoring carefully what goes on with me!  Call it Conscience or Wisdom or Character or Integrity or Honor or Truth to Self.  Yes, it’s Truth to Self.  

Little did I know when I began this journey of transformation  July 4, 2015, when was originated, what was in store for me.  Thankfully, I  have tried to come from my heart and in honesty the best I know how.  

Living in the NOW requires mindfulness and sincerity of purpose.  I have known this all along.  To be mindful means I have had to slow down…observe, not only my thoughts, but also that which presents to me.  Today’s awareness is an Acme of personal awareness.  It’s like I’m extinguishing a part of me…it’s letting go of something that I have been capable of doing which has never served me well.   As I write these very words, I feel extremely powerful in saying NO!  I WILL NOT GO DOWN THIS ROAD  AGAIN!  

I realize this may read as an unsolved mystery, but believe me, Another of My Mysteries Has Been Solved!  Another mask has been pulled off!   HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.