When I come here, I’m travelling in my small world.  I’m working with my NOW, as Life appears in front of me.  I guess I receive my own “Liferays”!  I do believe I am connected to ALL THERE IS.

Last evening, I learned from the well-known spiritualist, Ram Dass, about a quiet meditation with nothing more than a repetition of  the mantra “I Am Loving Awareness”.  Initially these words come from the brain and then I move my experience slowly to my ‘spiritual heart’…continuing to silently repeat the mantra, waiting for another door to open to an expanded place of awareness.   I was reminded that Loving Awareness is loving everything I am aware of.

This is remarkable to me because I often say out loud, “I love this”, when I’m doing stuff around the house.  Whatever the eyes rest on, or whatever warm feeling I have inside, there is that added space of awareness where I audibly acknowledge ‘I love it’! Believing everything is part of me, it follows IF I LOVE MYSELF, I LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE AROUND ME AS WELL.

This is no ‘arrival’ for Kaye, but rather a new door which is opening in her personal journey.  We welcome her search and meet her with support and guidance which is exactly what she invites.  What is wanted and needed is what we provide to ALL who ask.       ~Gaya

I find it fitting that I have apparently entered a new phase of understanding and I look forward with excitement to what will present.  This business of living in the NOW continues to amaze me.  Yesterday, I wasn’t thinking like I am today!  Nothing stays the same.  Life is an exploration of thoughts and things we do, who we think we are, who we think we want to be, what we think we like, what we decide to discard…I guess we are in a movie, and may as well sit back and take it all in.

It makes so much more sense now when I remarked  a while back I didn’t think I would be continuing my New Year’s Eve “encounter with my life”.  Thoughts change, things change, life changes, and I’m changing right along with it.  Changing for the better, I’d say!

A new second, minute, hour, day, month, and soon, new year.  Time begins to mean less and less.  ‘It’s’ IT!  What ‘Is’, IS!…but FOR NOW.   I’m learning to savor it ALL in its time.

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.