January 2019

It’s getting close to month’s end and it just occurred to me that “keeping on keeping on” is exactly where it’s at for me!  Another phrase that fits for me is “steady as she goes”.

I’m coming to figure out that some of the peaks and valleys in the stream of my life are really ‘woman’ made!  My  Ego has a way of pinching nerves that irritate and agitate and this can draw me away from what I’m up to.  A stream of water doesn’t think, it just keeps on moving with the current, or around an obstacle, through an underpass or over rocks…it just keeps moving.

I’ve taken on significant new approaches which allow me greater peace and joy, awareness and understanding.  I’m meditating more, I’m attending online seminars which provide me new resources that enhance my well being.  This is very new to my experience, comparatively.

I’m noticing that I have a different countenance.  “Easy does it” is another one.   I’m getting where I’ve been wanting to go because I am thoughtful to it.  It may be that ‘coming of age’ has something to do with this frame of mind, but I’d like to believe it has more to do with learning how to navigate my life a little bit better with ease and grace.  I have to receive life on life’s terms; however, how I perceive it is up to me… how I participate in life is what matters to me.  It’s me that adds the flavor and texture and depth to my existence.   I provide my own perks and I reap the rewards of loving the privilege of living my life.

We would call this expansion.  To use your expression, ‘the world is your oyster’.  You are tasting the wellspring of some of all that is already yours.     ~Gaya

Early morning is an ideal time to think on these things.   I am on course.  My life has meaning and purpose to me.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.




I am in it right this minute!  Silence I’m able to hear!  Isn’t it wonderful, this Silence.

I remember when my brain was a rampage of activity.  When I had such immense concerns in every day…when life was always on the hustle and the bustle…when either a kid was crying, or the car wouldn’t start in winter, or money was getting short and payday was a way off.  I remember when I felt at my wit’s end… when I was so frantic with the acute anxiety shaking that just wouldn’t leave me…or when I realized I had made another bad marriage choice (Enough! I’ve remembered enough to increase my heart rate!).

NOW IT IS DIFFERENT! I have just given myself the contrast:  the grateful reminder that life continued to get better when I began to participate in it.  I have now become a part of the world I have been living in for so long.  My  picture  of existence has become more clear and I now enjoy my human condition so much more because I am living my Gaya connection...my Wholeness…my Essential Beingness…my Spiritual Beingness in this human experience.

My small world has begun to expand to the ethereal one where I now welcome myself to explore how I feel and how I want to feel. It is by my own choices and intention and desire to elevate my consciousness and to find ways to do this.  It is in the silence when this happens to me.   This is truly a ‘between-me-and-me’ experience.

I am in the cockpit soaring. It is important I check my compass NOW.  Nothing and no one around me can be of assistance.  This is a solo flight.

We are everything of you.  We are the joy and happiness you seek. We are the high notes you want to sing, the love you want in your life.  And so it is, there is nothing outside of you which you cannot give to yourself.    ~  Gaya



Not this year, 2019, nor any other year in the near future, will I “arrive!”  Actually, I’ve always believed this and never think of my life along these lines; however, I have had hopes I learned some lessons ‘FOR GOOD’, if this makes any sense.

Now, after having to backtrack my tracks, and rethink again my actions and reactions, I’ve begun to believe that because things and people and circumstances are always changing moment- to-moment, it’s all I can do to keep up, and keep my head on straight, as I try to do the right thing at any given moment in the NOW of anything and everything!  This is a mouthful and a brainful too!!

As old as I am, nearing 82, it is never “Too soon old, too late smart”, as the saying goes.  Guess there’s no real reason to always try to figure out stuff. Living in the NOW for nearly a year, I take everything as it comes for the ‘start up’ of each of my days, but now I’m finding out I don’t take the ‘end up’ of my days so well when I have some troubling experience pop up!  It is still the NOW, but why is it so difficult for me to navigate this? What a conundrum!

As much as I love to look around every corner for the surprise of life, I think I’ve forgotten I also need to accept the surprises  that occur, which may stem from familiar ground, but that ground hasn’t been remaining the same and, therefore, circumstances and people and things have been changing as well!  True enough, nothing is carved in stone, no matter what!

What have I learned?  Don’t come to a conclusion about anything.  Always be ready for anything. What IS NOW is ONLY NOW.   Everything presented to me is NEW IN THE NOW NO MATTER WHAT! 

I don’t think I have to go back to my drawing board, but I fully intend to broaden my scope of thought about MORE (which may suggest futuristic thinking), from NOW on.

Happy New Day Everyone.  I do believe I gained my one step back, and added another one ahead.

Let’s hear it for giving ourselves some ‘wiggle room’.

Kaye finds it difficult to drop the reins of her life and accept fully ‘what Is’.  Of course, this stems from early childhood when it was near impossible to control her circumstances.   Every day she comes closer to us with full Faith and Trust that ALL is perfectly fine.  There is never a reason for her to be concerned.   She knows she is part and parcel of  ALL.             ~Gaya  

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.