It’s getting close to month’s end and it just occurred to me that “keeping on keeping on” is exactly where it’s at for me!  Another phrase that fits for me is “steady as she goes”.

I’m coming to figure out that some of the peaks and valleys in the stream of my life are really ‘woman’ made!  My  Ego has a way of pinching nerves that irritate and agitate and this can draw me away from what I’m up to.  A stream of water doesn’t think, it just keeps on moving with the current, or around an obstacle, through an underpass or over rocks…it just keeps moving.

I’ve taken on significant new approaches which allow me greater peace and joy, awareness and understanding.  I’m meditating more, I’m attending online seminars which provide me new resources that enhance my well being.  This is very new to my experience, comparatively.

I’m noticing that I have a different countenance.  “Easy does it” is another one.   I’m getting where I’ve been wanting to go because I am thoughtful to it.  It may be that ‘coming of age’ has something to do with this frame of mind, but I’d like to believe it has more to do with learning how to navigate my life a little bit better with ease and grace.  I have to receive life on life’s terms; however, how I perceive it is up to me… how I participate in life is what matters to me.  It’s me that adds the flavor and texture and depth to my existence.   I provide my own perks and I reap the rewards of loving the privilege of living my life.

We would call this expansion.  To use your expression, ‘the world is your oyster’.  You are tasting the wellspring of some of all that is already yours.     ~Gaya

Early morning is an ideal time to think on these things.   I am on course.  My life has meaning and purpose to me.

Blessed Be. To All Be Blessed.