I have provided pretty good company for myself all these many years.  I guess living alone means different things to different people.  When parents experience the ’empty nest’ syndrome when children leave home for college or marriage, or whatever else, ofttimes they suffer this ‘loss’ for a time.  I don’t recall feeling this way, but I do feel the ‘loss’ when I have had house guests and when they leave, I experience a letdown which I combat by stripping the bed linens and bringing my house back to ‘my order of things’.  Tomorrow I’m going to be doing just this when my Sister in Heart returns to her home in Spain.  My son left this morning after a near-eight-week-stay…longest I can ever remember.

I’m in my silence now until I retrieve my ‘Sister’  this afternoon from her return off a jaunt she took while here.  We have this evening left together.

I feel it!  There is no undertone of company, except the dog and cat.  There are no echoes of loneliness either. The beginning of the memories are lodged and will fulfill themselves when I kiss my Sister goodbye tomorrow. This is all I know in this NOW.

I was encouraged by a guided meditation of Deepak Chopra this morning:  “Every day my Being seeks new ways to expand.”  This is exactly what I have been feeling.  I guess this is how I keep my good company with myself too.  Gaya, my non-physical friends, and I are in cahoots!  I am provided the fodder for my activities which in turn nurtures me, fulfills me, encourages and supports me, inspires me, loves me, and helps me to keep on keeping on.  Coincidentally, I can only do this alone and unassisted. In this awareness, I am being guided by this loving presence…my Source, my Guidance System…which is focused on me and, of course, on all others.  This awareness is the catalyst to my connection – my immersion with ALL.  There are no limits or boundaries.

In conclusion, I have been renewed in spirit by my son’s presence, and I have been filled and fulfilled by my Sister’s loving visit.  What wonderful blessings have been bestowed upon me.

Kaye’s intention supported this experience.  

Her consciousness of our forever-presence

perpetuates the flow of her joy, happiness and peace.   ~Gaya