Imagine this:  no cravings, no wishes, no criticisms, no dissatisfaction, no despair, no self-deprecation, no regrets, no guilt, no shame or loathe of self, no anger, no discontent whatsoever.   NOW IMAGINE THIS:  just gratitude for all in your life in this moment.  Sit with this thinking just for a bit and FEEL THE INTENSITY of what to me feels like a spacial experience.

Suddenly I have removed myself from the mundane hustle-bustle of the world in another way.  It is so profound to experience the relief of feeling gratitude for my presence in this world.  I feel more generous in my thinking, I’m more aware of such beauty in the remarkable creation as a whole…the amazing place I fit into this global/spacial intricacy of Life.  To feel so entirely content and remarkably  humble as I acknowledge the expansiveness of gratitude….what a huge word it is.  The feeling of gratitude expands my heart and brings tears to my eyes.  I am powerless to the effects it has on me.  It is like I have been picked up by the giant hand of Source and placed on a cloud of understanding.

In the face of gratitude, how can one ever consider complaining or uttering dissatisfaction about anything again?  How can one be ungrateful for all  blessings, most of which are unknown?  How can one assume the posture of arrogance?  What could one be arrogant about, considering the Grace one has been afforded notwithstanding personal actions which may have been unbecoming  of a Blessed Person?

Now is my time to get in touch with what I really am…this spiritual being in a human condition.  When I am in gratitude, I am closer to my Essence.  I am in appreciation for WHAT IS and more in tune with what I have chosen in my awareness.  What a grand feeling consumes me.

Mr. Rogers was right:  “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

The music is playing…Let’s Dance!         ~  Gaya