I got pretty far with fear, how far will I get without it?  I worry about loved ones to what gain?

Another ‘Aha’ moment surfacing:  I’ve pushed myself through, I’ve dreamed  myself through, and I’ve held myself back out of unfounded fear!  I’ve said, “The measure of your fear is the measure of your faith” and I believe it.  I’ve believed it so much that I’ve kept myself a prisoner because of it! I gave fear a status.

When I remember the anxiety shakes I endured for almost 7 years when I was in my thirties, it  occurs to me now that the fear of the onset caused the onset!  The day I was too busy to be concerned about it, was the day I didn’t experience the anxiety and it ultimately disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

The Mind triggers up our fears, again and again.  You’ve heard the expression, “Nothing to lose, everything to gain”.  As long as we’re physically safe, this is a true statement, isn’t it?  “Try, Try again”.  Of course, and why not?   So, if I put the fear IN, I can take it OUT!  I’m feeling POWER again…MY POWER.  And why shouldn’t I?..why shouldn’t we all feel this way?

Why is it we don’t always have the attitude, “I’ve gotten THIS FAR, and NOTHING is going to stop me NOW?

As for Worry?  We all know it’s an exercise in total futility.  Yet, it’s difficult to let go.  Today, I realized when I’m worrying about someone or something, I’ve first made a judgment.  I’ve decided that a person or a thing isn’t right the way it is.  So, in FEAR of what could happen, I’ve anointed myself a ‘seer’ and worry, which imprisons what I am worrying about to ever free themselves, or any circumstance to change, because I perpetuate my prediction which  holds a person, place or thing in a kind of limboWOW!

Now the expression “If you love something, set it free”, makes much more sense too.  This is about what we do to ourselves and to others when we allow fear/worry to shackle us in our mind.    I must live and let live, I must keep my thoughts on myself, and not entangle them…or shall I say, attach them to someone or something else.  It is when I am detached that I am free to experience Life as it presents to me in whatever form, be it an experience, a parent, a child, a friend, a stranger. Better I  be indifferent and not concern myself with outcome.  We have no hold on anything, or anyone.  Everyone is on their own journey, and circumstances will always arise which may not be to our liking, but we’ve walked on coals before, and we’ll rise from ashes again, which I call Success!

I want to take the path of most allowance and least resistance.   This said, there is no room for fear and worry nor judgment.  They are setups for restriction!

Blessed Be.  All Be Safe and Stay Well.

An open mind and open heart insure expansion of conscious awareness.   ~ Gaya