We see what we see…why can’t we leave it at that?!

When we go to the woods, we expect to see trees, lots of them, different varieties perhaps, along with other plantings like ferns and moss and maybe a variety of vines. A forest is a forest. What we watch out for is poison ivy or poison oak!

If we suffer from allergies,  we know exactly what to do to fend off the symptoms of our pollen or food reactions.

If we’re not a good swimmer, we stay out of the deep waters.

When we’re growing a garden, we know we have to water and fertilize it to realize a good crop, and when we have pets, we know we need to look after their food and shelter and health needs.

We’re born into a world of people, and as infants we don’t differentiate.  People are people. They laugh, and cry, and shout.  They can be tender or rough.  We soon find out some people are easier to be around.  We recognize kindness and compassion, and we know when we are ignored.  We know when we are welcomed into a room and when we are shunned.  Very early on we seem to learn what is expected of us!   We learn there is a demand that we must please someone else…for our own sake!  We learn by our own experience when we make a friend and lose one.  We learn trust and mistrust.  We learn fair-mindedness and ruthlessness.  We think we have to belong, and we learn how to play that game, and at this precise time, we realize we are compromising our integrity, our  beingness, our own authenticity, and the question then comes, WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE! WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE?!!

When does the line get fuzzy when it comes to how we treat other people? When do we figure out that it is up to us  to trust ourselves when it comes to how we treat others? We have such good intuition when it comes to how we feel about others.  The Bible says treat others as we want to be treated.  How difficult is that?  The Bible doesn’t say “treat others who look like you” the same as you want to be treated!  (And just who looks like us anyway?  Some of us are fat, skinny, tall, short, Asian, African, Caucasian, Native American, crippled, blind, and the list goes on.)

Think of the restaurants we frequent.  We are extremely open-minded (because we are pleasing ourselves looking to satiate our appetite) when we choose ethnic foods.  We’re very polite when we order, and when we’re finished most often we are very gracious in thanking someone for the wonderful food.  We find no barriers then! AND THINK:  This is quite an intimate setting, considering we are trusting someone who is not of our own race to prepare our food!

Is this not hypocritical?

I guess what I’m trying to point out is that we have ‘selective bias, or racism’, and we exert it at will and probably it is when we feel threatened (whatever that means).  When we are ‘frequenting the world’, we are rubbing shoulders with other shoppers, tourists, diners, sports enthusiasts, hobbyists, animal lovers, etc., and we don’t give it another thought.  In these venues, we enjoy our commonality.

Well, then, can we finally realize that as human beings we have one commonality in the world, and it is that we are all human beings, trying to make it, get along in both good and difficult times, that we all have the same needs, i.e., food, shelter and clothing,  along with desires for educational opportunities, and personal livelihood pleasures, like owning a home, a bike, a car, if we want one., and we all have the same fears too.  What is it in some people who have  a need to drive someone down and hold them there?  Fear of competition?  Fear of equality?  Fear of loss?   I  happen to think it is a personal fear that they will be found out that they aren’t who they pretend to be!   And, who better to pick on but those who they don’t see as competition!!  This is nothing short of a bully attitude!

It seems human beings have to put everything to their own personal litmus test…which at best, is flawed.  Going back to the Bible, “He who has not sinned, cast out the first stone.” Now that’s a litmus test!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Continue to Stay Safe and Well.

There is only one picture:  The Big Picture…Broad Vista…beautiful to behold.  ~Gaya