I’ve now come to the conclusion that living life is the accomplishment of life itself!

Was it Laurel and Hardy who said, “Now that’s another mess you got me into”?  Looking at my life like this, boy I got myself out of lots of messes!  Now that was accomplishment too!  Coming through the tunnels of pain and grief and sorrow, self-hate, forgiving another (beginning with forgiving myself)…huge accomplishments! Falling down, and getting up more; keeping Faith and Love and Compassion and Kindness in my beingness after I felt I had been denied it;  finding an optimistic viewpoint, no matter what seemed to be existing to the contrary as I continued on my Forever Path – these were all unsung accomplishments as I continued to live my life.

Ah, yes, perspective:  as I produce a different thought I receive a different feeling which then produces another reality for me to consider.

Recently, I’ve been viewing my life in terms of dreams being fulfilled.  These were conscious dreams. These dreams were filled with wishes and hopes and ‘ifs’.  I wanted them enough to keep them alive, and this is important. But what about all the other positive results and happenstances of my life which I wasn’t ‘conscious’ of?  What about the Blessings I have received throughout my lifetime which involved Grace?  

There is no need to bolster myself up and make claim to what all I think I’ve done in my lifetime.  It matters not to the world at large.  It’s the intrigue about it…that it has happened, in spite of everything else that has happened. I am a hero to myself, that’s all there is to it.

It’s GRATITUDE that fills me with humility right now. I’ve been doing what I came here to do for 84+ years, and I will continue to do just that!  It’s nothing to brag about, but it is something to respect and remind myself that whatever I have done has come through me, and then I gave it form.  This is what I do.  I conceive an idea, grab onto it if it resonates with me, and then I make choices which give my ideas form.  Again, it comes through Blessings and Grace and to realize this sets my EGO on its heels!

How often have I said, ‘there but for the Grace of God go I’?  Why would I  find it necessary to use the misfortune of another to compare my own situation so I can feel better!!

I have found another level of awareness…another shift in my perspective… Peace and Calm… I love myself more right now. I love you more right now. WE all are LIFE, not to be compared…we are unique unto ourselves.  

Living is what Life is About…It is Everything.    ~Gaya