Even at 85, I still think about where I am going in my life, and when I ask the questions I have to answer to myself!  There never is a time in our lives when we can just skip on…without responsibility.

How I try to polish myself, to improve my way of thinking and doing, to the end of more joy and peace in my life is reflected by the ‘outside’ of my life.  There’s no fooling anyone, in particular myself!

When life serves us well, it is evidenced by how each day unfolds.  I know  my ‘countenance’.  I know by how my newly acquired canine friend responds/reacts to me.  I know by how well I get to sleep at night.  I know by how many times I sit in gratitude and amazement when I take the time to take my own inventory.

Life is personal in every single way.  There isn’t a mask I could wear which would hide the truth about me.  There isn’t an excuse I might utter that erases what IS.

When I decided to dig to my authenticity it became my path to freedom.  When I came to the place that I could slowly lift the veils of deception, and emerge in plain view, I realized the sun continued to shine just as brightly on me!   I was able to see where I wanted to begin the work of changing myself and in this process, Life became more meaningful.

Whatever goes on around me is the ultimate predictor. When I participate in Life, I realize how well I am taking care of myself and my responsibilities which I have chosen to assume.  I am realizing more and more that I am becoming the Observer.  It’s an internal experience.  Opinions don’t matter, Inner Peace matters.

Life always comes back to NOW.  It is all there is… NOW.  I recall my coined phrase of long ago, “Everything is as unimportant as it is Important.” There are no degrees of honesty. It’s a continuous deep dig!

Blessed Be.  To All Be Blessed.  Stay Safe. Be Well.

Allowance…~  Gaya